Met Police pay substantial damages to Black teenager over 2020 stop and search

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The Metropolitan Police have paid substantial damages to a Black teenager, who says he feared for his life when he was stopped and searched in the street.

Jamar Powell, who was 16 at the time, said he'd been handcuffed and surrounded by armed officers, with a Taser poked into his neck.

Two officers now face disciplinary proceedings over the incident, which happened in September 2020.
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Compensation has to start coming out of the personal pocket ...paid directly out of their paychecks of the cops that were charged and convicted!


When they say the Met are paying substantial damages, it means we, the taxpayer are paying substantial damages. It's in EVERYONE'S interest to weed out these incompetent, discriminatory, racist police officers. So can we stop making excuses for their bad behaviour. Yes they have a difficult job, but it's not that difficult to stop someone who actually matches a description accurately is it?


I was ran over, by the police no lights,

while riding my motorcycle bike

I’ve sent them £40, 000 gbp breakdowns of total losses fingers crossed they pay because they caused me after 10 years ptsd


That officer needs to be stripped of the title and gets a full charge of his actions. People do not change their behaviour over night.


A Mother, having to see a young Son distressed by incompetent police actions, just for his skin colour, must be a terrible thing to bear! Sorry!


They think they are american police.. they better pay like american lawsuits 😂😂😂


I am a white British elderly male, I am sickened by this and other incedents I have been informed of. The police are either incompedent, incapable or racist. There is no excuse that any police inspector can put forward an doing so only strenghtens the views I and the majority of the public have. Over the last few decades, the police across the UK have alienated the public and it continues at an ever increasing rate. Stop attempting to protect the inapropriate action of officers, big up and admit straight up when mistakes have been made, the more the police alienate the public the nearer we are to anarchy and people taking the law into their own hands and there will be nobody else responsible for it than the police themselves!


Funny how the commentator isnt concerned that the Police are looking for _'a Black man running around with a samurai sword'_

Why even mention the white dude filming, hes not black!


so can i claim for when i have been stopped and searched/cuffed by non white officers?


It's funny how the mother sounds 100% brit and the son has a foreign accent


I've been searched before, no big deal. Someone has been stabbed in the area and i was just walking home alone, police van stopped nearby, explained that they need to search me to look for a knife, and after searching, they explained that there have been a murder in the area.
They need to do their fucking job, it's not racism, it's work.


3 years, how much taxes spent on this?


The Met should go into administration as a result of the review by Louise Casey, despite her not mentioning that.


My wife and our 3 kids are
americans. I am a romanian national. Me and my wife moved
the UK
in 2013 from Romania.

In 2021 July we went to Turkey with our 3 kids aged then 7 months old and 5 and 8 to start a business and after that we planned to return to the UK.

I got lied upon and wrongly accused to be a british spy then the turkish intelligence claimed I am
a american spy. I was arrested and tortured/beaten up/blindfolded/psychological torture putting a gun to my head and shooting it with no bullet in the chamber etc - by the turkish intelligence service and they had attempts to kill
my wife and our 3 kids by running them over with cars whilst in Turkey.

The US embassy in Turkey offered no help
them. We managed to get out of Turkey and we took a flight from Turkey to Munich Germany - we were followed on the flight to Germany by the turkish intelligence.

I took a flight from Munich to London - due to having no US visa and my wife had to fly alone with our 3 kids from Munich to USA.
We were followed to our destinations by the turkish intelligence service.

I landed wt Heathrow Airport on 15 October 2021 being followed on same flight by turkish intelligence officers - 2 of them have previously beaten me up in a Police Station in Ankara, Turkey. I can recall around 14 of them by their looks and faces from Ankara following me everywhere.

The Police at Heathrow came and I told them I am scared they will
murder me that they promised to shoot me dead upon landing.

The Police mocked me and asked
me if I am drunk or on drugs and then ignored the fact these turkish spies
were literally 15 feet away smirking at me.

I had to figure my own way out and ran for my life
from Heathrow Airport taking a taxi and after that a Uber to escape - they followed me in cars.

We ended up being apart for 2 years and 11 days. Ignored, left to be prey to turkish espionage, followed not knowing if we will get murdered at any given time.

I went to the US embassy in London couple of times to make US govt officials aware of what my wife and kids were living on US soil - they were being watched and followed by the turkish intelligence service. Their house was watched also.
My wife called the US Police, I called the FBI, she called the FBI.

Their life was in danger every day in USA and nothing was done to keep them safe, Turkey and the turkish govt spies do
as they wish on US soil.

They lived in fear of being murdered on US soil by spies sent by a nation that is very hostile to USA and the western world - Turkey.

Nothing was done by the US govt to guarantee their safety. Nothing.

One thing that was done my wife wrote to the White House to Mr President Biden to inform them of me being followed in UK by turkish intelligence service and asked to make urgent or expedite my green card application - which they have done so but then I was refused the visa based on the fact my wife does not earn enough - kind of hard to go work to earn enough when turkish spies follow you and your kids in USA.

