Clever Girl: Closing The Gender Gap in Science & Engineering | Brain Food Daily | TakePart TV

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"Math is hard," says Barbie. With an attitude like that, of course it is! Lilan Bowden looks at why girls are struggling in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) and what we can do to end the gender cap.

Show Airs: Brain Food Daily airs every Monday-Friday.

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Line Producer: Tobey List
Creative Producer: Sax Carr
Coordinating Producer: Alexandra Cuerdo
Head Writer: Spencer Gilbert
DP/ Technical Director: Neal McConnell
Gaffer: Alexandra Cuerdo
Audio: Neal McConnell

Clever Girl: Closing The Gender Gap in Science & Engineering | Brain Food Daily | TakePart TV
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Does anyone have the references for the original papers she talks about? I'm writing a paper on this topic atm