How To Play Endgame Perfectly in Fortnite (pt 3)

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How To Play Endgame Perfectly in Fortnite

In today's episode, we're going over how to play endgame structured, consistent, and at a high level. I'm going over everything you need to know, to make your average tournament placements go up drastically.

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Background videos:

The incredible cinematics throughout the video is made by "M1K3 Editz" make sure to check him out!
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This helped me so much opened up my eyes to lots of mistakes I am making constantly. I play comp for fun and doing well makes it more fun thank you for these vids!


This series was so crazy tysm. I just finished making notes on these videos and I covered over 9 pages with them! I learnt a lot from your vids, hopefully I can go on to implement it well into my game play. Thanks again for making these


i watched this video before a tourney and I went from getting top 600s to getting my first top 40, YOUR VIDEOS ARE SO HELPFUL


Your video are crazy bro i learn so much more by listening your videos
i see that i was playing bad in early and endgames but now i am ready ! Keep up the grind bro!


Ur consistentcy with the uploads is motivational


I watch you all the time it's normally my time to sleep but this video is going to be fully watched ❤️


I’ve watched this series like 3 times. This is honestly the most helpful Fortnite series you’ve made in my opinion. Keep up the good work!


Absolutely love the daily grind! By the way your videos are insanely helpful for me so please keep it up bro.


"I really hope you learned a few things you can adjust into your own gameplay"
Me taking Some Notes as an IGL:

1st Zone Announcement: Quick Looting (500 500 500 and spidey)
-> Moving Death Zone predicting (double Stone box)

2nd Zone announce: Instant moving with car
-> death Zone rotate (double Stone box and refarm)

3rd Zone announce: Insta Moving with car/Foot
-> Mid Zone high Base (Big Metall and Brick box maybe refarm)
-> while announce or Move get storm tags

4th Zone Anouncement: Stormtags if needed or chilling,
watching for Lounchpads to get in 5th (better with a higher position, when your not high enough you can base up some layer and waste some mats

Thinking of "how do i rotate in the 5th zone if its North, east, south or west befor it even pops

Rotating in 5th Zone (Without pads, spiderman or other insta moving items) edit out where the storm is, nobody see you behind your builds
and then Hug the storm so your Fully Deathside and nobody sees you (Hills and Trees are good cover)

In 5th Zone Base up in Metall (Limit the chance of getting sprayed)

PERFECT: In 5th Zone having 500 wood 400 brick and 300 Metall=1200 Mats

5th Zone is the perfect zone for preedits/refreshes
-> Preedits allways with hard mats

Positioning in 5th Zone: A quit center but on the death side, So it gives you the best opportunity to get refreshes


1st Moving, best zone to follow a Tarp, look for a strong reusable Tarp and get in, but be carefull to dont attack the owners OR 3 2 1 the owners when
they dont see you coming
-> Tell Teammate: When we get sprayed/attacked, instantly spray out the floor under us!
WITHOUT Following a Tarp: Focus on rotate Deathside, The deathside is on the side, where the 50/50 Zone was covered by the storm
-> Try to conserve Mats (Build with Wood and dont full Tarp) when sprayed instant Build with Metall!
get deeper in the Circle for death side and get ready for the 2nd Moving

2nd Moving, 8sec to prepare, When its Move instant call out to mates stand close on me
From the 2nd Moving (7th Zone) to the end (9th Zone closed) you wanna be front zone all time and dont get cut off,
Denpending how the 2nd Zone pulls there are different ways to make powerplays
MAX DISTANCE:Its the sides where you weren`t tarping 1st moving!
Highground contest, Get full ahead and crank up so you get on the hight layer, go for hight (spleave until they leave or die)
BACKWARDS:Its the side where you were tarping 1st moving!
The side where your tarp is, turn into the contestet Zone, so you need to build arround in this 8 sec, so you are at deathside
Then you will have enough space in 3rd Moving

3rd Moving
MAX DISTANCE: Thats the perfect Time to claim Low Ground!
Drop Down, get frontage and claim with Hard mats, Dont be affraid from storm Ticks
BACKWARDS:Its the side where you were tarping 2nd moving!
The side where your tarp is, turn into the contestet Zone, so you need to build arround to be deathside

4th Moving (9th, Final Zone)
Hardest Zone off all
There have to be much comunitications! Height apply Presure,
Playing Paysioned and stay ahead.



This channel really motivates me since such a long time but the only problem I have is finding a good teammate


The best and hardest part of Fortnite. This will help so many people who haven’t had my experience in it


Marren cant be human, just grinding every day, Insane work bro


I have learned a lot of watching all of these videos and I hope you keep going


I watched all of marrentm's daily uploads and for sure im becoming better


problem some people dont realise is that these tips and the gameplan only works in a perfect world, your not going to have the mats he claims you should have because you can get contested mid game, its not all going to workout fluidly, other than some of those issues really good videos and i enjoy them keep it up


Marren, you are making some really great videos at the moment. Keep it up 👍


Marren, your videos make my day better because im most of the time at least 1 new thing per video


Imma have to learn to get this part down cuz I get sidetracked by kills sometimes in moving zones or don’t get dead side. Will implement this in my next scrims n tourneys. Thank you for the mini series marren ur knowledge is game changing for people


Love the daily uploads keep it up marren


Good to see marren grinding uploads for us without any being inconsistent at all.
That's how everyone should grind their goals trust me marren you will achieve so much due to your grinding mentality
Lots of love. ❤️❤️
