Mind Over Medicine: Scientific Proof You Can Heal Yourself | Dr. Lissa Rankin | Talks at Google

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While some mind-body medicine pioneers and New Age teachers talk about how we can heal ourselves, Dr. Lissa Rankin was a skeptical physician, trained in evidence-based academic medicine and raised by a closed-minded physician father.

But after witnessing patients who declined conventional medical treatment, only to experience spontaneous remissions from seemingly ""incurable"" illnesses, she couldn't deny the possibility that patients might hold within them the power to heal themselves. Her curiosity led her to dig deep into the medical literature to scientifically prove that the mind can heal the body.

Her search uncovered not only proof that you can heal yourself, but also the shocking physiological mechanisms of how emotions like fear, loneliness, pessimism, and depression can make the body sick, while love, intimate connection, optimism, and faith can cure you.

About Dr. Rankin

Her work has been featured extensively in the national media, including O magazine, The New York Times, CNN, Health, Women's Health, Self, Forbes, The Chicago Tribune, Glamour, and Cosmopolitan.

Lissa lives in Marin County, California with her husband and daughter.
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this is why daily meditation, yoga/workout, prayer, getting up early morning and going to bed early, is so supportive and restorative for the body, and mind.


I changed my mind about having spinal cancer. My excruciating pain and debilitating neuralgia dropped away and 4 weeks later, I'm fine.


My father was a physician. As he aged he came to the same conclusion as has Dr. Rankin. One more thing. My physician, an internist, is forever throwing pills at me, and I am forever throwing them back at him. After looking at my blood work the other day he said, "Just keep doing what you are doing." There may yet be hope for him. I told him that nobody knows this body I'm living in better than I do, so we need to work together. He's treating me for hypertension and type II diabetes. I'm taking none of some of the pills and less of the others. And, I'm not doing those CT scans every year. I will, perhaps, do one every five years. He's freaked out by my smoking. I'm freaked out by the radiation exposure. I think Dr. Rankin is on to something here. Maybe I should make a gift of her book to my physician.


My grandfather was given 6 months to live because of skin cancer. Doctors told him to get a hobby to pass the time. He learned German, Gothic hand-writing and wood work, and died 30 years later of an aneurism.


A true doctor... someone who actually heals people.


BRAVO Dr. Rankin! This is exactly what we learn in Yoga and Yoga Therapy! We need more Doctor like you!


I had asthma since I was 10-11 years old, and it is a terrible ailment. One day, I decided that "its enough, no more asthma for me, " and the next morning was the nicest morning woke into for more than 40+ years! No asthma, no creaking in the chest, so easy to breathe. Of course, I had been meditating forfew years, learning to still my mind. The decision not to have asthma was taken in jiffy, and I haven't had a asthmatic seisure, or even coghing session, or wahtever for more than a decade! Today, I have the ability to talk to a sick person and tell "you are not going to have cancer any more!" or, anything else.


Wonderful presentation thank you. I discovered the power of the mind many years ago . I had suffered from severe anxiety and depression as a child and teenager. Doctor prescribed medication but I was unable to work due to side effects of the medicine. So I studied meditation and Self-hypnosis and each night put myself into a semi-trance sending positive instructions to my subconscious each night before going to sleep . I had stopped the medication before beginning this self help treatment and at the 6 months stage I woke up one morning feeling a slight relief and lift from my chest which continued to noticeably improve over the next 3 months leading to 100% recovery. Greetings from James J in Limerick city Ireland


really inspiring and gives me hope ~ it pulled me out of my depression today & Dr. Lissa Rankin's Ted Talks. Thank you.


So grateful for this ancient acknowledgement. At 76 I healed myself from an acute case of Lysteria (kills 50% of elders or immune-system compromised and I have both) due, I believe, to the unquestioned conviction I would heal, and to the loving relationships in my life. I was camping in the forest and took a motel room ($$!) for six weeks instead of doctor or hospital. It took several weeks to recover completely but when I did I was healthier than before I got sick! Go figure. Thank you Dr Lissa, I love your new attitude and stories.


Such a refreshing talk! Science, mindfulness, and spirituality used together are an awesome combination.


He outlived the doctors who gave him no hope. Poetic justice.


Love this talk. shared with family. pushing 70, and a long time ago, I decided that I am responsible for my Health Care. My doctor is responsible for disease management, which is fine, but I take care of food, exercise, and my own spirituality. I wake up every day grateful, go out side every morning summer, winter, spring fall. getting centered, starting the day with joy in life. cheers


1. Believe (u can heal urself)
2. A proper supprt (companion)
3. Listening to ur intuition ( wt does ur body need to heal)
4. Diagnosing d root cause
5. Writing ur own prescription
6. Surrender

Danq..i am definitely goin to get ur book! :)


Wow I agree with her! Stress is so bad for us. I was under so much stress after becoming a mother. I've never felt that much anxiety and lack of control. Then a year later I get a cancer diagnosis at a young age. I know stress had everything to do with it. I really need to work on relaxation and finding things to do everyday that I enjoy.


The doctor 😷 who said, "I don't heal I just connect you to the healer within, "is my kinda bedside manner


A doctor that talks sense!

When I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, the doctor just handed me a prescription coldly and gave me no hope or insight in handling a chronic pain condition. I shortly developed Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and was bedridden. I had to heal myself, the biggest piece being with EFT (tapping) and releasing emotional pain from childhood and Wim Hof breathing technique.


Your thoughts shapes your daily realty every day and every second of your life.The majority of people have that capacity but they don't think about, they don't realize how important it is.


This is scientifically proved, besides, if this was a scam what is she trying to sell u, this is great info, quantum physics is real, know self heal self


Meditation calms the mind, it all comes down to how you view a situation. You can choose happy or sad. Most people find excuses to be sad, I don't like this or I don't like that. Chill out, learn to accept things as they are and you will soon find silly things no longer stress you out.
