End-of-Life Visions: Proof of an Afterlife or Hallucinations?

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Discussing the common arguments I saw about patients seeing deceased loved ones before their passing.

00:00 - 5:10 - Religion
5:10 - 7:35 - Medications
7:35 - 9:52 - Oxygen Deprivation
9:52 - 12:55 - DMT

About Nurse Hadley:

Hadley Vlahos resides outside of New Orleans with her husband and three children. With eight years of experience as a registered nurse, including six years devoted to hospice care, she has gained profound insights into the field of healthcare. Online, she is affectionately known as "Nurse Hadley," where she shares heartfelt stories from her experiences as a hospice nurse.

Beyond her nursing career, Hadley has achieved literary success as the author of the instant New York Times bestseller, "The In-Between: Unforgettable Encounters During Life's Final Moments" published by Ballantine/PRH.

When dealing with any medically related events or medical emergencies, please communicate with your primary health care provider.

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Thank you for watching and let me know your thoughts in the comments below. If you’re interested in more of my stories and lessons I’ve learned working as a hospice nurse, check out my New York Times best selling book, "The In-Between: Unforgettable Encounters During Life's Final Moments"


I am also a registered nurse. I had a patient who was in her 90s and ready to pass. I really bonded with her and loved her. I asked her to send me a sign that she was okay after she passed. Well I was off work watching TV and I could see my stairs in the mirror from where I was sitting. I saw an elderly woman walking up the stairs!! I ran up the stairs and saw nothing. I knew it was my patient. I found out the next day that she had passed in the night. So amazing


My aunt passed last July. My mom had been gone 16 years. When my aunt was on hospice, i went to visit and thanked her for all she taught me and being such a great aunt. I whispered in her ear "tell my momma i said hi when you get up there" she had be in and out of consciousness for a couple days.

The day we buried her, i pulled into the graveyard (same place my mom is buried) and i looked up and the word "hi" was written in the sky. It was backwards as if she wrote it from Heaven. I was already crying but that took me out. I was able to snap a picture, wish i could post it. Thats just one story...


My Nana had dementia, she was in a rest home under care before she passed. She woke up in the morning excited, telling the carers that she was going on a trip and she needed to pack her bag. Then she got back into her bed and passed peacefully. We had a look in her bag when we got there and she had a photo of all her grandchildren in there ❤


My great grandmother lived in a small town, her best friend of 60 years lived across the street and two doors down, her name was Ella. My great grandmother had dementia, was bedridden and had not spoken in over a year.

One night her daughters were watching television and heard her talking. They heard her saying things like "Do you remember the time" and talking about situations and laughing. This went on for about 15 minutes and then they heard her say "Well I'm so glad you came by to talk with me, goodbye". They stepped into the room and asked her who she was talking to and she said that Ella had come to say goodbye.

The next morning my aunts found out that Ella died at the time my great grandmother was talking to her. My grandmother never spoke again after that night.


Pure agnostic here.
My mom was with my great grandfather for the last 2 years through his end of life (she is retired hospice). I never forgot when she told me that about a day before he passed, he looked up, like up and to his side, and said, " I'm so happy to see you, it's been so long". Big smile, he wasn't looking at my mom, who was on the other side of him. He was talking to his first wife who had passed more than 20 years before.
My personal experience isn't with someone passing in front of me. It's kind of a long story, but I was very close with my maternal aunt. I visited her often, especially since she was going through a divorce and a hard time with it. She had me come over and take pictures of her for and read a dating profile she had set up to "start dating again." A couple of weeks later, I was running errands and found myself near her neighborhood and decided to stop on and check on her. I had about an hour and a half until I needed to pick up my husband from work, so I had time. I turned into her street, came up to her house, and something STRONGLY told me I needed to skip setting her and head to my husband's work instead. So I did. Very strange. I just drive right by her house, her car was in the driveway, she was there, just felt pushed away.
I pick him up, we go home, then I go to work (we had an infant, so we worked opposite shifts.
I was at work for an hour or so and couldn't shake a sad feeling, like tears were on the edge the whole time. It was so bad I asked my boss if I could go home early. He asked what was wrong, and I honestly didn't know. I just felt really sad and wanted to cry, and I didn't know why. He didn't let me go home.
A couple of hours passed, and he came to me and said that I could go ahead and go home. I asked if he was sure, and he said that he would cover me (he never did that).
I get home and my husband sat me down and said he had called and asked my boss to send me home and asked him not to tell me why. He then told me my aunt had taken her own life that afternoon... within minutes of me driving by her house.
That's why I felt so awful. I know she's the one who pushed me away from stopping in. She had shot herself in the chest in her garage and I know now that she didn't want me to be the one to find her.

She had been planning it. The pictures and the dating profile. She wanted last photos and essentially wrote her own obituary. 😔

That's when I knew there's something else going on after death. We are connected. My heart knew she was gone before my brain did. And she, SHE told me to just keep driving.


