Vulcan Bomber stuns beach-goers with a low fly by.

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The Avro Vulcan was a 'cold war' Bomber used by the RAF. The plane was the backbone of the UK's airborne nuclear deterrent during that period. Thankfully, its Nuclear capabilities were never used.

The Vulcan conducted many goodwill visits to various countries and distant parts of the former British Empire as a show of support and military protection.

Later in its service, it also took part in maritime radar reconnaissance and even an aerial refuelling role.

The Vulcan's only combat missions took place during the Falklands War named 'Operation Black Buck'. These were super-long-distance raids striking Airfield, Radar Installations and Anti-air Installations. Also Using its onboard systems as a radar jammer to the aid of other British aircraft in the area.

After its retirement from the RAF, only one Vulcan (B2 XH558) was restored for use in display flights and airshows. The plane can no longer be seen flying.

We were extremely lucky to have been able to witness one of the final flights of the Vulcan. The sound of the Rolls Royce engines was earth-shattering... hence my wobbly camera use at the end of the clip! Unfortunately, we'll only see Vulcan in flight from archive video footage and clips like this one.... so enjoy.
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You cant understand just how loud those things are until you've heard it yourself. It literally shakes your bones


And for those 24 seconds, every person on that beach was 10 years old, mouth agape, and thinking how cool it would be to be the pilot.


As a kid, I remember a Vulcan flying directly over me at just a couple of hundred feet. It took forever for its shadow to pass over me, and it's engine noise rattled my teeth. It was frighteningly beautiful. It was still an active service nuclear bomber at the time, I think.


You don't simply hear a Vulcan when it does a low pass, you feel it!!!


I live 2 minutes from where the Vulacn is kept, and its awesome when it used to fly over our village it even set off car alarms, when I got married in 2014 the pilot must have seen a weddind going on as we came out of the village church as he circled twice right above us and he came down real low.


And a reminder of an aviation and engineering industry that everyone in this country could have been proud of!


I worked with a team of engineers in the RAF to change one of those monstrous engines a couple years back, an amazing plane


this takes "let's cruise the beach and see some chicks in bikini" to a whole new level


A absolutely Stunningly beautiful aircraft with a sound you'll never forget.


Simply one of the most beautiful things to ever take to the skies.


That was in sneak mode, because the last time I saw one at an airshow, it took a week for my ears to get back to normal.


My grandad helped design that plane for Avro, worked on the electrics, knew the test pilots, last plane he worked on after being there from the 30s to 70s also built Lancaster's in the war.


That is one of the sleekest planes ever produced. Such nice lines on it.


To me one of the most beautiful looking planes ever built by man ...


I remember being at an air show decades ago when a Vulcan flew over head. No video can capture how noisy these beasts are.


Bathers: finally a quiet day on the beach to relax and get some sun...

Vulcan: allow me to introduce myself.


My Grandfather was a 30 year veteran of the USAF he used to do the same thing to fishermen out on the lakes in mostly B52s. He actually got a lot closer, he used get in trouble because people would be able to see him waving at them, that’s how close he got! Great man! He’s struggling with his memory, but he definitely remembers his time in the service.

Edit: Ok, since there seems to be some question about the authenticity of this story, I thought I’d give a little background. I didn’t actually hear about this story from my grandfather, my grandparents got a divorce before I was around and they both remarried. So one time I was out on a lake with my grandmother and her husband when a cropduster or something, I don’t remember for sure, flew over us really low. This caused her husband to begin talking about how one time he was out on a lake when a b52 flew over him low enough for him to see the pilot waving at him. My grandmother acted surprised by this and asked him if this lake was near Wichita, Yes, then she asked if it happened approximately x number of years ago, yes. Then my grandmother went on to tell the story I gave above, speculating that it was my grandfather that her husband had seen.


I've ALWAYS admired the old Vulcan. Unique aircraft, without any close rival Designs.


I was there that day and it was a ripper. The three V's were my favourite aircrafts as a kid, and the story of pilots on the end of the runway in cold war situations always gave me chills! Fantastic bit of kit - will never forget it


For those of you that have never seen this live, its like a combination of roaring thunder plus an earthquake when one of these flies low & slow overhead, quite unbelievable
