AMD IS LOCKING 4TH Gen Ryzen ‘Zen 3’ to 500 series chipsets only! AMD Does An Intel!

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AMD is locking Zen 3 & ryzen 4000 to 500-series motherboards only, meaning no am4 boards except b550 & x570 and future chipsets will support upcoming ryzen 4000. Zen 3 and 4TH Gen Ryzen is set to launch in September/October and is a further improvement of the successful chiplet design and zen architecture.

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AMD tricked me into buying a $200 Asus x470 Strix dead platform. Everyone at the time was led to believe x470 would be supported with upcoming AM4 cpu's. Cutting previous series boards and only support 500 series even if it is am4 is irrelevant if you still have to buy a new board. Buying a 500 series board is also a bad investment as its the end of the road of Am4 and Am5 is coming. All in all it's basically asking the consumer to buy 2 dead end platforms in a row with also being dishonest in the process to x470 and B450 Max owners. And whats even worse is the Bios excuse they're using to weasel out of their promise doesn't even hold water because almost all the x470 boards have 32 MB rom as well as the B450 Max boards and were designed to support another generation of CPU's. X470/B450 MAX owners are getting sideways shafted and AMD is playing stupid acting like they had no idea this would happen and that it's simply unfortunate but can't be helped. Offer support to the x470 and B450 MAX series AMD or enjoy losing out on a ton of Zen 3 sales because x470 and B450 owners are not going to run out and buy 500 series boards at the end of the road of AM4 socket after just buying their 400 series less than a year ago. Hope your AM5 is really good because if it's not also expect these pissed off x470 owners to make the switch to intel when DDR5 becomes the standard.


shame on you AMD by changing the socket, u r doing same stupid thing as intel did, soon u will be thrown away from market AMD, u have now become money greedy, shame, shame


The socket still is supported in the way that the motherboard is an upgradeable part. You can put all your old stuff from your x470 onto your x570 including your last gen processor. While the processor isn't supported the socket is. Still way better than intel support


Wait wait wait ....amd promised am4 till 2020 and 4th gen amd support only 5 series mobos so basically b550 is only for 4th gen wtf ?


I bought a MSI B450m motar max with a Ryzen 5 1600 AF about 3 weeks back. I had planned to spend around (AUD)$1400* when Zen 3 dropped on a new CPU and Radeon GPU. I wanted to support AMD after having a great experience with them on my first build, I had hoped that my MSI board would have  supported at least one more gen, i.e. Zen 3.

This really has left a bitter taste in my mouth. In all honesty now if they don't change the terrible decision I'm just going to probably buy an Nvidia GPU that's an upgrade on what I already have and not support AMD GPU's anymore.

I gushed about AMD and how the compatibly was excellent, but it seems they've left 400 series chipset users out in the cold.


“Over the past week, we closely reviewed your feedback on that news: we watched every video, read every comment and saw every Tweet, ” AMD said in a release, via Anandtech. “We hear that many of you hoped a longer upgrade path. We hear your hope that AMD B450 and X470 chipsets would carry you into the ‘Zen 3’ era…As the team weighed your feedback against the technical challenges we face, we decided to change course.”


Yes I totally agree with every single point in this video. I like AMD but this what they did is totally anti-consumer and we shouldn't accept that. Everyone who talks this decision of AMD good is a 100% AMD fanboy who kiss AMD's ass 24 hours 7 days in a week 365 days in a year.


What's going on, AMD is lying and Intel is selling pre-overclocked CPUs! 👏👏👏🌈🌈🌈


Zen 3 can be made available on almost all B450 and X470 boards without much work, just a minor bios update is all it takes. Almost all B450
and X470 boards have larger than needed bios memory for this, so no reason for AMD to do this shitty move to B450 and X470 owners. I bought
my ASUS X470 Prime Pro board new last summer and a 3600x as well, the board worked with Zen2 right out of the box and even supported PCIE4,
but that support was of course removed with a couple of bios updates later. But the performance improved, this board in perticular can
easily be updated to support Zen3 it has a larger bios than needed amo. I choose this board back in 2019 because i wanted a higher end board
that did not cost that much and i liked the design and the specs of this X470 board, and it would support Zen2 out of the box and also Zen3
later, and it was alot cheaper than the X570 version so i though it was a great deal. I mean i did not need PCIE4 so why would i spend 80%
more on a motherboard than i need to, to get really nothing for the money. AMD needs to make this right and support B450 and X470 with ZEN3
there is no excuse not to.


Well I wont be buying a Ryzen 4000. You are wrong about us X370 users not having anything to be mad about. In 2017 they were promising support through 2020. They changed their marketing slides in 2018 to "up to 2020". I spent 2x more than i needed to for my motherboard expecting to upgrade in 2020. The reason given is BS. This is a disaster for AMD that will destroy the goodwill they have built over the years. SHAME ON AMD!


Yeah not cool to lock it down after their major selling point was supported processors. If people are okay with it, then they will follow Intels foot steps. We don't need another Intel.


i own a x470 aorus gaming 7
it was 190 money


This is actually super hard because the final bios is modified by the board manufacturer not by AMD. So basically AMD would be asking their manufacturing partners to develop BIOS updates so they can let you the consumer not buy another product. Essentially they would be paying you to upgrade your CPU. I’m sure AMD might have looked into footing the bill but after the virus lockdown, that money is not available anymore.


that dont sound good at all nice video Robin!