Our oldest child - our daughter was born premature and with a cyst on her brain.

Whilst going to the Mall in Wichita, Kansas with her mom and her other 2 siblings they realised they are being followed and watched by turkish intelligence service.

So they called the Police and were instructed to wait outside.

As they were running in fear for their very lives our daughter hit her head on a metal bollard - since the. she has been suffering from really bad migraines that have gotten worse and worse.

My wife and our 3 kids came to the UK - after 2 years and 11 days that we had to he apart as a family due to turkish government lies and abuses.

On arriving to Heathrow Airport - the UK border force has seized their US passports - they still have it to this day and claim
they want to deport them back to USA.

My wife and kids were arrested at Heathrow for 13 hours - as if it was not enough to have trauma that Turkey has inflicted on us.

We mentioned the fact - to the Border Force of how the turkish intelligence service has terrorised our family and spied on us in USA and UK and they completely ignored this.

There was a house that my wife and kids lived in USA. We payed rent there even after they came
to the UK until we could not afford it and then right now she has nowhere to go and if she would go back
to USA she would be homeless on the street with 3 kids and the turkish
and their agents would not loose this chance to murder them.

I had a application for a US Green Card - to be able to move USA and be reunited with them - made in 2021. The application was expedited or made urgent after she wrote to Mr President Biden about the fact I was followed on UK soil by turkish intelligence service and that my life was in danger.

On 10th if January I had the immigration interview at the US embassy in London and was told
my visa immigration was refused because "my wife does not
earn enough" - how can you go work and live you kids at home when they are being followed by spies sent from

mentioning that to then
US embassy immigration officer he seemed shocked and said he can get help for us so I was directed to talk to someone else - "a more senior person rank wise etc"

I explained the story in all the details and was told they will help with this situation.

I left
the US embassy and have not heard back from them
since 10th of January 2024.

We cannot even go to the US embassy to seek help as my wife and our 3 kids passports are being held by border force.

Yes we did call the US embassy when they were detained by Border Force and after that too in the following months - no help offered.

The Citizens Advice Bureau - I have contacted them - it is a place
to get free legal
advice - has told
me they can only hold passports for maximum 14 days.

My son that is 7 years old his US passport expired in March 2024 - I have no way to renew his passport as the UK Border Force has his passport. He would not be able
to enter USA on a expired passport - the US laws are clear.

Right now if they get deported - which we can't agree to this as it would be a threat to their life - due to turkish espionage - a breach of human rights.

It would also mean they would have a 10 year ban from re-entering UK, also I have no way to go together with them to USA - I do not have a visa to go USA - and then that means I will not have my human rights - right to private life respected.

I will basically not see my wife and kids never again.

Our kids are born in the UK and I researched it seems they are most likely british citizens by birth but they are being treated like criminals.

The Border Force initial reports have omitted on purpose our mention of turkish espionage and the severity of the situation.

I can't get my daughter to a private doctor as she has no id or passport.

Is the life of a 10 year old american child not mean nothing to the US govt?

Our youngest one is 3 years old now and he does not remember the horror in Turkey - which is good of course. But since the Border Force arrest on 26 October 2023 - he keeps asking me at random times "daddy is the Police gonna come and kill me".

Our other son is now 7 years old and he is the most affected he displays clear signs of autism and after the Border Force arrest he almost
stopped talking completely.

Our kids - are mentally traumatised badly by all that happened in Turkey and after that too and they get very scared when they see Police or people in uniform
- this is because in Ankara Esenboga Airport they were threatened openly by turkish Police and my son that is now 7 even got called "a american enemy".

As a father I did not just sit quiet when that happened. And I corrected verbally the turkish Police.

And the Border Force wants to traumatise our kids more by threatening to send the Police to arrest our kids in breach of human rights and with no respect for human life.

A last detail is - I am ex-army and ex-police officer - I can testify to how much they thank me for my service. I gave some and some gave all yet now my kids and wife can't even be safe and free.

Our kids have been robbed of their basic human rights and of their childhood. And still are every moment whilst these abuses carry on.

No, I will never be silent when governments
break their own laws openly and breach human rights and pretend they are in the right. I will continue to make awareness of our family's plight and hope that my children can maybe be having a childhood soon


No-one is safe until we are all safe… Good luck Jamar, family & friends ❤


🎀So they should pay! They are in a position of power and need to start treating people fairly.🎀


we got british george floyd before gta 6


I've been wrongly stopped & searched. I didn't even consider suing anyone.


It's a hard life neing a street cop these days. Is the Met. offering payment to thsoe stabbed by black suspects
at the Notting hill carnival. Is Channel 4 News on the case?


Just a gold digger after compensation.. I don't mind being in cuffs and searched if some plonker walking around within the same area with a sword... nothing worry about I got nothing illegal on my person and quite sure cops would apologise when they found nothing.. they only doing their jobs y'all need grow the eff up.. you be complaining more if a member of your family was run through with a samurai sword and the police not trying to find and search everyone in the area to try prevent anything bad