Designing Regenerative Cultures. Morag Gamble with Daniel Christian Wahl

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We meet in Daniel's adopted home of Mallorca at the gorgeous Son Rullan - a medieval hilltop casa - surrounded by a mountainous nature reserve on the Mediterranean. This venue has hosted many ecological gatherings and conversations, including an Ecovillage Design Education program, and my family and I were so graciously welcomed there as guests for the duration of our stay.

Walk with Daniel and I amongst the ancient olive grove above Son Rullan as we talk about what designing regenerative cultures means, how we can become regenerative by design, and what we can be doing in our daily lives to be part of the urgent change we need to see in the world.

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Excellent conversation there with Daniel.Good systems understanding on his part.I am part of a group in Southern Ireland working towards a community resilience solution to the many scenarios we're facing.The work we so enjoyed has been locked down to a great extent, but we slowly try to get up and continue.Thanks to both of you for the inspiration to carry on.


10:45 Actually, in a lot of countries people can! There's guaranteed basic income or income assistance in many countries. If one refuses to follow the economic system and does the work s/he thinks is important, the government can't let them die! That also is forcing the mainstream economics to pay for said work.

19:17 Remember, the current plant material on earth, draws 5 PPM of CO2 from the atmosphere per year. CO2 concentration is rising 8PPM per year ( a net of 3ppm per year). If we double live plant material, that would be a 10ppm drop and a 8ppm rise (a net of -2ppm). Because we have deforested and desertified so much land, I think doubling the living plant material is a doable thing. At that rate it would take 22 years to return to 1999 levels.


just wonderful.. I love the walking discussion ....very hopeful messages


Eye opening. Thank you for this interview and info. Namaste.


What do you think about the solar remediation programs that are the cause of weather chance


Really inspiring. I want to connect.
I am part of a group that is starting a community garden in nothvwestern germany.
