Why Voldemort Turned Nagini Into A Horcrux

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Voldemort and Nagini bonded because both of them are physical manifestations of an obscural.


0:08 Horcruxes were not thought up by JK Rowling. The way they work is almost identical to the one ring from lord of the rings. It's not plagiarism on her part but its certainly not her idea.


Dark Magic made Nagini more evil then she was. I always thought that Dark Arts don't corrupt people, but the benifits they bring comes at a dark price, and those people r willing to pay it that's what I always thought. In Hinduism, its not the phoenix that's the enemy nagas, its the garudas. They have a human torso with birds wings, head, and legs. I think both those creatures r around in HPverse, in India.


In the tv series I kind of wonder maybe in flashback scene if we will get to see when Voldemort actually met Nagini


I think he had a thing for snakes in general given his heritage. I think his relationship with Nagini is just his personality showing in how he’s selfish and self centered. Nagini might as well be him the same way the Ring is Sauron.


Nagini finally felt relief when Neville killed her during the Battle of Hogwarts


This is a interesting take on Nagini. As I never really thought much about why her and it was only until Fantastic Beast we find out it was a person originally. Although, this was probably nver originally intended and was added by JK when writing the Fantastic Beast stories. Maybe, if we got the forth Fantastic Beast movie we would have found out more on how Nagini found her way to Voldemort. Personally, I just took Nagini as a good way to foreshadow that Horcrux could be made using a living thing. Therefore, when it's revealed at the end that Harry Potter himself was one, it was like "oh yea, Nagini was one, so of course it's possible Harry became one by accident." Instead of everyone going "how is that possible, all the other ones were objects, and now your say it can be even something living." By introducing Nagini and having Harry see through her eyes in his dream at the beginning of Goblet of Fire and then his connection to Voldemort in Order of the Phoenix as well as seeing through Nagini again. This help show Harry had a deeper connection to Voldemort and we were just not connecting the dots until the end reveal happened.


Welcome back Dean you have been missed x


Nice to see you’ve risen from the phoenix ashes!


Missed you Dean, great video as usual.


Nagini was a human and maledictus affected with curse that will result in nagini one day being unable to transform back to human. As it happened she becomes Voldemorts pet as they're kindred spirits in a way both with deep hatred for the world. Nagini's soul wasn't forced out, it couldn't have been because he placed part of his soul in her which wasn't enough to harm her just like harry.


I think Voldemort would had been able to revert the Maledictus curse indeed. The same way he was able to have his body back. Voldemort was a trully powerful wizard.


i always thought Nagini knew Merope and out of respect for their friendship, she tried to take care of Voldemort


its so funny to me that Tom and nagini at that point both had only 0, 78% of Tom's soul


Poor, beautiful nagini: she never deserved what happened to her . . . or what she became.


I dont think JK came up with the idea herself. J.R.R tolkien did, with Saurons Ring. He had his life force bound to the ring. JK took it a bit further tho with Voldemort, but still, same concept :)


Disappointed that there was no hogwarts legacy content from this channel, but I hope to see new content once the HBO series releases.


Nagini was probably after he realized that he made harry a horcrux on accident


Wait if naggini was impervious to spells then why wasn’t Harry ?


Hi Dean!

I have a topic for a video, if you please!

It regards Lily and James.

So, we know they joined the Order and got married pretty much right after finishing Hogwarts, just like Molly and Arthur.
The Order by that time was pretty much done for and Voldemort had practically won.
How exactly did they learn about the Order? Through Dumbledore? Why did he need them, then? Before the prophecy?
Do, the timeline seems VERY confusing to me.
When did they manage to meet Voldemort in this very short time before they went into hiding?
What interest did Voldemort have in them before the prophecy (as they surely were not at all interesting/important to him at that time)?
With Neville’s parents it all makes so much more sense as they were much older than James and Lily (I suppose they were close in age to Molly and Arthur?), well-established Aurors and members of the Order for a long time. It’s very logical that would have met Voldemort more than three times by 1980.
But as much as I love the Potters, the math doesn’t math, at all!
Help me out, please!

Another idea would be about the Malfoys about the same time, 1980-1981. I’d always imagined Draco’s birth in the middle of it played a much bigger role in Lucius not looking for Voldemort after his fall. I also believe Narcissa could also discourage him from that. IMHO, she had much more impact on things than could be presumed.
Another idea was that the main reason why Lucius managed to get away both time is pretty simple - corruption in the Ministry. I’d expect him to be secretly involved with not just Fudge and Umbridge, but other Wizengamot members and they were simply too scared to sentence him as he’d simple tell all about their dirty business and they’d lose all their positions. They must have remembered Barty Senior all too well.
Can you speculate on that, too? If interested
