The Story of Mr. Hopp's Playhouse 3 Explained

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Mr. Hopp's Playhouse 3 - the story and all endings explained.

Mr. Hopp and his creepy toy friends return in Mr. Hopp's Playhouse 3. Now Esther and Ruby must work together to defeat the evil entity and learn the chilling truth behind the events of Blackwood Manor.

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The fact that Ruby just wanted a glass of water.


The best part about Mike's horror/story explained videos is that he takes it slow and makes it very understandable to the average viewer and I very much applaud him for that


Mike is that one dude who would explain a whole map if someone get lost


The part where Esther and Ruby recognised each other is so wholesome in a game like this


One thing I love so much about these videos is that Mike actually presents the events of a game like a narrative. It's not just "This thing happens and then this", he tries to make it sound like a story that could stand alone outside of a game.
Like it's not just "Miss Bo chases you and you have to hide", it's "Miss Bo reveals her monstrous form and chases Ruby, but Ruby uses her quick wit to find a hiding place until the monster passes by her."


I’m convinced Ms. Beverly knew more than she let on. She immediately locked Molly and Isaac in a closet keeping it a secret to the children (and maybe to other matrons too?). She made one of the matrons guard the door to that room and when Esther did get into that room and tried to explain to her that Molly and Isaac (who at that point Esther thought were missing) were in the closet she just dismissed her

She made the matrons walk around the orphanage at night but the matrons didn’t seem to understand why they had to do that.

She also seemed to really hate working at the orphanage despite being the head matron. My theory is that she had seen the entity before and sort of knew that it was going to strike again at Blackland’s Manor so she stuck around to try to stop him but ultimately failed since she didn’t know enough.

While Mr. Hopp’s playhouse 3 was still in production the official Mr. Hopp’s playhouse Twitter account tweeted a picture of Mr. Stripes in the style of the third game and above him there was a text that read something along the lines of “she knew. She had known all along.” Thinking they were referring to Ms. Beverly I was waiting for some sort of reveal involving her. I am a bit disappointed that we never got to see what that tweet was about but it is what it is. It can still be used for theories.


anybody else think that the art of esther and ruby being surrounded by the toys in their demonic form is really good????


This went from a simple horror indie game to a freaking Super Sonic Style Final Boss fight in the 3rd game :O The DEV behind this game went nuts with the 3rd and possibly final game :O


You know I have a theory that Esther and Ruby are descendents of the pharaoh who originally had possession of the six medallion all those years ago it would explain how Esther is able to wield the medallion like that even though it is her first time wielding them back in 2, plus one of the tormented souls in the underworld said she had sacred blood which may play a part in the reason on how she was able to wield them.


Id wager Ruby has the same gift the Esther did; the entity wanted Ruby desperately, the same way he wanted Esther, so I'd argue she has a power, and potential, that Esther did when she initially met the entity


Scene Selection
0:00 - Intro
0:48 - Part 1: Ruby
2:19 - Part 2: The Underworld
5:14 - Part 3: Esther, Isabelle & the Entity
7:57 - Part 4: The Waking Nightmare
15:50 - Part 5: Faith
17:48 - Part 6: The Endings Explained
21:47 - Outro


I like how all 3 games each has it’s own art style


Can we talk about the Aunt mentioned at beginning of the game? Can you imagine seeing your sibling and their spouse miraculously being alive after they supposedly died in a fire? Poor women is gonna have so many questions.


A theory I've had for a long time is that the Three Curses contain human souls who are harmless, but are being forced to hurt others by the Entity. The voices when Esther enters the room with eyes, I strongly believe that's Stripes and Hopp.
Perhaps in the future, we may be able to save them :]


Mike: Says he’s not going into the story of the previous games
Also Mike: Explains all that happened in Mr Hopp’s Playhouse 2


At the opening of this game saying how Ruby's friends thought that she was crazy was I the only one who thought that that was a reference to the fan theory saying that Mr. Hppo's was all in Ruby's head and she killed her parents? Also, I find it funny that despite Mr.Hopp's being the title character and the main bad guy of the first game he is really just a grunt.


i love how Esther looks like a child but speaks like a grandma, it's so cute
great video!


I’d like to think Ester will visit Ruby from time to time now that she’s a demon slayer angel.


I love how the story doesn't say "Happily ever after." But instead it's "Happily ever after... For now."


The bullies better watch their mouths around Ruby now that her grandmother is the literal queen of the underworld