The Surprising Benefits of Astral Projection (and how to get started)

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Transcend the limits of body, space & time: and ascend to the ultimate spiritual experience with astral projection.

From soaring through faraway lands and alternate dimensions to discovering your life’s most important truths and answers: astral projection opens you to a multiverse of life-changing experiences.

In this stage talk, Mindvalley altered states trainer Jade Shaw will help you discover the easiest, most rewarding way you can start exploring reality beyond your body - and the surprising benefits of Astral Projection you've probably never heard about.


Jade Shaw is a globally recognized expert in astral projection and altered states. Her classes, body of research, and contributions to various high-profile media projects have been instrumental in bringing astral projection into mass consciousness as a tool for personal growth and spiritual discovery.

Jade takes a holistic approach to astral projection. In addition to numerous Western qualifications like an Msc in Transpersonal Psychology and a foundation degree in Movement Psychotherapy, she also studies with Eastern spiritual institutions - including a five-year stay in a Buddhist monastery to study dream yoga.
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The superpower you get from meditation is realizing you are separate from your thoughts. You are the observer.


Best advice I can give to anyone trying OBE, is turn fear into excitement because they are close in frequency and it's all about matching frequency with the astral realm.


A good technique to get out of the body is to eat a light meal for supper, then meditate before going to bed. Focus on someone or something you love. Set your alarm for 4:00am. Get up and meditate for 15 minutes on the someone you love again and go back to sleep. Lightly focus on the images of someone or something you love!


I have had OBE’s my entire life. They seem to happen during times of stress. The saddest part of my life was when my 22 year old dog died. She saw me through so much, and at several times in my life she was my only friend. When she died, I felt her energy zap through my chest, and I thought my heart had stopped beating.

Later that night, I fell asleep wondering where her soul was. As I drifted off, I took off flying aimlessly into darkness, screaming her name. I couldn’t see anything, and I felt completely alone in this darkness. This was unusual, because there’s always been a glowing light source in these dreams, as well as an awareness of where I was going and I was never alone.

The next thing I know, I open my physical eyes to see myself falling face first into myself. It was so fast! My face looked sad, like someone who is so exhausted from crying that they are numb. My body was shapeless, like a blanket with tattered edges. I had no color, just varying shades of grey. I definitely was not dreaming, because I purposely left to go find her. When I came back, I did not have sleep paralysis. Everything happened instantly and I never lost control of my physical body.

I ended up having a beautiful visitation from her the following night. She has popped into my dreams several times, always being escorted by the same man. Over the years, since this started, that same man has come into my dreams both with and without her. When he brings her, he gets her to me, then he steps (or swims) away and remains in the background while I play with her. When he’s alone, he has a message. I believe he’s an angel. My spiritual life and compassion for myself and others has improved immensely 💖


For those who might be afraid of astral projection, rather than thinking "I'm a human with greater potential", realize that "I am in-finite-ness having a human experience of finite-ness". This mindset, if accepted, instills in you the sense that there's nothing to fear. Most people's fears are related to the idea of dying, possession, deception, loss of identity, loss of control, etc. These fears are due to the belief that you are "just human". Limitation is simply an opportunity for you to expand your ability to use consciousness. Unlimitedness is the realization that you are the creator of literally everything including consciousness.


I taught myself to astral project when I was 14, from reading a book about astral projection. Been doing it ever since. I’m in my 50’s now. Initially, I rose out of my body and got a fright, then slammed straight back in. Every night when I went to bed I practiced. The worst thing was to have Shirley Maclean’s idea in my head, that you had to have a silver cord attached. I gave up on that pretty quickly, and then I really took off. The first time i successfully rose above myself, I looked back and could see myself laying on my bed. Then I turned and went out from the earth until I was looking back at it from the moon. In my first contact experience I arrived a couple of feet off the ground and fell the rest of the way. I had also arrived without my clothes. The one I met with was expecting me, and he laughed and wrapped me in a blanket. Then I learned I could bring clothes. From that point on I had tremendously, exciting, and enlightening experiences.


What a great answer "The universe is all about Love and we come from a place of Love"! 😇


I used to have involuntary obes when I first started yoga. Best one was while playing fetch with my golden retriever in the backyard. I threw the ball and suddenly was 200 feet above my cul de sac, saw the surrounding neighborhood, cars parked in the front, my dog running for the ball. As soon as he returned and put it in my hand I slammed back into my body. Felt sick and "trippy" for a good ten minutes afterwards.


In the early 2000's I was part of an online community called Astral Society. It was huge, over 9000 members. It had a massive database of knowledge that was lost unfortunately. I learned so much about techniques over there and it had amazing people sharing experiences. I would recommend the work of Robert Monroe and Robert Bruce. Bruce is still alive and it boggles the mind this guy has remained so lo profile. I left the practise and stopped having conscious obe's after I started working. Recently started going though the Gateway Experience tapes from the Monroe Institute and the wild lucid dreams are back. The strangest thing for me is how easily you can just ignore these extraordinary experiences and just go about life like nothing happened when you're out of it for a while. Though every time I encounter a vid like this I just go..right! let's get back to wonderland!


I’ve been a practicing Professional Hypnotist since ‘99 and this happens regularly for people. It’s amazing how we can change our lives, beyond the labels we give ourselves, beyond our bodies.


Her theory makes perfect sense because I had a long time ago what I thought was a dream but as I learned more about metaphysics the more I realized it was an astral projection because in that journey I was flying above different towns and could see various places. The places that stuck in my memory were actually parts of the town I'm living in now. It's amazing because the first time I drove past one of those places I had a sort of deja vu feeling and that astral projection memory came flooding back into my mind. It was one of those moments in my life I'll never forget. I've had a few more experiences involving astral projection but not like that. Usually if I meditate long enough and get the brain waves just right I can shift my awareness and float above my body. I'd say the #1 factor stopping people is fear. Fear is responsible for holding so much potential back from us as a species and individually.


