how to make a secret writing system

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Doctors: You dare to use my own writing against me, Potter?


This is pretty cool, too bad not many people have watched it.


as someone who's very interested in language learning, the idea of making a special writing system for a language I know has always made me excited and after watching this video I've grown even more interested in the subject, I'll create one!


Trying to make a super complicated writing system, just cuz. But it's kinda hard to come up with rules xp


I did this when I was 12 and I gave the letter e the most difficult symbol out of all... why


Once I made a sort of cursive cipher that was made of loops and points representing the numbers from 1 to 6 (1 - a point, 2 - two points, 3 - a loop, 4 - a loop and a point, 5 - a point and a loop, 6 - two loops) and alternating up and down, to encode and decode it I would sort of recite the alphabet in my head in six groups like ABCD EFG HIJK LMNOP QRSTUV WXYZ, the up number was the group and the down number was the position in the group, I eventually got better at recalling the groups and positions and even the specific pairings, and put numerals in the blank spots, I liked it because at a glance it looked like regular but slightly weird cursive. I later memorized ETAOIN SHRDLU, and after that a really simplified version of the English sound inventory, and made various ciphers out of those, including a whistled one.


There was a kid in my high school that would draw these symbols and it became popular quickly. All of the kids and the teachers would try to copy his symbols. One day he moved away and there had been a high schooler who got a symbol tattooed to his arm. Well, the kid moved away and the day he left he sent a code decipher sheet and it revealed dirty words about fornication! The kid had filthy words tattooed to him. It was crazy.


Most custom writing systems I've made have been either alphabets or abugidas.

For my current conlang, I am planning to make a logography.


I actually creating an alphabet since 2017 and a language for it since 2019. I actually used to share some parts with my friends and our class has 27! YES 27 UNIQE ALPHABETS AND 4 UNIQE LANGUAGES! When i started it, everyone wrote over mine or deleted and added tgings on it and every friend group has a uniqe alphabet. Mibe is the most complicated and most professional one cuz u know i started first lol. But sadly we are all highschoolars now so we cut our paths this year. Ill miss u guys


FINALLYY a youtuber that doesn’t just use auto-generated subtitles!! 🙏🙏🙏 you’re a LIFE saver!!


This video (along with others) helped me make a multi-month made WS with about 296 letters. AND I ended up memorising them all.


I made a ws when I was 13 to use for notes. I had the feature of not allowing repeating characters, but using "-" to denote repetition. In a way "ii" became "i-" or in reality "|-", so when you saw "||" you knew it was "h" and not "ii".
I used it extensively in notes at school.

Other ideas I had:
- Using math as a ws, so text just looks like math exercises.
- A systemetic way of turning unicode into glyphs like it is a 2⁶⁴ letter alphabet.
- Something that isn't confined to using the 2 dimensions paper and screens provide. Think of a ws that uses depth to convey meaning as well (maybe it is for 4D aliens or 3D glyphs in VR/AR in the future)


This one of the best videos on this topic, It looks like it was made by a professional i hope 🤞 become a bigger youtuber one day love from Iran.


The best video for writing system until now. Thank youuuu!


i did this years ago and i use it quite alot weekly. It has evolved quite alot from the first script.


I've made multiple writing systems based off Runic, Ogham, Latin, Cyrillic, and Greek for something that might not even exist.


I always thought Arabic looks cool, but I don’t wanna take my time learning the language bc I’m learning Korean.



Cheating is just studying after the test has started :P


now i have watched this vid 10 times at least but i need a writing system for my diary not anything complex but i just need something that has the glyphs the same style and that looks good plz make a vid on this


I have several my own writing systems for the purpose of keeping diary. One for my mother tongue, another for foreign languages which I've learned. They share same characters but are different in shape so I can easily distinguish which part is written in Mother Tongue or Foreign languages. Finally I'm making my conlang and it uses various scripts from Natural languages. For example it can be written in Arabic Devanagari, Tifinagh, Runes etc
For that I can learn many writing systems.
