Dietitian Reviews Dr MONA VAND'S How to Get Rid of Bloating & Food Combining Tips

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*CORRECTION: I accidentally said heme iron and obviously meant non-heme iron

Hi everyone, I'm Abbey Sharp and welcome to Abbey's Kitchen! In today's highly requested video, I will be reviewing Dr. Mona Vand's video on How to Get Rid of Bloating & Food Combing Tips. There's a lot of debunking to do here so let's get started!

A reminder that everything in this video is for entertainment purposes only and you should always seek the advice of a health care provider for your unique case.

So let’s meet Dr. Mona Vand!

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If you liked this video please leave me a comment below with your thoughts and let me know who you would like me to review next!

Xoxo Abbey

Contribution by Sofia Tsalamlal, RD
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How to naturally detox everyday: drink water and use the toilet. There you see? It's not that hard!😘😘 I love your videos!


the "unless you're freelee" comment literally made me laugh so hard that I accidentally spit out my americano, haha.


Abby: "I want to approach the review videos in a nicer way"
Dr. Whatever: talks about food combining
Abby: Soul searching. Soul searching. Soul searching. Soul searching


YES!!! I’ve been waiting for this. I literally fell for her tipps before, partly because of my severe IBS issues but also because of her Dr. title. I know this might sound naive, but when I see a title like that, I trust the person and think they’re a professional. Thanks for being and actual professional, Abbey ❤️


I totally agree that bloating is the more socially acceptable way to say, “I feel so fat”. A lot of these videos are less about health, and more about appearance. Glad it was said.


I LOVE HOW YOU CALL IT LIKE YOU SEE IT. And I also had a phase of watching Dr. Mona and I'm so glad it was over very quickly. I got so confused with the food combining thing that I just left. Love your channel Abbey. So excited for the coming video on bloating on a vegan diet.


When did eating get so many rules and so difficult lol


Abbey, these videos have been helping me SO MUCH! I think I'd been teetering towards orthorexia after years of painful bloating, IBS and anxiety - After trying raw foodism, gluten-free, vegan, and other diets to no avail, I turned to people like Dr. Mona just try to get any information to help me! Your videos (as well as lots of other anti-diet revolutionaries) are helping me heal my relationship with food and my body. I'm loving all your picks but would love you to review Kimberly Snyder! Thanks again for this relatable, important content.


here's an awesome food combining tip; eat whatever you want, in which ever order you want. it will all be combined in your stomach because that's how stomachs work. don't obsess about how you eat or the order in which you eat things, don't go full dumbdumb


"unless you're freelee" hahah


I like to add a 1/2 tsp. of Drano to my smoothies to help break down the fiber so I get a huge rush of nutrients at once. It also keeps me super regular, whitens my teeth and helps keep my septic tank clear. I save a ton of money on Crest Whitestrips and RidX.


I would really appreciate a video on how to maintain a good relationship with food while suffering from GERD/IBS/ other debilitating digestive diseases. It's so hard.


Dr.Mona is too much. She needs to stop the foolishness


Almost coming up on 2 years of the removal of my gallbladder.
I can’t get back to normal eating . I do blend my food up a lot . It does help . I do better with not a lot of different food at same time . have to blend it ! I don’t want to drink my meals all the time !
Can u do video on foods for slow digestion. Grains I fear, because it they used to give be stomach bloating . What grain could u suggest I could break down with part of my digestion process removed ?


Hey Abbey! Love your channel and congrats on your upcoming little baby! So exciting! I was actually wondering if you have heard any of Dr. Rhonda Patrick’s research on intermittent fasting she has a pod cast and a YouTube channel. Her research on intermittent fasting is actually super fascinating!


I really hope Dr Mona can learn a lot from this video and take is as constructive criticism. Same goes for all your other reviews! Well done Abbey


1. I absolutely love your reactions - every time! But, also that you are so thoughtful and fair in your reviews.
2. Cannot wait for the vegan bloating video to come out. I feel like I've battled with ethical reasons for being plant-based but my gut has such a history of being jacked up.
3. Could you recommend a quality resource for someone who does specialize in gut health...there's so much marketing bologna out there around it these days, and for someone who legitimately has flare-ups, it would help to get the evidence-based facts in a package. Thank you!


If a food consistently makes you bloated, I'd suggest an allergy test as well. My food allergies trigger bloating, gas, cramping, stomach pain, and other unpleasant side effects, but have never triggered anaphylaxis, hives, respiratory symptoms, or anything else super dramatic. A simple blood test by my GP revealed allergies to barley and rye; avoiding both has greatly reduced my bloating and stomach issues. Obviously not everyone has food allergies, but it's simple to get checked if you have access to affordable healthcare.


please review Romee Srijd "What I eat in a day"


Hi Abby, i was wondering if you could do a video about ways to better absorb nutrients in your food. For example, my nutritionist told me that eating seeds with squeezed lemon on top will help absorb its nutrients or soaking legumes in water for 24 hs before eating them. I would like to know your thoughts on that topic. As always thank you for your videos, they’re really helpful!
