Grandstream HT801 ATA - Keeping your analog dreams alive!

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Need to keep analog devices (fax, alarm, rotary phones) going and integrated into your VoIP/SIP environment? The Grandstream HT8xx series of ATAs (analog telephone adapters) is the perfect way to do it! Here I show you how I'm hooking up an original early 80's rotary phone for my new office phone!

00:00 - Intro
00:11 - HT801 introduction
01:20 - What do you need an analog telephone adapter for?
02:00 - GS ATAs support pulse dialing
02:30 - Quick specs of the Grandstream HT801 ATA
04:05 - Powering on the Grandstream HT801 ATA
04:30 - The RED PHONE and how I wired it up!
06:15 - I did have to find the schematic for the bias spring
06:45 - Grandstream HT801 web interface and setup
08:40 - Pulse dialing setup
10:45 - High power ring
11:15 - Calling out from the RED PHONE!
11:30 - Why do I need an ATA?
12:15 - Wrap up

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I had one of these laying around and it never had an option for pulse dialing. However I saw this video, dug it out of my junk drawer and did the firmware it works with my rotary phones! Thanks for letting me know this was possible!


Nice to see that something is available that still supports pulse. Might be interesting to connect one of my rotary phones just for nostalgia. The commenter is right about how to use a rotary phone please pull your finger out of the dial hole and let it spring back by itself if it can. I've seen worse. When I did Telecom for the school system some schools still had rotary phones in the office. The children did not understand how to use them they would press the numbers in the dial thinking it was some sort of touch tone and then give really funny looks when nothing happened. We had to stifle our laughs


When using a rotary dial you don't need to keep your finger in the hole after the clockwise turn, it should return on its own unless the spring is broken.


thank you for giving ideas to keep analog alive


I have a large resort that did not want to swap to IP running off 48port GXW FXS adapters from Grandstream PLUS one of these for the alarm system dedicated. The front desk, office, other areas in the main building are IP phones the rest we stuck with the 20year old analog phones and they work fine.


Really enjoyed the video! Thanks so much.


Good to know, i used to think only old Ht5xx were compatible with pulse !


What are they doing to support automated attendant systems? As the network becomes more and more digital the DTMF tones do not work properly all the time. The FCC is mandating the discontinuation of analog lines. They should also mandate that the companies find a solution for this problem. It affects banking, telephone entry units, almost any business that uses an automated attendant. Not to mention systems that use a dial up connection for updates, YES they are still out there. Some installed just a couple of years ago. We are not talking about decades old infrastructure.


Love this! Trying to get a Western Electric wall phone to work in the garage, at least in some capacity. Problem is, we'd need battery power (usually run an extension cord from the house when needed, so that's Plan B.) Also the router is in the house, but we can get WiFi in the garage. Bluetooth retrofit would be the easiest route, but that would make it redundant.


Excellent video thanks for the info. Happy new year 🎆


Love this I just bought an 802 and will try and figure out freepbx


Nice video ! bought one too for my pulse dial phone (Ericsson)


Looking at that web UI gives me 2000s printserver PTSD. :D


Informative, thank you, With regards to the settings in the Grandstream, does it need the help from the telecom company to know the server and password info?


Excellent information I did everything but log into the ata box and register and change to pulse
So when I called my old Contempra desk phone it rings now because I change that little wire that you pointed out to the other slot and I picked up the receiver and I could hear my wife talking on my cell phone when we made the call and of course we get a dial tone. The only thing that I’m unable to do is dial out and I think that’s because of the pulse and registered information that needs to be done.
I’ll probably call my provider who supplies this box and see if their tech-support team can help me with that thank you so much for your information.


I have a rotating pulse converter to enable my antique phone to wort on a tone dial only fiber modem router


Can you use old number on this device to call in?


Why did you use an ethernet cable for the analog phone instead of a regular analog phone wire with rj11 connectors?


Your video is very interesting. I was working with this device and my question is how many phones can I connect, because I have had a problem: You can receive calls, you have a tone, very well, but when you make a call from any phone, then no more calls come in and the answering machine is activated automatic. Any ideas? any limitations? Connecting only ONE phone goes well ...


My only issue is the step in FXS port for sip user id. What shall I use there? Thank you in advance
