$8 BM-800 Condenser Microphone (Review)

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Vyminal here back with a video review of an $8 condenser microphone ($20 overseas). In this video, I compare it to an $800 large diaphragm studio microphone.

You can also hear the mic when plugged in straight into the motherboard WITHOUT an interface as seen in the video (Phantom Power off test)

NOTE: My intention is to show that the BM-800 is a competent microphone, especially for its price. It is important to understand that the Slate Digital ML-1 is more expensive due to its ability to emulate 10 different microphone models. It is still totally worth it and its price is justified compared to cheaper microphones. I would recommend both microphones.

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You can also hear the mic when plugged in straight into the motherboard WITHOUT an interface as seen in the video (Phantom Power off test)
For phantom power on tests, we used a scarlett solo audio interface


NOTE: My intention is to show that the BM-800 is a competent microphone, especially for its price. However, it is not recommended to use it without phantom power. It is important to understand that the Slate Digital ML-1 is more expensive due to its ability to emulate 10 different microphone models. It is still totally worth it and its price is justified compared to cheaper microphones. I would recommend both microphones.


This is a great entry level mic I think. You can get a feel of what it's like to own a condenser mic, learn a lot. No one will complain about the sound quality, at least in my experience.


I am using BM-800 for my covers and it's working great for starters like me :)


Raw Audio (Phantom Power ON)
1:45 Generic BM-800
2:07 Slate DIgital ML-1

Playing Guitar
2:30 Generic BM-800
3:04 Slate DIgital ML-1

Raw Audio (Phantom Power OFF)
3:32 Generic BM-800


As the item was cheap and came with host of extras, I ordered on a whim...but am glad to hear your review. My item is on its way. So can't wait to make my first online cover video. Thank you.


Probably the best review channel here on youtube for peripherals without any bias. More power!


It's not about the equipment, it's how you use it.
A little fiddling in your DAW would make the BM800 a lol better

Also, if you aren't in a good sound studio, the bm800 is going to sound worst, probably pick up more noise and other things.

Don't know how the BM800 handles reverb as well.

All in all, even the BM800 is better than no mic


I'm a music producer and have been wondering what type of Mic I need to be able to sing as I'm also a singer/Rapper. This is really useful info, I never knew a 8 dollar mic could sound as good as it does. Thank you!


Thanks Senator Bong, thats really helpful. Ive now reached the verdict on what to buy. More power I'll root for you this coming elections.


solid production quality and well presented review, thanks a lot!


I see all these comments saying “I’d much rather save the money”. After using a few microphones in my days producing, the sort of tone and warmth you get from the higher end mic can’t be replicated with software. By raising EQ and frequency levels, you get a lot of room resonance, noise and other sounds that just aren’t accurate. No amount of compression and EQ can give the natural warmth. If you’re doing a podcast, or basic YouTube channel, sure. This is perfect for you, and you probably will never need anything much better than a $10-$100 mic. But if you’re serious about music and want to hit the radio, you have to spend a little more. Trust me. I’ve been using a $100 mic for 4 years, and upgrading is the best decision I ever made. It makes post production SO much easier because I don’t have to worry about constant EQ adjustments.


This is the first ever time I've seen a review for my own current main mic. I got the cheaper one as a quick buy after my other got dropped from a height onto the floor - I'm so glad it passes the test.


The BM800 has several different versions most of are treble-heavy, sometimes are simply electret ones, and some don't support 48v. Mine is from Kirin which supports 48v


Thank you so much for your review and advice mate. I was looking for a cheap (but cheerful!) setup for my video recording, and your advice was just exactly what I needed. I'll say this thing everyone says to each other these days - but I truly mean it - you do deserve more subscribers! :)


with some EQ you can get the $8 one sounding just as full and warm as the $800 one imo


okey, so i decide to save the $792 ... xDDD


Most people won't know the difference if you don't tell them. Audio technology has advanced exponentially in the last 20+ years. Getting audio equipment that doesn't produce much noise is important. Proper EQing can make up for sound difference. We live in an amazing time for home recording.


I really thought you where going to make fun of the mic. Respect for your review! New subscriber. This shows how a well implemented mic can perform at its best.


BM wins because it can compete with expensive mic multiple times the price of it
