JULY 2023 TBR! Attempting to strike a balance.

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“She might kicked out for someone else - just like Anne Boleyn” 😂 I am also craving some unstructured reading time but so many commitments at the moment. You will LOVE Emma - it took me a while to but it’s a firm favourite with me now. Funny, cleverly structured and just a wonderful read.


I hope you have a fantastic time with your parents. I am really excited for July. I have a lot of recently hauled books that I have been excited about for a while. Enjoy your reads.


I’m staying away from ‘events’ for the summer I think. I’m doing Tiffany’s Summer Book Bingo because it’s easygoing and gives me ideas without structure. I am going to reread Mansfield Park as a nod to JAJ but that is it. Everything else is buddy reads and mood reads! I’m finishing June with Lysistrata and Antigone, though! I felt the need for Ancients 😊😉


I loved the Patrick Melrose series, I don’t know why because everyone is horrible in it 😆 I love Philippa Gregory 😊 I’m on a Tudor kick. Don’t forget Anne kicked out someone else also 😉 Good luck with your reading plans!


Hey Shelly! I've been watching you for a while now but this is my first time commenting! I really enjoy your videos, they're fantastic. I love how passionate you are about reading and your channel...your enthusiasm is wonderful to watch!! I'm reading My Fourth Time We Drowned right now and I'm finding it riveting...it's an absolute page turner! I hope you have a great reading month in July!


Yes! Listen to My Fourth Time, We Drowned because there is actual audio from the refuges and it's heartbreaking!


I have two books left to read for the BTP, and it’s the same as yours. We are synchronized in our reading. I am very excited to see if we will be on the same page for the ranking too. 😁


I am a mood reader due to the reading involved in my work. This was a great reflection for me on this. And, reading P&P (maybe for the first time...)


Hi Shelly! I, too, am keeping it tentative in July. I am moving out-of-state August 1st, so I’m trying to not have too many expectations for myself in July. I bought a beautiful edition of Emma last summer so I’m planning on reading that and just enjoying JAJ book tube content 😁 Excited to hear what you think of it, if you get to it. I’ve never read it either, but I loved the recent movie adaptation!


I picked up Half American yesterday and was likewise pleasantly surprised by the notes &margins 😂


Benedict Cumberbatch is such a fantastic actor. I know this has nothing to do with anything but I saw his picture on the book cover so I had to say something 🤭
I will be participating in Jane Austen July as I'm unhurriedly reading through Austen’s works this year. I am also just going to continue reading the books I'm currently reading until I'm through. I think a lot will roll over into July month. I have a few of my big books on my shelf that I want to tackle for summer but I don't want to commit to anything. I am not planning anything for the summer as I too want to give myself the flexibility to read whatever I feel like. I enjoy the reading process more when I wing it😊


I love getting ideas from other people’s comments so throwing in what I’m in the middle of. I put together my own art trilogy 🎨. Just finished Seven Days in the Art World by Sarah Thornton and am currently reading Con Artist: The Life and Crimes of the World’s Greatest Art Forger. I will finish off with The Art Thief: A True Story of Love, Crime, and a Dangerous Obsession (comes out Tuesday). As a newer, consistent book reader, I’m quite happy with what I put together! 😊


I've been craving unstructured reads too, I've been pressuring myself to finish big books before a trip so I don't have to lug/pause them, but it isn't working haha
I started Emma last year and paused it and was debating between finishing it in July or switching to a totally different Austen.


I always try to make plans for reading, but half-way through it goes in a different direction. I want to participate in readathons, but there are also all the books I feel I should get to first, like ones I started a while back, but didn't finish. I can't even go to the library, because I feel l have to prioritize the library books first, but feel guilty I'm not reading from my own collection.


I may dive into some Jane Austen, I have the complete works on my Kindle. I have read only Lady Susan so I might start with Nothanger Abbey. What do you think?


What?! Are we not reading anything in July together? 😯😅
