Frozen Evap Coil, Troubleshooting Using the Refrigerant Charge Measurements!

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In this HVACR Training Video, I discuss the 3 Problems that can cause a Frozen Evaporator Coil. I show how to Determine the Problem by measuring the Pressures, Saturated Temps, Total Superheat, and Subcooling. Supervision is needed by a licensed HVACR Tech while performing tasks as Experience and Apprenticeship garners Wisdom and Safety.

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Had the same issue. Turns out the freon was a little low. Got it charged up and everything is now working great. The best part is I have a service contract on my furnace, AC and water heater. $23 a month for the contract and it has saved me a lot of money in repairs.


Mr HAVAC You are an Human AC
with Legs. Love your knowledge
and passion. Thanks for Info.


Great explanation...
I ran across one a couple days ago, with a extremely restricted return air filter..
You explained every possible scenario, very clearly..
Thank you for all your time and effort to this industry.your are a asset!!
Bryan Tyler refrigeration
San Antonio, Tx


Big fan of the channel. Please keep up the great work! Cheers


Another cause for icing I found occasionally: simply the thermostat dialed too low or stuck on cooling, that is the room is so chilled and dehumidified the coil begin to ice and cascade from there


I enjoy your vids, im down in south florida so I learn some new stuff from you and old stuff as a refresher. Keep up the good work :)


Bought the book, looking forward to reading it.


Awesome video I am an Auto mechanic and do touch Automotive air conditioning we usually just check the pressure and check it what it should be with the outside temperature


Could also be caused by running in a low ambient condition without head pressure control. Good accurate explanation.


Thanks man I finely got it working I had the txv way out working great now.


good job! very helpful, but where and how is the solution shown to fix it? adding coolant and finding and fixing leak? or do u replace the whole unit w new TRAIN for 5k?


Thank you for making these videos. They go great with your book by the way


Hi Craig, I maintain over 100 Rheem package units at our resort and a few freeze up on occasion, but I don't know why. There is a lot of debate around the shop as to why this is occurring when the charge and airflow are okay, and there are no restrictions. Some of the technicians believe the doors to the room being open to other rooms is causing the unit to run longer, but I'm confused by this because those rooms are being cooled by other package units. The high side gauge was only about 10 degrees above ambient, 115, and the low side gauge was around 42 degrees. The compressor was pulling 15amps on all three legs, and the blower motor and condenser fan motors were pulling the doors closed so all the components were working well. I moved the TXV bulb, and nothing changed which made me pause. Adding refrigerant didn't change anything either. There was 6 degrees of superheat and almost 0 degrees of sub cooling, but package units are difficult to make accurate measurements because all the components are tucked away in the cabinet. I think something else is wrong, but I don't know how to isolate problems with a package unit. I purchased your books, but the procedures are limited to split systems. How does a coil freeze up when 75 degree air is flowing through it?


Sir, i have to see and study your video again after reading the superheat and subcooling from my book to understand better. Thank you for your time and free tutorials.


For those who have changed parts over and over, and added ref and still getting frozen check your dampers (if you have zone board and dampers ___typically 2 story homes) dampers can quit working by dieing half way shut or shut pernamently by being stuck/seized

Got to inspect the damper by cutting into the ductboard see if its not rusted out and then if it looks good just buy a honey well 24v damper motor


I just purchased your book. Looking forward to reading it.


Great video!!!! Help out a lot! If you have a heat pump, would it be ok to put it into defrost via the control board pins to thaw the coil?


Got a service call w a frosted evap coil and I’m almost positive it’s an airflow issue. Going back out Saturday morning


Great video!!
Love your spiral bound book, can’t put it down.
