TEDxLisboa - Simão Rubim - 'Eu por mim'

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Simão Rubim was born to Theatre in childhood, recalls the family legend: already out of Jersey, where he was born in 1964 (Chinese sign: Dragon) walked around the house with multiple props and costumes, singing, reciting and imitating television famous figures in black and white.
Thence to the Teatro Experimental de Cascais, where he debuted, it was a quick step.
Lived in London and, still recently, received rights from the BBC and ITV, in whose series showed great style in perfect English.
Mário Viegas brought him back to found Theatre Company in Chiado1990. There, did everything by the mighty power of the natives of Leo. Personal enemy of an old culture minister, Simão is Brechtian anti-and pro-Busch, to whom owes his stardom as lesbian vampire and an award for Best Actor in 2007.
Distinguishes itself in the theatrical milieu for not going to the Conservatory or believe in superstitions, as is typical of those who combine the power of the Lion with power of the
Thence to the Teatro Experimental de Cascais, where he debuted, it was a quick step.
Lived in London and, still recently, received rights from the BBC and ITV, in whose series showed great style in perfect English.
Mário Viegas brought him back to found Theatre Company in Chiado1990. There, did everything by the mighty power of the natives of Leo. Personal enemy of an old culture minister, Simão is Brechtian anti-and pro-Busch, to whom owes his stardom as lesbian vampire and an award for Best Actor in 2007.
Distinguishes itself in the theatrical milieu for not going to the Conservatory or believe in superstitions, as is typical of those who combine the power of the Lion with power of the
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