No More Boys And Girls: Gender Free Kids (Education Documentary) | Real Stories

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Is the way we treat boys and girls the real reason we haven't achieved equality between men and women? Dr Javid Abdelmoneim aims to find out by taking over a primary school class.

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The doc is talking about how treating boys and girls the same they can improve social and cognitive skills, it's not talking about treating boys and girls as genderless beings. This documental is very interesting, and shows that maybe our skills are not based on our capabilities, but based on our environment.

I was a little bit balky about clicking in the title, because of the recent madness of people willing to imposing genderless agenda into kids minds to confuse them. BUT, I watched the whole video, and I realize that this is more of a change in the education system, a slight change, where we treat both parties the same and improve their skills. Maybe, there are waaay more mathematician males because of what they learned as kids, and what toys they used to play as kids.
Maybe the difference between boys and girls is not inherently gender based, but how society rices their children based on their gender.
Maybe by teaching the kids different things and removing the stigma, they can improve their cognitive and social mind to be above average and very successful people, starting from little things like making it OK for girls and boys to play football together, or giving girls Legos, giving boys sewing kits and teddie bears. I don't want to go to extremes like making boys wear make up, or making them use the other gender clothes, but there's definitely stuff that can be changed that can improve our children to be better human beings.


its funny that people are so scared of this since the documentary actually shows it was positive for the children, their self esteem increased and the boys behaved more.


They should follow these kids throughout their lives and see if this mentality carries through adulthood


I cried of joy.
This is so AMAZING and should be replicated everywhere in the world.
This is the only way to end violence in general (remember that more than 90% of violent crimes are perpretated by men) and violence by men on women in particular.


People who have given this a thumbs down haven’t watched the documentary. They are reacting to the title


Everyone, watch the documentary before commenting. Don't immediately flail your arms to the title and scream "Cultural Marxism."


I don't see anything wrong with this. I mean, they're breaking stereotypes, so what? In my opinion, this stuff is all very basic, and it's silly to question it - but I mean, they've succeeded in making the kids feel good about themselves, they want to show openness between the girls and the boys - why is this so horrible?


Excellent documental. It really got me thinking.


Love seeing Riley change his stereotypes in regards to the mixed teams. Him ACKNOWLEDGING that boys play football more than girls is absolutely beautiful. All we need is a little bit of advocation to change our children’s beliefs. Him speaking up for a mixed team is so inspiring. Thank you for this documentary, so helpful! I’m smiling, holding back tears, and am filled with hope for our futures. Thank you again!


how can anyone say this was rubbish when self confidence was up and empathy increased. how can that be bad? watch both documentaries and see the positives. just because its stereo typical and always been that way doesn't make it right or the only way, these kids gained so much, so quickly. kids with more empathy more self esteem is a win in my book


All the negative comments clearly didn’t watch the doc and are just reacting to the title. 😂🙄.


I'm so grateful that my mother let me play with stereotypical "boy toys" like cars, legos, and building materials. i played barbies with my little sister, but i usually just ended up using the dolls to make forts. i let my kiddo play with whatever they like now. i bought all sorts of toys for them. dolls, dress up things, puzzles, building blocks, cars, and other thinker toys. when they were old enough i let them pick out what they wanted, usually opting for toys that nurtured creativity. the kitchen set was a favorite for many years. they're growing up to be quite independent and often easily solving problems on their own.


So so glad I watched this. It was much better than the title or synopsis suggests. It is a true study in equality and very apt as it was conducted with children who could still learn from it. I am grateful to have had open minded parents who let me play with the toys I liked and never forced anything on me. I feel like I subconsciously carried that on with my nieces and nephews, I encourage them to build, draw, paint, etc. There are lots of options. Lego (just loose ones, let the imagination go wild), tinker toys, play doh, even just crayon on paper, can help a lot for a child to express themselves and be proud of something they made with their own two hands. And that's for girls and boys.


The result speaks for itself. Such a touching and teaching series. Children are the future if the today adults do their part to guide them properly!


The high fives between children when they were talking about the amazing sandwiches... So so so cute! I’m happy children’s behaviors are so easily formed. It’s so important how we treat our kiddos


This documentary is brilliant, equal rolls should definitely be encouraged both at school and at home from as early as possible. Just think how much of a positive impact this would have on society if the next generation were taught this way


So many closed minded people in the comments..


Speaking from my own experience. I'm a girl (woman now). I never liked girly, glittery, pink things. As long as I can remember I liked legos, building things, etc. I also had barbies, stuffed animals, etc. The most important thing is to explain to children that they can play with whatever they like. I'm now a Building Engineer, and in fact, we were more girls than boys in my university.


This disgusts me and i worry for my children.


How about focusing on math, reading, and sciences?

If you can, HOME SCHOOL your children.