My motivation is to save Humanity from all evils.


I had a spontaneous out of body experience when I was in my early 20s. I found myself rolled up in a ball looking down into my bedroom saying what the hell. And I shot back into my body. it was so exceptional for me. It gave me the sense or I should say the knowledge that I am not my body laying down there I am of being complete and full with my whole personality and all of my senses intact. I knew from then on that I was a being of energy. It has made a huge difference in my life including losing my fear of death and realizing that this body is only temporary. That one moment has served me so well in my lifetime. And I feel very very blessed that even though it was a short experience it wasn’t just a hint, it was a real experience and it was a spiritual miracle for me. I’ve had a couple other experiences later in life as well during spiritual practices that came spontaneously. I think it’s time for me to learn how to do it on purpose.


I was 8yrs old the first time I "popped out" of my body. I remember it vividly. It was in the afternoon, I had been playing hard and went to an upstairs bedroom for a little nap. The windows were open, and a lovely summer breeze was blowing in. I remember getting really relaxed, and I sensed a tone, a vibration. Then suddenly their was a physical and audible "pop" and I open my eyes and my face was against the ceiling. I turned my head looking gown at my resting body. I noticed a silver cord coming from my awake body to my sleeping body. I thought "I'm flying!" I saw the window and out I went! I saw my neighbors outside and friends and my brothers playing but I was high above then. Suddenly I felt a jerk and a sudden rush back to my body. I woke up to my younger brother shaking me awake.
I remembered the vibration that proceeded the "pop, " I've always called it the "yellow tone." Whenever I want to project out, I call up the yellow tone. It's just how I do it.


Fascinating video! I have Astral projected myself and it certainly is a fantastic experience. You gain a new understanding in the physical form, when you know you have crossed over to experience your vibrational energy. The power of the subconscious mind is truly amazing, when you learn how to control it. Some years ago, I met a person who told me, that whenever he Astral projected, he always found himself in this same strange city, with cars and buildings etc. He found himself in the form of another person there, with people who knew who that person was, he was experiencing. An experienced Astral projector I knew once, told me that before he Astral projected, he arranged to meet up with another AP friend in Europe. When they both met up with each other in the Astral plane, they proved they were really there. In my younger childhood years as I remember, I had a dark shadow form, who would sometimes follow me around and made me feel very scared. Not sure how long it was, before this shadow form left me alone, but it eventually went, which was a huge relief to me as you can imagine. It wasn't something my imagination made up I'm fairly sure, it had an unfriendly energy all of itself, which I could sense. Yes dancing is a great way to loosen up your vibrational energy for sure, I have done this many times over the years. 👍


Astral projection should be taught as part of the educational system in schools.


I've only had one experience with OBE, however I was very high on cough medicine at the time during my rough teenage years, so I chalked it up to the drugs. But listening to this brought back those memories.

I remember staring at the top corner of my room and blinking my eyes while I was dazed and relaxed, after blinking I was staring at my own body while floating in the corner of the room, seeing it clear as day, then blinking once again I was starting up at the corner again.


I started having out of body experiences over 25 years ago in the mid 1990’s.
Back then most of my experiences were in my home. I did have an experience with my flatmate who was asleep in the next room. I awoke one night to find both of us in the loungeroom floating about half a meter from the ground. She looked like an apparition and she was wearing what she wore to bed that night. I was experiencing such an heightened state of awareness and her and I were having a conversation telepathically. She then started to leave the room by floating out through the wall. I asked her where she was going and she said she was going to check up on her brother in Niagara Falls. Now we are in Australia but her brother was backpacking around America and Canada at the time but she had no idea where he was (no email or internet back then!).
The next day I told her about the experience but she didn’t remember a thing! When I told her she checked up on her brother in Niagara Falls she rang her mum to see if she’d heard from him. She said she had and he’d just arrived in Niagara Falls! That experience changed me. Up till then I thought I was the only person that was having obe’s as everyone thought I was nuts. But I knew after that everyone is having them just not remembering it. Also on a higher level she knew where her brother was.
Another experience I had I awoke one night to find myself floating up near the ceiling looking down on my sleeping body! I was in awe of what I looked like in bed. I thought to myself ‘I wonder what I feel like’ and the next thing I knew I was sitting next to myself touching my arm. I felt like a corpse it was so weird. Normally when I’m out of my body I can’t get too close to my sleeping body as I get sucked back in but on this particular time I didn’t and I could watch myself sleep.
My experiences since then have taken a massive turn. I had an experience when I met up with a friend who had passed away six months earlier. He wanted me to pass messages on to his grieving mother. Ive also had multidimensional experiences where I’ve met up with spacecraft, gone into outer space and met up with other worldly beings.
I’m currently trying to have a self induced OBE during the day. I’ve gotten close where I get out of my body but only a meter or so above then I get sucked back in. It’s hard during the day as the astral body is not so strong. I’m also trying to meet up with my beautiful staffy Rocco who passed away Nov 2021. I’ve seen my other staffy Maggie have an out of body experience (she came out of body whilst asleep and followed me to the toilet, I saw her as clear as day!). And then after Rocco passed away she had an out of body experience and was playing with him in spirit form. I saw it in a clear vision whilst meditation. Because of that I want to meet up with him too 🥰 I miss him so much!


Great video. I just got a tune-up, with the hopes my manifestations will come. I will take this video as a sign 🙂


Anything from Mindvalley is quality and worth pursuing as the end result is your quality of life improves to another higher level.