My grandmother passed in 2019. The death wasn’t expected nor was she sick. According to her caregiver, she just smiled and said her husband was here for her, climbed into bed and died a few minutes later. What a beautiful way to leave.

Thank you so much for this video. As a skeptic, it’s really opened up my perspective. ❤️


When my sweet husband passed he was only 43. He was so weak the last 2 days he couldn't lift his head or open his eyes. But when it was time he took a huge gasp his mouth and eyes opened as it he was seeing something amazing lifted his arms as if he was reaching out to someone and then collapsed back and was gone. The room filled with peace and comfort for a moment. Ofc then it hit me it was over and I fell apart. Still falling apart 10 years later.


I know someone who died from a heart attack and was brought back to life. He says what he experienced was so beautiful and so peaceful that he didn't want to leave. He says he was disappointed when he opened his eyes to realize that he was back "here". He has zero fear of death and has since signed a DNR for the next time he dies.


I remember a patient years ago. She was 7 yrs old with down syndrome and mostly non verbal except for a few words only her mom can understand. She’s been in and out of the hospital and her mom and I got close. The time she passed, the hospital chaplain, doctor, me and her mom and dad and siblings were in the room and she suddenly sat up and smiled to all of us and clearly said for all of us to hear and understand “Jesus is here” her mom who was beside her was hugging her and she just closed her eyes as she laid her head on her shoulders still smiling and there was so much peace in that room. we were all silent and just basking in the peace and quietly soaking in the experience. The chaplain prayed and at that time no one was crying because we just felt peace all over!


Honestly it is very comforting to know that someone I love or who loves me will be there to get me when I pass. It makes the whole experience of death much less scary.


I was a firefighter/EMT for about 23 years, I saw a LOT of people die. I always felt like there was a presence in the room, often in the upper corner of the room, as people died. I sometimes encountered patients who had seen their already dead loved ones recently in dreams or whilst awake. It is a common phenomenon, from what I have observed.


I’m a part time minister and one day I was visiting an elderly gentleman who keep pointing to the ceiling saying WOW WOW it’s beautiful and he passed within 24 hours


I had a therapist many years ago who helped me in a time of need. I’d seen her in the supermarket one day. I was so happy to see her, and when I turned to speak with her, she wasn’t there. Around 2 days later, I’d heard she passed away in an accident the day before I saw her in the supermarket! I’m not positive of why she came to let me see her, but I’m comforted just the same.


My dad had alzheimer, and ine day he got out of bed and was trying desperately to get out of the house, I asked him why he said my brother Wesley is asking for help. I told him that my uncle was ok got him back to bed, about 20 minutes later I received a call telling me that my uncle had passed away earlier that morning, and what my cousin said next really shocked me. He said that his dad was asking for help before he passed.


My Dad was in hospice in 2017. The day before he passed, he was weak and lying in bed. All of a sudden out of nowhere, he sat up and tried to get out of bed! He kept saying "I need my suitcase, I am late, I am going to be late for my trip". I knew what was happening but after seeing your videos I am so much more at peace <3 I told my Dad it was ok to go and after I left the next evening, he passed about an hour later. I am so much happier now seeing your videos, I know he is ok <3 I bought your book, I should be receiving it today!


My great aunt Glen died of congestive heart failure. When she went into the nursing home, we thought she'd come home but unfortunately she just kept declining. We found out she had dementia too, once she was out of her regular surroundings. At first, she was calling out and seeing people who are still alive. When she was closer to her actual death, she was seeing dead people. I do believe in some kind of afterlife, but I don't subscribe to any specific religion. What I really like about this video so far is that you're just explaining why you believe in an afterlife, you're not promoting your own religion/faith. When you mentioned people of other faiths or none at all, I could tell that was just an example and not a comparison. This is a very logical video on something that's not tangible, and I think that's impressive and admirable. The world needs more people like you, Hadley. 💚


I’m an RN too. I haven’t a doubt that what these people are seeing is real & specific to their lives & loved 🥰 ones. Scientists & Docs try hard to debunk this as they cannot except it. So naturally they turn to the 4 things you stated. My heart goes out to them as they’re not recognizing the beauty of it all. There’s more to this existence than you & I will never know until we make the journey home ❤❤ It’s all about Love & Love can’t be measured. ❤️😊😇😻


When my mom was dying, she saw her two sisters on the other side of the room who had passed before her. They were telling her to "Come, on; let's go!". She put out her hand as if to say "stop", and called them by name and told them they'd have to wait. The only thing that kind of freaked me out was that the one sister died 15 years prior which she was aware of; the other sister died one week to the day before my mom died, and she was never told that she had passed. Would you be able to explain why my mom would have talked to her dead sister whom she didn't even know had died?


Even as a youngster I would see my deceased loved ones in dreams restored to around the age of 35-40 and in good health. I have had at least 3 vivid dreams of my own passing during my lifetime. This has continued throughout my life and now I am a senior citizen and just can't wait to go Home!!!! ❤❤❤❤❤
