Law of Karma If you Hate someone - Remember this to Get Rid of Bitter Thoughts | Swami Mukundananda

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Do you know there are consequences to harboring resentful thoughts and bitterness towards others? If so, how can we convince the mind to eliminate resentment and hatred forever?

The first step towards avoiding bitter thoughts and emotions towards others is understanding their harmful effects on our minds. Watch more to learn as Swami Mukundananda explains it in detail by relating some logical examples in the 12th episode of the Power of Thoughts series.

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The biggest obstacle to tapping into the power of thoughts is lack of control over them. - Swami Mukundananda
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About Swami Mukundananda

Swami Mukundananda is a renowned spiritual leader, Vedic scholar, Bhakti saint, best selling author and an international authority on the subject of mind management. He is the founder of the unique yogic system called "JKYog". Swamiji has distinguished degrees in Engineering and Management from two of the world-famous Institutes in India, IIT and IIM. Swami Mukundananda took the renounced order of life (sanyas) and is the senior disciple of Jagadguru Shree Kripaluji Maharaj. Swamiji has been giving lectures and spreading the Vedic knowledge across the globe.

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Hate mat karo, dil se, dimag se, mann se usse delete karo. Sab ko stranger samjho. Aur khuda ko apna samjho


To the person reading this: Even though I don’t know you, I wish you the best of what life has to offer ❤


Dear ones, Swamiji is so right! When one has negative thoughts of any kind whether hate, anger and such, there are negative reactions in our mind and body. I will list some of them. 1) Your peace of mind turns into anger, hate, fear or another negative feeling. 2) Your body releases acid. 3) Your aura decreases. 4) Your bodies resistance decreases. 5) Your blood pressure goes up. 6) Your hear beat increases. 7) Your systems functions are affected. 8) Unwanted hormones are released. 9) Others can be affected by your negative emotions. Think of how this can affect your health and peace of mind over a period of time, or if you react this way often! Be healthier and think positive! Also when you forgive someone your health and peace of mind is rewarded and allows for a better relationship. It just means we all can make mistakes and not to focus on things that is not good for us and others. Remember our eternal self in not this temporary physical body suit, or egoic mind identity, we are eternal consciousness which should observe, rather than judge. Many people think they are their egoic mind and it runs the show most of the time, instead of your Spiritual nature. The egoic mind has it's place like to avoid danger and remember how to get home, but not to react with a negative emotion from a past hurt with a judgement. The egoic mind also in most tends to categorize, judges, and separates us from each other and God which is an illusion. We are here to awaken from our illusion of separateness. The ego cannot control the ego, but it can be observed by our Spiritual nature and put in proper order and understood. Detachment is also the key. If you get attached to things that change, you invite suffering unto yourself. What in the physical world and egoic mind does not change!? Blessings wished for all.


As if Krishna understood what I am struggling with and he guided to make this video for me😍. Extremely grateful and blessed💫😊.


Thoughts of hatred are bittersweet. They act like poison for the body but the material mind relishes them as they reinforce the ego.


After watching this amazing video I realized that hatred destroy our pure So if u want to live with happiness leave hatred☺🙏


How beautifully said by Swami ji. I am a Christian but i still love your teachings. The same teachings are taught in all the religions because God is the same for everyone but it
depends on the people how they apply those concepts to practical life. But it is a pity that people listen to such sayings but still fail to follow them. I pray that may everyone in this world become closer to God and follow HIS ways Amen🙏


Thank you so much Swami Mukundananda. I have learned many things from you. I used to believe 'hating' is okay, but now I have learned how it rusts our innocent souls. I love you so much.


No one can describe more clearly than you


God says that we are not supposed to hate and if we fill our hearts with bitterness God will plan to ensure that we rise above it.


I am going to follow your teaching, I want to free myself from hatred and attachments. Thank you for your message of love and forgiveness. I will do my best to move forward without resentment and bitterness from now on 💚 May God bless all those that have wronged me and give me strength to forgive them as God forgives me each day. 🙏🏼


Hatred toward anyone even if they may have wronged us, leads us nowhere. It only ends up making us bitter. Similar to how the mind gets attached to something through repeated contemplation, so does hatred. There is a physiological basis for hatred entangling people in a trap which is like poison. Thus, it is best to keep both attachment and aversion at bay. Thank you, Swamiji.


It is an eye opener for me. Thank you swami ji from bringing me from darkness to light 🙏


Many thanks for changing the path of my life! May the universe keep blessing your brilliant journey !


Radhe Radhe Swamiji🙏🙏🙏. No one else can do the way you explain things in a simple way . Thank you Swamiji for everything🙏🙏🙏


Tq guruji with tears in my eyes once upon time I was full of hatred towards one group now I am trying to become a human with u r wisdom


Thoughts of bitterness in our mind is injurious to us first. Hatred is like poison to us. We have to detach the thoughts of hatred from our mind. Nice illustration by swamiji❤❤


You are doing a wonderful service to the society...koti koti pranam


What an example!!!! We can totally relate to it and may be no one will never ever forget it…


A great spiritual talk by Swami. Making a massive difference. The birth chart is the Karmic impressions, and there are ways to change Karma. Blessings to you.
