Best Way to Generate Writing Ideas

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The best way to come up with ideas worth writing about is by going out and living a rich life. Engage in interesting conversations. Meet people from different walks of life. Let your curiosity wander and lead the way. Consume information from various sources and mediums. Let ideas marinate for days, weeks, sometimes even months, until a good idea clicks into place 💡✨
No wonder so many kids dislike writing and find it difficult to come up with ideas in school. They spend the majority of their time confined within four walls, ‘learning’ about things they rarely care about, and then we magically expect them to stare at a blank piece of paper for a fixed time and produce.
We need to rethink the way we teach writing from the ground up 💣
No wonder so many kids dislike writing and find it difficult to come up with ideas in school. They spend the majority of their time confined within four walls, ‘learning’ about things they rarely care about, and then we magically expect them to stare at a blank piece of paper for a fixed time and produce.
We need to rethink the way we teach writing from the ground up 💣