Conservative Nonfiction Nonsense

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I'm taking a break from reading fiction to delve into the murky waters of conservative nonfiction. These books were mostly chosen at random, so I didn't expect them to tie together so easily. But it turns out most of these books are all the same. Just to varying degrees of quality, from bad to worse.

I move through everything a bit quickly in this video, so I'm not sure I gave the arguments quite enough time to breathe, but if people like this video, I might track down another nonfiction book and really dig into it.

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"Killing the Killers.. finally, someone stopped them." I've been cracking up over this line for ten minutes now. Jesus, what an understated joke.


Ben Shapiro: Facts don’t care about your feelings.
Also Ben: Sure America did some bad stuff but just ignore all of that because it makes people feel uncomfortable.


The american flag “ban” at that school is like if someone saw a bottle flipping ban and went off on a tirade about how the democrats are trying to dehydrate our children


The Disintegrationists would make a name for a anarcho-punk band.


Bill O'Reilly has so many "kill the [blank]" books that I'm starting to think he's the one doing the killing 😬


"Non-fiction" is being real generous here, Jose.


Imagine coming from a wealthy family with both parents working in Hollywood and still failing as a screenwriter.


Glenn Beck: "Oligarh... one letter is missing."
Me: "Oh good, at least he knows its missing a c"
Glenn Beck: "Its missing a y!"


Of course Ben would include “slavery is prohibited in any form” without including “except as punishment”


"... as if children are being molded into boulders and rainbows."
My 6-year old son, Brock, after helping him start his rock collection:


"Being trans doesn't disqualify someone from being a hateful conspiracy theorist."
See, e.g. Caitlyn Jenner


The irony of Ben using the term unionist... The IRONY


Sure ‘Mr.Brightside’ gets overused but ‘Hot Fuss’ is an iconic album. I really must object to anyone advocating that we kill the killers.


"No, the Ottoman Empire was not Imperialist. Indeed, it fought and won against the Byzantine EMPIRE, how could they be in favor of Imperial domination?", Rubin about the Ottomans


"Don't burn this book" Okay, I'll just wipe my ass with it then.


When this man added a Y to fill the spot of the missing letter in “oligarh” I literally screamed.


"Killing Jesus [quietly] thatdoesn'twork--"


When I was a kid, my grandfather pretty much forced me to read Bill O'Reilly's "Kids are Americans Too."

At the beginning of every chapter was a heinous pro-America rap. *Insert Buscemi "how do you do, fellow kids" meme here*

Probably had the opposite effect on me than he wanted.


The whole argument brought up by Shapiro about Westward expansion infuriates me.

1: Tribes are all different just like how Europeans were all different. Not all European nations were in an active state of conquest. The California tribes had centuries of peace, the Sioux solved their disputes with counting coup and rarely ever actually fought one another, the Cree had years of peace with the confederacy. Not every tribe was like the Aztecs or Europeans where they were in an active state of conquest. Because while we did have the concept of territory, we didn't have the concept of owning land, there's a huge difference. Owning a piece of land means that you OWN it, no one else is allowed their without your permission. Having a general territory means that while you know that's your ancestral homeland, you also know that you can't own the trees or rivers or other peoples in your territory. Most of us Northern tribes lived well with that system until the Europeans came and we had to assert our dominance as the protectors and maintainers of the land so that way Europeans wouldn't come in and turn it into a plantation where they mow down all the trees, displace the animals, and rob the soil of it's vast nutrients with their crops.
The land was built by the First Nations, through burning, strategic placement of crops, and and rotations, it made the land fertile, it made the forest floors clean, and created a symbiotic cycle that was greatly disturbed once Europeans created permanent settlements.

2. Yes, there were tribes who tried to assert that they OWNED the land, but just like Europeans, we are a vast and diverse peoples with different beliefs. If we were given more time to evolve by ourselves then it would have been likely that other empires would've rose up from small tribes as the influence from the Aztecs moved up. But even though there were tribes who tried to conquer, this appeal to normality that Ben Shapiro is doing doesn't take away the fact that it didn't give the colonizers the right to raid camps while the men were gone so they could kill the defenseless women, children, and old people. It doesn't give them the right to erase the cultures that were there for centuries, and that doesn't mean that the effects from that time hasn't spread down the generations to cause our current lack of growth. They got our ancestors addicted to alcohol so they could use it to control them. They would have natives do cheap labor and only pay them with alcohol. They gave us the worst pieces of land and told us to try to make something out of it, and then the moment we do find an oil spot or strategic resources they immediately try to seize the land.

If by some chance Ben happens to read this, lemme ask you a question. We've seen your feelings about Palestine because you believe that to be the Jewish homeland, I'm not taking sides here, but do you look back on the past takeovers and think "Aw yeah, that was fine, it was OK of them to murder and likely pillage and rape thousands of my people, it happened ALL the time"? Now, imagine that some country like Britain who had the territory before it was given over to your people create a "prosperous" society for everybody but the Jews and other minorities who live there. They actively try to get rid of your faith and people, put you in barely habitable pieces of land, and the moment you guys finally find a resource you can use to make money, they seize it and then tell you guys to do better. To forget your culture and integrate with the British Palestine identity, because the flag of British Palestine is true and represents all of the best parts of the British Palestine way and life. You would be infuriated, so what makes manifest destiny any different from what happened with Israel? How, with being descended from a group of peoples who have gone through much of the same colonization and suffering, can you sit their with a straight face and write in your book that it was just all normal, that the "prosperous" ends somehow justify the the cruel and horrible means that got you there.


I cannot deal with Tucker Carlson's expression. He has always the look of someone the hasn't got a clue of what is happening.
