Why hasn't a quantum computer broken encryption yet? #Shorts

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Breaking encryption is a pretty big problem. We have to find new encryption techniques that stand up to quantum computing attacks.

It would take about 4000 qubits to break an RSA key. However, these are perfect, "logical" qubits. Because of error correction, we need many more physical qubits. John Preskill noted in his lecture on quantum information that 10 million physical and 10,000 logical qubit quantum computer would be needed. We are still pretty far away from that milestone, but it's something we have to consider.

That makes quantum computing a technology with a lot of potential future impact, not even looking at the use cases in cybersecurity and telecommunications. So even though we only have dozens of quantum algorithms, the impact they can have is broad reaching, since optimization and search problems are really everywhere.

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I would love to hear the cut off thought. A part 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7. 😁


Do you think the number of bits will ever hop on anything like Moore’s law? There seems to have been a lot of gains in the last year!


thanks for your video, it prompted me to think of this note:
a fun thing to do with quantum computing is related to spin, and angular momentum, I’ve read its kind of math metaphorical to compare newtonian spinning bike wheels to quantum spin, I saw a video where a guy had two bike wheels on an axle, on a rope, where he could spin them same direction or opposite directions, spinning same direction they turned horizontal and had precession, they had a particular spin, when the two were spinning same direction they omitted going horizontal and just went vertical, now with quantum entanglement or linkage of 18 photons to one other photon, or one electron, you can have all of them spin up, and the main one actualizes nonfractional spin up, then if you you have 9 spin up, and 9 opposite spin up they balance bigly, and perhaps the quantum actualized state of the photon is durably undecided or indeterminate (longer compute interval! Less unwanted environmental disruptability/stabler quantum computers!) along with perhaps causing increased compute time or computation resolution, “cylesishness” this could be a new third quantum bit besides up and opposite of up spin, so you get 3 factorial states, making quantum computing more effective per module. also, if fractional ratios like like 4:14 are resolvable or 7:9 then you can get like 2^18 bits, or something, per quantum superposition compute element, really heightening quantum computer capability.


It is important to mention that this is not a crisis. Quantum safe encryption already exists, and only needs to be implemented when Quantum Computers become a threat to currently used encryption methods.


Did you forget the password to the channel?


Thankyou for the great short, can you please post the link to the microsoft paper you are citing as i am writing a paper on how quantum computers will interact with our current encyption algorythms


Thanks for insight! What post quantum cryptograms are you most optimistic about? I know Microsoft has a paper and a video about SIDH (for key exchanges)


What development languages ​​are more relevant? or that you think the quantum engineers of the future will use, you could emphasize Quantum machine learning etc or which languages** do you recommend learning to be close to quantum engineering in general


This was really insightful. Kudos!

Also "deep" algorithm lol


pretty and smart, my heart can’t handle that


Perfect qubits doesen't exist, because time machine doesn't exist. No one can stop time.


It's because consent is one of the elements we are missing still from the equation. If someone does a double blind study where they make the agree button work for one half and just make it say "no" and "maybe" for the other half, they would see encryption getting broken for the half of users who hit maybe instead of yes to agreeing. Similarly, I would bet that if you reversed the function of the yes and no buttons or disabled the maybe buttons function entirely for half of participants that the encryption would still somehow work for them, anyway. There's no way around it once we are at this level of computing power. The forces of good are infinitely stronger than the forces of bad here. Good multiplies with itself through empathy, bad only adds power to itself. Doesn't matter what scale you look at things on. Someone could spend all of time looking for a way to bypass consent and they would never find it. we have to work together with what we've got here. I'm looking for a job as a professional idea maker if anyone is hiring.


What post-quantum coins currently exist (TDC, Bitcoin PQ, Ariel, QTUM, you may know others), and which ones are better. Perhaps you will make a video review of existing coins?


Which degree should i pursue to become machine learning quantum computing???


What about for example the Ekera Hastad attack? Requires way less qubits. Shors algorithm is somewhat old news according to QANplatforms CTO. Would be cool if you could make a Video about that


No es capaz pues la función contadora no está suficientemente descrita para aproxirla con un menor número de términos. Las curvas elípticas están menos ecpuestas que un rsa pues se quedaría vendido ante un algoritmo eficiente de generador de contador de primos. La fuerza bruta, en cuanto haya ordenadores fotonicos que corrijan la imperfección cuántica conllevarán a que se tendrá que fortificar más la idea de clave pues en ambos casos estamos ante simplemente cálculos


hey i am a student and i would like to start learning quantum computing . should i get a macbook m1 or a gaming laptop for learning it


I Awoke today because of her! Have a very interesting surprise for her, and well anyone in dev's of Quantum


How can i become a quantum computer engineer since i am in my starting of higher education what i want to study


Hi everyone, I am new to following the channel and I love this content! My 11-year-old niece and I want to learn quantum computing. Neither one of us has any experience in CS or physics. We would love your ideas on how to get started. Cheers!!
