A New and Improved Way to Snatch a Kettlebell

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This is by far the best description of what to feel when performing the snatch. Well done sir!


I've been working with kettlebells for 2 years now, doing everything from squats, swings, cleans, presses and TGUs. But I always hesitated to try the snatch. Too technical. Too challenging. Until now! After following your progression, I was successfully performing the snatch with no banging of forearms, no awkward pauses or imbalances...and in less than 15 minutes of practice. (And wow! what an exercise it is. I feel like I've had a full body workout in only 10 minutes.) Thank you so much for opening up a whole new dimension to my workouts!


Great video. Thank you, Sir. Clear and concise instruction. Well done.


Game changer for me. Just went to my garage, repped off a few of the gun slingers, they a few of the tiger claws, then punched right into the snatch smoothly with out the kettlebell dropping on the forearm which had always been an issue for me with the older technique. The snatch will now be a staple with my kettlebell workout routine where before it was implemented occasionally. Awesome!!!


Interesting. I'll give that a try. I've been teaching the Snatch the last few years, without a high pull and instead explaining the movement from top to bottom. So started teaching in the lockout position and mirrored the downward movement to the top. But this new variation I will definitely give a try. Thanks for sharing.


Thanks for the solid break down. Honestly I find the high snatch intimidating. These steps will make it easier to practice 😊


I find dead hang snatch a good way of learning where the power comes from to move the bell overhead. Also when throwing the bell down a good cue to remember to keep it close is " paint the wall" if you get good at it you can do it in front of a wall.


Funny story: When i was learning the snatch, the method i was shown was the high pull variant, do the high pull then just punch up, easy peasy. Except it wasn't and i kept bashing my forearm. I was told to move the bell around the arm instead of over, which is doable and protects the forearm BUT every fucking video you see of people doing the snatch it's bell over, no one does the bell around. So i scoured youtube trying to find a method that works and doesn't bash the arm and i happened to find this guy, some small channel, and his version was basically a less defined variation of this "new and improved" version before this one existed and it started with keeping the elbow tight against the side. Saved my forearm. You're definitely on to something here Hardstyle KB Pro.


Tim's method is much much better, I've been using it for a good while now when I do HS snatching - the elbow swings are a great way to learn the low pull. It makes way more sense from a vertical projection of force perspective and is closer to a GS technique. Great video mate👏🏻👏🏻


Wow! This technique makes the bell fly up effortlessly!


Glad to see the channel is alive! Keep it up, Louka!


You are making my life so much better: strong wo injury. Thank you!


Thanks for sharing, coach. I've been following Tim's work with this new technique for a while and looks promising. It, apparently, allows you to move more weight and produce more power, while being as efficient as possible. I think they've started to refer the snatch to as a "clean that ends overhead" instead of a swing. Same hip drive of a swing, but with the arc taming principles of a clean.


Great video. This is very close to how Joe Daniels teaches the snatch. He has a really good visual of thinking of your elbow Velcro’d to your body and at the point where the Velcro would naturally pull apart, that is when you finish and go overhead.


After starting the (double) snatch on almost intuition techniques, this explanation helped me to rectify the movement for a better handling of the snatch. Thanks coach Louka💪👍


I love this new version, and I’m eager to try it. I’ve damaged my rotator cuffs from doing the previous versions, probably because they involve some internal rotation. This new version looks much better for injury prevention. Trying it later this morning. Thank you.


I'm lifting kettlebells since 1995 and I also help people in their training with kettlebells. My trainer Sergey Ridnev likes to mention that to learn proper kettlebells lifting techniques, you need to spend years, and there always will be something to improve. If we are talking about kettlebell snatch, this "whell" is already invented and this types of kettlebell snatch can be called hardstyle kettlebell snatch or anaerobic kettlebell snatch. Proper kettlebell snatch technique includes rythmical abdominal breathing, deep hand insertion in the lockout position to isolate wrist joint, double knee bent during swing phase, shifting body weight from one leg to another depending on the phase of the movement, safe drop from the lockout followed by the amortization, maintaining arm and body connection and many other nuances. As for me, I'd better learn some new tips from professional kettlebell sport athletes.


i can't wait to try this new method. Thank you.


Thanks Louka. I just tried it and it's amazing.


Good instructions I wish everyone at the gym I go to watched this. One of my favorite things to do but really hard to watch others
