End of the year book tag

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This one’s been making the rounds: I was tagged, so I’m playing along! Here are some plans for the rest of my reading year.

Plus, unrelatedly, an announcement: I’m planning to do a Q&A soon, so ask what you’d like to know about me 🖤

Why This World: A Biography of Clarice Lispector by Benjamin Moser (2009)
Stoner by John Williams (1965)
Day by Michael Cunningham (2023)
Virology: Essays for the Living, the Dead, and the Small Things in Between by Joseph Osmundson (2022)
Kurt Weill en France by Alain Jomy (2023)
Seduced by Story: The Use and Abuse of Narrative by Peter Brooks (2022)


1. Are there any books you started this year and need to finish?
2. Do you have any autumnal books to transition to the end of the year?
3. Is there a new release that you are still waiting for?
4. Three books you want to read by the end of the year?
5. Are there any books that could shock you and be your favorite book of the year?
6. Have you started making reading plans for next year yet?

StoryGraph: @sdelphis
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I replayed the bibliosophie intro clip like 5 times it was so good. also the lighting is hot. Ive never read Cunningham either, The Hours has always been on my distant tbr. Day looks interesting, but I also havent been keen on new releases. I need your thoughts on Stoner. cheers to 2.5k 🥳


okay, the GLOW??? stunning.
i can't wait for your end of year book video where you tell us all about your favourites.
stoner is on my mind for an upcoming read too! and that peter brooks has also been waiting for me to finally pick it up. both sound like they would be very satisfying.
congratulations on having so many of us adore you and your videos! it is very easy work on our side x


Oh the sunlight is beautifully captured! Oh, Stoner. 🥰🥰🥰. I must re-read it. There was sooo much there for me. And subtly. Congratulations on the 2, 500 subscribers! Yay!! Question for the Q&A: I’m always fascinated by a reader’s mix of books that you decide to purchase, borrow from the library & read on an e-reader. Can you share what your mix tends to be? What e-reader do you use? And, if you’re willing to share about your PhD program, that would be really cool to hear about. (You may or may not have already. I do recall hearing about it but I don’t recall to what extent.).


sophie, congratulations on the 2.5k!
also, let me just say that I love how you don't indulge in all these booktube ways of reading and let yourself navigate between what you feel like reading. nothing against who does that, it's just nice seeing different types of readers and, personally, i like just watching someone who doesn't have A Plan for the next reads.

for the q&a, i've always wanted to know more about your relationship with lyrical singing. when did you start to take classes? do you have a favourite song/ type of song/ work/ musician?


Lovely lovely ❤ I also feel drawn to Stoner, it’s been so well liked and reviewed. May need to be a read for next year for me though.

Congrats on 2.5k! Excited for your Q+A video :)


I so enjoyed this (and that lighting 🤩✨) ..really intrigued by Seduced By Story, thanks for putting that on my radar. Also, reminded me I still have my copy of Stoner to read (and one day I must get to Lispector too!) Thank you! And congrats on your brilliant channel (deservedly) doing so well! Bert xx


I'm also feeling more drawn to older books lately. The new releases seem to whizz by so fast that I cant keep up with them! Happy reading, Sophie. ❤


Beautiful natural lighting😍

Indeed to finish Stoner. I started reading it a while back and was enjoying it but out it aside and a never got back to it.


Omg that golden hour 💛 and lipstick!! 😍 yess backlist era 💫 im vm in the same search for the backlists that strike my heart w joy and also just wanna catch up on my owned/neglected books

This beautiful nerd wants to know:
What is your fav thing about being french?
Who are style icons you had growing up?
How do you decide what to wear? Your outfits are always so cool and i love how you theme them
Where is your fav place to be - geographically/state of mind/what have you



1. What book helped changed the way you move through / see the world?
2. Go-to snack when you're feeling down and out.
3. A phrase or string of words that has stayed with you no matter the occasion or time.
4. Go-to silly midweek drink.
5. Go-to absolutely bangin weekend drink.
6. Three things you've learned about yourself in 2023.
7. Three things you want to learn in 2023.
8. Your ideal coffee date.
9. Style influences.

i'm so greedy with these questions! can't wait to hear your responses to any/some of these! love ya!!!


congrats on 2.5k bb!!!

also, can we please talk about the earings they're darling!

very curious to know which Lispector books you'll use as pretty bows to tie up the year!

also Stoner is wonderful and has a wonderful academic setting. can't wait to hear your thoughts on it <3


that light is divine! :) a few questions:
what is your favorite French book/ fave French writers/ fave childhood book?
top 3 films?
where would you live if there wasn't ny?
go to spots for reading and book buying in ny?
do you have a preferred reading spot (inside and/or outside)?


I’m hoping to get to Stoner in December/January. I’ve heard only wonderful things about it.
My reading has been a little like yours. I’ve read just over a hundred books but the reading process has been weird. Simultaneously feeling as though I’m in a slump whilst still reading fairly consistently.


I'd be soooo curious to how you find Stoner! It is a very very autumnal/wintry read.


Congrats on the 2.5k!! 🎉 My question; what are your favorite bookstores in the city (bonus tier rank them 😊).


Thanks for reminding me about "Stoner" which I also have yet to get to and the title of which has nothing to do with what younger people today will think it does 😆😸 It is about a fellow pursuing a career of literary study rather than a materialist one. Somehow I have NEVER associated you with new releases and this is one of your finer qualities! I am even more into them than you are and have some modern favorites (Sayaka Murata, Missouri Williams, etc ). But people who are not modern in their reading at all are necessary, and look at the viewership you are gaining despite going against the grain. Was that you I saw in the Brooklyn Central Library today, 11/7? I recognized your voice first! Then saw the rest of you which was unmistakable. You were with a young fellow and I was not about to intrude, but I'm wondering if you got to the copy of Stoner before me, since someone did? 😒😾


I also haven’t gotten to stoner yet-but am so curious about your thoughts of it!


🎉2️⃣5️⃣0️⃣0️⃣🎉 Day dreaming forward in occupations, are you thinking of staying in academia? In the arts? Something different? All of the above? Wishing you all the best with your talents.


I really like your videos ❤ I am curious to know more about what topics you are researching in academia. Are you doing a PhD?


Apologies for such wanton superficiality but I'd like to say that this glamourous lip embellishment looks just fab!
