Decoding the Mystery Behind the Sator Square: How an Ancient Relic is Rewriting History

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Join Religion, Art, and Technology Lab curator, Dr. Amanda Furiasse, as she discusses the historical significance of the Sator Square and how the discovery of Sator Squares across the globe is rewriting everything historians thought they knew about Christianity, history, and time itself.

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Such a fantastic video, I thought I was just looking for information on a word puzzle and ended up receiving a lesson on perceiving the universe. Thank you for such a great video.


Very interesting take on this Amanda, thank you for this video.


Jeezus ! that got real deep, real quick at the end.
Kinda blew this old grandma's mind. Well done.👋👋👋


Polybius square. The device was originally used for fire signalling, allowing for the coded transmission of any message, not just a finite number of predetermined options as was the convention before. Fire & Flags. Semaphore. Older, but the library of Alexandria was lost. Iamblichus, Pythagoras, Hypatia & Synesius. Cubic mathematical encoding-Anaximander and the gnomon.


very interesting video, i loved how you used fundamental physical principles for the metaphorical explanation. good job


The Sator square is likely just a clever construction whose cleverness was appreciated the way magic squares are. Oh, and life doesn't reverse entropy.


I have the SATOR square tattooed on my back. My ex boss (a fortune teller who did magik spells, ha ha really mate he swore it works 😊), used to use it for himself for good luck. I did research, then I thought that if there was a slim chance that it was lucky that I am going to always have it with me, so tattoo was the way to go. Here's to God given luck !!😁


my path led me back to this thing today… i devour topics when this happens… been poking at the internet to provide me with something i can use regarding the square for hours……… yours is the most significant offering so far. nice work


Archaeologists show that there were indeed Christians in Pompeii before the volcanic destruction in AD 79. These Christians had, in a domestic church setting, an altar and a cross. The SATOR Square in question appears proximate to that house. So, the Christian associations of the Square may be enhanced by this discovery inasmuch as the Paternoster of the Mass is part of altar and cross design motif from apostolic times til now.


It's probably more related to magical squares of numbers. Which is related to mathematics geometry nature the harmonious connection between math and nature


The unanswered question that will remain unanswered is _who_ devised the Sator magic square? I believe it was divinely inspired, just as the prophets were divinely inspired to author the Bible!


There is also a numerical sequence you did not mention. It encodes base 10 with 64 in the center. This makes it the I-Ching, DNA Codons, etc. "I can show you the way, but the journey will be long and arduous".


The writer of this movie (tenet) is obviously an Occultist and a very knowledgeable one at that. The true meaning of the sator square isn't known to many. Personally I think the movie was horrible but all the elements of the squares meaning is woven throughout the plot. I wont reveal the meaning but i will say what it is in essence.. it contains a magical formula or methodology that you'll find discussed in the works of Alistair Crowley. It's incredibly simple really so simple it's hard...I should also point out that if you think magick is just made up nonsense I can assure you it is very very real and makes perfect sense once the principles involved are understood and the sator square is indicative of that


"Hey John work is boring how about we play crosswords? No one will find out"


This enigma teaches how to read the Manuscripts available in the Vatican's digital library.
Latin is a codex where each word is whole and each character stands for a word, in Kanji.

S(sancti) A(Angeli T(tua) O(orb) R(real)

Tennet is the mother's codice that allows only her son to upload the manuscripts available in the Vatican's digital library on the Internet.

The seed is related to the simulacrum they perform against the mother and child.
And also the monoculture of grains, which do not sow trees.

Celestial wheel is related to that image of the false Krishna mounted on a garuda, holding the two scepters, which are celestial wheels that connect to the car of meat mea, a way for corrupt politicians to travel in time

The false Krishna is the one riding on garuda.

(The maiden Krishna is a woman, the black one, the black angel, represented in the image on page 230r of the manuscript


This has something to do with the rings of Saturn

Of course the idea of alpha Omega are Greek yes which pre exceeds anything having to do with Christian gods. In fact it has more relations to the Greek gods which are far older than the Christian God


First that's not a cross that's just the x.


Christianity on become a religion after hundreds of years after jesus's death hundreds.


It doesn't have a Christian origin. Early Christianity variance use pagan mythology like people don't realize Muslim is an ancient Christian sect. And people that dislike the Muslim religion by love Christianity they don't realize Muslims are Christians. just a different denomination.
