Is Mind Over Matter REAL? | Scientific Evidence

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This video is part of the series “Extraordinary Abilities”
written and edited by Adrian David Nelson.
Adrian's channel~

Mind Matter Interaction ~ References

Schmidt (1987). The strange properties of psychokinesis.

Schmidt (1990). Correlation between mental processes and external random events

Radin & Nelson (1989). Evidence for consciousness-related anomalies in random physical systems

Jahn & Dunne (2005). The PEAR Proposition.

Radin & Nelson (1989). Evidence for consciousness-related anomalies in random physical systems

Nelson et al (2002). Correlations of continuous random data with major world events.

Further references

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Dan Brown's Lost Symbol was so heavily influenced by this. I was awed when I read the book...


Why does this video have not more views? I love how you show your sources straight in the video and especially your editing. Keep up the good work!


Hundreds of years into the future, this will be “common sense”.


The further man gets from Nature, the less we are able to feel.


And I do not know why I feel that I am so important for the future.


Consciousness affecting matter: No amount of experimentation will cause people to stop calling it mysticism if they so like.


If physics can't explain this, physics is incomplete or broken.


I think mind over matter works but some of these comments sound like people who are trying to hard to sound smart.


Has anyone with extreme empathy every found their energy either being fueled or drained based on the collective support or lack there of the surrounding peers?


You lost me at 3:03. What are they measuring? How are they measuring it?


I have had hundreds or even over one thousand of experiences that convinced me that there is a connection between my mind and my outside world. Because those experiences later began to frighten me, I repeatedly sought help of psychiatrists and shamans. Many of the doctors said that I don´t have hallucinations and that they couldn´t explain my experiences themself.
One could could call my experiences synchronicity phenomena (my first psychotherapist mentioned this word when I told him about my early experiences - which I experienced not as threatening but rather as a gift and as a godsend. He introduced me to the concept of synchronicity, which I haven´t heard of before.
Things became problematic when I started to have three to ten such phenomena a day and to consider them to be signs, warnings of dangerous energies which surrounded me.

I will give you an example. An phenomena I´ve experienced this year. It was at a time when I had only very few of such experiences: I was reading the novel "One Flew over the Cuckoo´s nest". Suddenly, I thought, if I read the word "world" in the text, that would have a meaning. I´ve forgotten which meaning that was. I assume it was a meaning such as that something in my flat is contaminated by a dangerous energy or something. I usually thought such phenomena should be signs of that kind. - On the next few pages the word "world" appeared three times.
And I simply can´t believe that something like that can be explained by probability. And it definitely wasn´t the case that I have scrolled through the book before, so that my subconscious may have registered the word "world", which is why I have agreed it as a sign. I haven´t scrolled through the book and I can´t imagine that the human subconscious would be able to do such things.
But this event hardly frightened me, compared to similar experiences I had in the past.
For the past few months I hardly had any such experience any more. My explanation is that these events happened because I wanted them to happen. My will focused very intensly and manifestated itself in the outside world. Now, I almost never want that such things happen- so they don´t.
But of course it could also be possible that there was an outside force or power or entitiy which was receiving my thoughts and desires and which has shaped the outside world accordingly.

I am sure for many people all that sounds crazy. For me it doesn´t. For me it is crazy to imagine that all connections between the mental and the material world are just coincidences.


Those who have even preliminary acquaintance with the structure and laws of the inner spheres of existence know that the isolation of human beings is a fiction. Whether they desire it or not, all persons constantly act and interact upon each other by their very existence, even when they have not established contact on the physical plane. There are no limits to the influence of man. The magnetic influence of the subtle spheres knows no barriers of frontiers or distance or any other conventional limitation. Good thoughts as well as evil, cheerful moods as well as gloomy, noble and expansive feelings as well as petty and narrow ones, unselfish aspiration as well as selfish ambition, all influence others, even when not expressed in words or deeds. Thus, the world of mental life is as much a unified system as the world of matter. The physical world as a vehicle of spiritual life has its own importance; but the connections existing between different persons is by no means fully realised by considering only the contacts of the physical world.

Meher Baba


Mind and matter are two halves of the same coin.


I manifested £0.16p today.
I was holding a 2p piece (the one I always use) and doing my affirmations (this time regarding money).
To my right I found a 5p, to my left I found 2x5p's and then in front of me I found a 1p.
All where I was sitting.
They were probably there all along, but I'll stay optimistic :-)


Just flipped a coin 10 times, thinking heads. 8/10 heads. Same again, thinking tails. Again 8/10. Also, the times it wasn’t what I was thinking, I didn’t catch the coin. Your go!


Some of the «intention» experiments described in this video remind me of some of Dr. Steven Greer's descriptions/explanations of thought-controlled technologies (but that such types of technologies are apparently very highly censored and suppressed from clandestine forces of I think there are additional terms besides thought-controlled prosthetics/computing but there have already been basic versions of such technologies (referencing Dr. Greer's explanations for «alien-level» technology) demonstrated back in the early 2000s with thought-controlled mouse cursors (something to do with electrodes connected to the brain for the mind to move the cursor on a screen).

Whilst putting in this comment, I now «see» why the materialism-oriented «pharmaceutical» industry always seems to want to prevent this kind of information from getting out into or believed by the public, and I will just state that it is factual that «thoughts» _can_ and *do* have an influence over one's emotions; why would anybody buy «anti-depressants» (psychotropics are neuro-toxic poisons) when one can instead use their own thoughts to control and regulate their own emotions (although psychotronic mind-control technologies are another issue that I won't go into too much detail over at the moment).

The «mind» also has the capability to literally solve every single problem in existence, the end of all diseases (Dr. Royal Raymond Rife), the elimination of poverty (Nikola Tesla), the many cures for cancer (investigated and discussed by Sergeant Rick Schiff of the San Francisco Police Department), abolishment of tyrannical/oppressive de facto corporate governments (pending global movement), etc. The mind is certainly a powerful tool if developed properly to fully use. ;o


I've always seen and heard of Dean Radin doing experiments like this.. I'm surprised you didn't mention him


When humanity stops eating animals that will be the transformational time when the human mind becomes calm and able to manifest miracles


The Vedas have been saying this for 15000 years +

Still much more science that has yet to be brought forth from them.

It is unfortunate that Italy is still withholding this information, albeit the world is about to change.


Human consciousness is controlling the groth (evolution) of A.I., that's how A.I. was intended to be. It was programmed to listen and learn with each interaction.
