Elementary: Lucy Liu & Jonny Lee Miller Tease Season 5, Shinwell & More | Entertainment Weekly

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CBS's 'Elementary' stars Lucy Liu and Jonny Lee Miller talk about what's to come in season 5, the introduction of Shinwell and much more.

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Elementary: Lucy Liu & Jonny Lee Miller Tease Season 5, Shinwell & More | Entertainment Weekly
Рекомендации по теме

Is it just me or does Jonny radiate a lot of nervous energy. And Lucy Liu in complete contrast always seems extremely calm . Anyway both are total stars and elementary is totally underrated.


season 5 is going well-congrats to Lucy and Jonny and the other wonderful regulars and guest actors as well as the writers and producers on 100 plus episodes.Elementary is one of the more intelligently written and executed programs on tv-always fun to watch!!


Definitely one of my favorite shows! I love his intellectual dialogues


The fact Jonny Lee Miller is wearing a Wu-Tang shirt has made me love him more than I thought I could....


Lucy Liu makes this show worth watching, and the fact that she plays Watson in itself makes it a fresh iteration, even though so much of it seems to be influenced by Sherlock. I wasn't expecting Jonny to be so awkward in real life.


this is show was amazing. it was fun and refreshing to see a modern day sherlock. an I will miss it dearly.


Wow, I can't believe they did this at NY Comic Con! I hope we get a few more interviews and insights before the 200th episode! Jonny Lee Miller was great in the National Theater Frankenstein play recently - nice to have seen the "dueling" Sherlocks (Him and Cumberbatch playing off each other)!


they are partners in interviews too xD


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