TEDxLisboa - Luís Rasquilha - 'Mentes abertas no ensino: Trends Academy no ensino'
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"Open minds in education: Trends in teaching Academy"
Born in Lisbon in 1975, studied communication, marketing, management and innovation. Passionate and permanent curious, went through advertising agencies, magazines and consulting firms, always accumulating with classes at the university, in communication, marketing and branding.
Today as a consultant and visiting professor in several countries in Europe, Africa and Latin America accumulates miles in frequent flyer card and take advantage
each trip to absorb all the information you can. Is AYR Consulting Managing Partner and responsible for the Trends Academy project worldwide.
Born in Lisbon in 1975, studied communication, marketing, management and innovation. Passionate and permanent curious, went through advertising agencies, magazines and consulting firms, always accumulating with classes at the university, in communication, marketing and branding.
Today as a consultant and visiting professor in several countries in Europe, Africa and Latin America accumulates miles in frequent flyer card and take advantage
each trip to absorb all the information you can. Is AYR Consulting Managing Partner and responsible for the Trends Academy project worldwide.
TEDxLisboa - Luís Rasquilha - 'Mentes abertas no ensino: Trends Academy no ensino'
TEDxLisboa Luís Rasquilha Mentes abertas no ensino Trends Academy no ensino
TEDxLisboa Luís Rasquilha Mentes abertas no ensino Trends Academy no ensino
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