Tesla Differences Between Traffic Aware Cruise Control, Autopilot, & Full Self Driving For Beginners

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Hello, In This Video I Go Over Tesla Differences Between Traffic Aware Cruise Control, Autopilot, & Full Self Driving Comprehensive Quick Guide For Beginners Model 3 Model Y Model S Model X Example Step by Step Instructions, Guide, Tutorial, Video Help

In this video I walk through the step by step guide, instructions, tutorial on the differences betweeen cruise control, autosteer, and FSD in your Tesla Model 3, Model Y, Model S, Model X. I Hope This Video Helped! Please subscribe for more!
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As of April 25th, FSD is a basic Level 2 driving assistant. Many interventions are still needed.

Level 5 Full Autonomy is years away.


timely video…very well done sure helped me a lot understanding the driving functions thanks again


Great summary, thank you, best I've seen.


Thank you
It was so much fun to watch video


Very Nice, thanks for posting, very clear.


If I have FSD enabled I can click on the info button for autopilot click settings. Reading the pop-up is says that if I set it to double click then single click will activate TACC and double click will activate FSD which is what I want. However, you cannot change this setting unless FSD is disabled. But if FSD is disabled you cannot access this setting.
I found a reddit thread talking about this. It sounds like a few months ago Tesla made changes to encourage more use of FSD so the implication is that this is broken on purpose. A workaround suggested is to use different profiles for Autopilot and FSD. I haven't tried it yet but it sounds viable albeit less convenient.


As a new Tesla driver I find these modes very confusing. After watching this video a couple times I think I have a better understanding. Kinda weird that you need to stop the car to switch between modes. But I guess it's a safety thing. Anyway, if I'm in FSD mode, click once on the scroll wheel, and don't set a destination is the car effectively acting like it's in Autosteer?


Quick question, so with a normal gas car cruise control when you disengage they just coast and it's up to you to then push on the pedals or brakes. With a Tesla, I assume the regen braking means as soon as autopilot/fsd is disengaged the vehicle slams on your brakes? How does that work/how do you mitigate that?


Why does my autopilot not adjust to the roads speed limit. I am in the UK and say i am driving at 70mph and hit a 50 zone. Car still wants to do 70. Its annoying. Tried looking at the settings and nothing jumps out at me. Any help would be great thx. Oh i would luv to try that full autonomous


Thanks for the detailed video, how it works to set speed limit? lets say I want to control the car myself, and want the car does not go above 30mph. how can I do that?


I didn't really understand the DIFFERENCE between Cruise Control and Autopilot. Only the similarities. Can someone pls explain this part?


I have a 2023 model Y and don’t have all three of those options. Any idea why? I believe I have the most up to date software available.


Hi Eric - Thanks for the detailed explanation. I have a couple of follow up questions if you don't mind.

My Model 3 currently showing TACC and Autosteer (beta). From your video I understood it as, "Both of them are Auto Pilot but Autosteer does the steering control in addition to TACC so it's like a higher tier function than TACC", am I correct? Also, what happens to your car when there's no car in fron of you? Does Autopilot (with Autosteer engaged) automatically recognize and stop at traffic light when it's red? Thanks!


I have full self driving and I navigated to a supercharger. It just circled the adjacent gas station 3 times and shut off like it was thirsty😂😂😂😂😂
