The Linux Iceberg Explained

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Reddit post:

Intro 00:00

Linux 01:02

Distributions 01:56

Desktop environments 02:39

Package manager 03:27

Steam Deck 03:55

Linus Torvalds 04:43

Tux 05:52

Distrowatch & Distrochooser 07:09

Richard Stallman 07:58

GNU 09:16

Linux marketshare 10:56

ChromeOS 11:53

Shell 13:13

"I use Arch, btw" 13:51

“I’d like to interject for a moment...” 14:55

FHS 15:49

Raspberry Pi 17:45

Run Windows software on Linux 18:21

Neofetch 21:27

TTY 22:04

“Do as I say” - Linus 22:37

WSL 24:02

Tiling window managers 25:13

X11 & Wayland, PulseAudio & PipeWire 26:25

Destructive commands 28:59

Linux phones 30:21

“The year of the Linux Desktop” 31:16

Windows Refund Day 31:52

Minnesota University ban 32:56

Librebooting 33:35

“Linux is free if you don’t value your time” 34:13

Exiting Vim 35:10

Ubuntu and Amazon 35:48

"Linux is obsolete" 36:34

Linux on Mars 37:23

Divisive community 38:05

Linuxulator 38:44

Windows kernel replaced with Linux 39:15

Systemd hate 40:15

Ubuntu causes girl to drop out of college 41:05

Linux From Scratch 43:19

Audacity is spyware 43:44

Linyos Torovoltos 44:37

The Halloween documents 45:16

TempleOS 46:18

Linus’ behavior on mailing lists 47:50

Weird versions of Linux 48:32

NSA’s attempts to backdoor Linux 50:18

ReiserFS 52:17

Debian Founder’s end 53:08

Outro 54:00
Рекомендации по теме

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux,
is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux.
Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component
of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell
utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day,
without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU
which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are
not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.

There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a
part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system
that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run.
The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself;
it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is
normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system
is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux"
distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.


Arch is easy mode compared to ANY linux distro (even the "friendly" ones) in the 90's. The distros got better but the main reason is that google, stack exchange, and wikis exist. Now, even linux from scratch is relatively easy because of these searchable knowledge bases. Just type your error message in the blank and read multiple solutions, just like that.


A dangerous drinking game: take a shot whenever GNU is mentioned.


After dealing with Gentoo every day I can`t agree that Arch is hard. You just have to follow the guide.


Cool video! I’ve been using Linux forever and didn’t know about Linuxulator, Linyos, and The Halloween Papers!
I do think you should have included ricers, “Install Gentoo” and Linus’ countless fights with distro managers in like the Tier 3ish area. They are definitely a big part of the subculture


25:50 in most tilling window managers you can use the windows as floating, it just tiles by default


I'm fairly shure this is gonna blow up, seriously good video👍🏽


Great video! I especially liked some of the historical and less known stuff about linux! Thanks for the video and please keep them coming.


What a video man, great work and support for your effort of making this video 👍


This was awesome I am glad I found your channel! Defiantly going to be watching all your previous videos and future videos!


Windows and MacOS waste more time!
Windows and macOS are painful if you are a developer. It takes forever to get libraries properly downloaded and installed. Even with home brew on Mac, it’s not as trivial and the libraries are installed in weird places.


An hour long video. This must be good.
Thanks for taking time


6:45 - so stoked that the official mascot of linux isn’t a a fox furry wearing a linux shirt.

In what fucking world does that seem like a cool mascot lol?


Microsoft doesn't format the Linux partition, they just set windows boot manager as the primary boot device, and sometimes break grub. It's obnoxious, but not so obvious that they could get sued


Came from the reddit thread. Great video! Subbing :)


Permit me to interpose a clarification here. The computational entity often referred to as Linux is, in actuality, a hybridization of GNU and Linux, or as I've come to prefer, a GNU amalgamated with Linux.

Linux, in its solitary form, is not an autonomous operating system, but merely a single, freely accessible cog within the intricate machinery of a fully operational GNU system. This system is rendered functional by the synergistic interaction of the GNU core libraries, shell facilities, and other essential system components, which together constitute a comprehensive operating system as delineated by POSIX standards.

Unbeknownst to many, a substantial number of computer users interact with a modified instantiation of the GNU system daily. In an interesting twist of fate, the prevalent version of GNU, which is extensively employed today, is colloquially referred to as "Linux", with many of its users remaining oblivious to its foundational roots in the GNU system, a creation of the GNU Project.

Indeed, there exists an entity known as Linux, and it is this that these users are employing, albeit as a constituent of the larger system they operate. Linux is the kernel – the system's maestro, orchestrating the allocation of the machine's resources to the array of programs that are run. As crucial as the kernel is to an operating system, in isolation, it is rendered impotent. It thrives only within the symbiotic embrace of a comprehensive operating system. Typically, Linux is employed in conjunction with the GNU operating system, creating a fusion that is essentially a GNU system augmented with Linux, or GNU/Linux. Consequently, all distributions colloquially dubbed as "Linux" are, in truth, distributions of GNU/Linux.


For the divirsive, it generally starts with a new user naively asks "what is the best _insert_subject_here_?" And the answer is usually complicated.


Just when I'm learning ARM assembly via Raspberry PI with Linux and wanting to install Gentoo on my laptop...

Now I'm more eager to learn and do magic with Linux.


At around 22:20 you say that there are 6 ttys. There are seven by default but that can be changed. One is just used for X or Wayland when they are started (sometimes by default).


Your video should be the #1 recommendation in YT
