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A Number of things that we consider normal today would NOT BE ACCEPTABLE in the 1980s. Some things we do today have changed since the 1970s and 1980s and anyone from that period might consider that these Things Have NOT Aged Well and EVEN Socially Unacceptable. Here are ONLY 8 Things Today that Would NOT Be Acceptable in the 70s and 80s.
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Lord, I totally accidentally deleted another one I wanted to add....parents going to interviews with their kids to help get their kid a job. That would not fly in the 70s and 80s, for sure. Well, enjoy these and add other modern things we do that never would have made sense, and even be SOCIALLY UNACCEPTABLE during the Gen Xperience.


Allowing children to scream and carry on in public places, and the parents just ignoring it it insane to me! I would have NEVER gotten away with that as a kid.


I think we spent more time together as families growing up. Watching your videos on the Olympics and the space shuttle made me realize everyone watched that stuff together.


People can't even cross the friggen street without looking at their phone!


Watching this, it just hit me: when I was a kid in the 80s, my family almost always watched TV while eating dinner. Meanwhile, raising my son, one big rule I had was no screens: no TV, no phone, during dinner. It was a time when we can talk about our days without distractions. He's 21 now and that is something he appreciates, and we both still follow. When we sit down to eat together, the phones go away. Thanks for another great video, and lots of memories, as always.


We really had it better for so many reasons back in the day! Thanks for reminding us of many of those things that were better. Such a great show this week!


I'd argue that the pajama pants in public started in the early 90s with Zubaz.


As a 50 year old Gen Xer, it was millennial parents that ruined the current generation, not us. Every prior generation said we would raise our kids differently, but then we still raised our kids exactly as our parents raised us. It was millennials that made good on that threat and actually did cave to whatever their kids wanted.


Great video...I definitely can relate. Makes me think maybe somethings from the past might be better in today's time. Keep up the great work Fam.❤️


I remember all of these growing up, except for the driving part since I can't see and never got the chance to drive


Where I live (which, frankly, is a pretty safe neighborhood), the school bus won't pick up your kid unless a parent is waiting at the bus stop with them. Depending on your work schedule, you might just need to drop them off on the way to work.
When I was a kid (exact same neighborhood), you could catch the bus by yourself or with a group of other kids in the neighborhood, no adults required.


I‘m part of Gen Z in Asia. Here where I am (and in many places across the rest of the Eastern part of the continent), the authority of teachers and parents is still quite unquestionable. (For example, there are strict school uniform and hair regulations that are being enforced). I always got in trouble for hair length because it touched the ear and/or collar of the uniform, plus teachers are strict with hair colors that aren’t black.

I see doing chores as rewarding because it gives a sense of cleanliness and serves as a good form of exercise, especially in the case of sweeping and mopping floors.

Not a lot of people learn to drive in their teenage years, if at all because of the following circumstances:
- buses and trains are the main modes of transportation
- cannot afford owning a vehicle
- walking to school is normal

I agree with you a lot in the fashion department. Seeing pajamas and leggings without layers worn in public is quite funny. XD
It‘d be cool if people took the time to style themselves because one can still be comfortable without sacrificing style. I think Korean and Japanese youth are good examples of those who still take time to be presentable/stylish even if all that will be done is go to the supermarket or convenience store.


I love your hair and the video #DisneyDiva ❤


I think that kids having chores acording to their ages is not a bad thing.


Ah, chores. When I was twelve my parents were buying a new house and while we were in the model home going over the blueprints the real estate agent was listing all the extras you could get such as dishwashers. My dad said, "I don't need to pay extra for a dishwasher, I already have one." The agent, looking confused, said, "sir, you can't take the dishwasher from out of your old house and install it in the new one." My dad laughed and said, "sure I can! He's standing right there!" while pointing at me.


My Mom hated me being in front of the TV too long, especially in the summer. I grew up on a farm in a small town so she was always telling me to get outside, go visit friends, read a book, etc., etc. The TV was a treat, not a babysitter. Today's kids are glued to their phone and tablets.


preaching to the choir, brother, but here's what bothers
why did people stop teaching their children simple values?
i saw it happening in real time around 1980, when, all of a sudden, every kid had to get a bumper sticker, whether they earned it or not.
as an honor student, i raised a fuss.
what is the motivation for working hard, following the rules and going above and beyond if we can not be rewarded for it because we might make the other kids "feel bad"?
within 10 years, teenagers no longer looked forward to graduating, moving out and starting their new lives of freedom, preferring to stay with their parents as long as possible, to stay teenagers for as long as possible.
and now you say they don't even look forward to their own wheels
modern humans are devolving into mush.
only good part is, you can't breed if you don't have face to face contact with somebody, even if it's only a doctor!!! 🤣


Yeah, wimpy parents not parenting their kids bugs me too.
