You should put this in all your Python scripts | if __name__ == '__main__': ...

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Python's favorite unexplained incantation!
Do you know def main if __name__ == '__main__'? In this video I explain why your Python scripts should use this idiom. It's not strictly necessary, but you will be a better Python coder if you follow established conventions that improve the readability of your code.
Top patrons and donors:
Jameson, John M, Laura M, Pieter G, Vahnekie, Sigmanificient
0:00 Intro
0:58 Dunder name
1:47 Why if name main
3:36 Why def main
4:59 Pickle example
5:42 Multiprocessing example
6:42 Main function entry point
7:07 Outro
Do you know def main if __name__ == '__main__'? In this video I explain why your Python scripts should use this idiom. It's not strictly necessary, but you will be a better Python coder if you follow established conventions that improve the readability of your code.
Top patrons and donors:
Jameson, John M, Laura M, Pieter G, Vahnekie, Sigmanificient
0:00 Intro
0:58 Dunder name
1:47 Why if name main
3:36 Why def main
4:59 Pickle example
5:42 Multiprocessing example
6:42 Main function entry point
7:07 Outro
You should put this in all your Python scripts | if __name__ == '__main__': ...
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