Final Fantasy XIV Keybinds Guide - A practical guide to keybinding comfortably for FFXIV

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Many settings and lack of information can hold you back in FF14.
But what will hold you back the most is unintuitive keybinds and hotkeys.
So lets go over some rules and examples of helping you set your keybinds in a manner that suits your playstyle and your gaming imputs.

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I don't do any type of "hardcore" content, but I do care A LOT about the visuals of the game (from glam, to a good-looking mount, to a clean HUD) and that's a god-damn nice UI right there! So clean, that I consider getting an MMO mouse and re-train my muscle memory just to have it! xD Congrats for that and the video!


finally someone that has a similar setup lol -- i too was a console kid for all my life, but ended up with mmo mouse for this game and I love the 3x4 hotbars, it just makes sense to my brain. I still use some keyboard keys on some jobs, QERTF and such, depending on the skill order or combos, but the mouse is the big one and it made things much simpler and enjoyable.


What I do is map 1-4 q, e, z, x, c and two of my mouse buttons. For the next row I just map every button again but this time to shift. Next row is ctrl + 1, ctrl + 2 etc. I add in wasd buttons too for shift and ctrl. That's enough for every skill and it's very comfortable and easy to access


Thanks for the video, I’m playing ffxiv for over a month and I’m feeling overwhelming by the keybind system, but there a lot of useful tips in this video that I’ll start using for sure


i hope that games like FFXIV and PSO2 has a features to search keybinds names or what keys it binds to
as someone who played Minecraft Modpacks A LOT, that 2 mods called Controlling and AMeCS makes my life easier with tons of keybinds Modpack Minecraft tend to have, by searching the keybind name or the key it was bind to, even now i rarely plays FFXIV as a sprouts due to this, but yeah this videos surely help me a little bit


Bound. Bound! You keybound! I want to cry whenever I hear 'binded' and I hear it all the time. Same with 'casted'. It's just cast (past and present). Sorry, I know I'm being a pedant, but it's so distracting. Great video though. I like that you have your layout as your mouse. I might give that a go. I love my G600 but there are one or two issues with it so I'm using my Naga, which although it's a bit smaller still has lots of buttons to utilise). I have carried over my WoW layout just because of pure muscle memory developed over more than a decade, but I feel it could be better optimised as some of the binds can be a bit faffy. I've not really taken the time to improve them and since FFXIV is new to me, it's a good opportunity to try something new.


alright im having a major issue with ffxiv keybinds. im a wow gamer and dont have this issue there but have it in final all the time. i use a g600 like you and mapped all my mouse buttons ctrl1-ctrl12 in order and then the ring finger button is an alt modifier. if im doing any kind of strafing while pressing any mouse buttons and then simultaneously i need to press any 1-12 keys on my keyboard, it just thinks im pressing ctrl1-ctrl12. its like when im strafing or moving in general the game only recognizes the ctrl portion of my mouse buttons as long as im moving. are you aware of how to work around this? i literally cant press buttons while moving its that bad


What helped me a lot (non MMO mouse user, physical DPS main) was to turn on:

No need to have a keybind for target nearest enemy. This will do it for you when you use an attack skill. You just point the camera at your target basically.

Con: I admit it sometimes hangs for a split second while it picks your target and starts the skill. I think manual targeting is the most responsive. But it's much comfier this way imo. Sometimes I use ctrl+scroll or alt+scroll to cycle targets but I hardly ever need to. After discovering this I can't imagine going back to pressing a targeting key for every single enemy I fight.


Is it even possible to reply to party finder tells on ps4?
