Java Spring Boot 14 Years Interview Experience [God Level Skills]

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java spring boot interview questions for 14 years experience
Java Spring boot interview
Core Java Interview
spring boot interview questions and answers
java interview questions and answers
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Saying "God Level" is too much. Don't exaggerate. He's a normal developer with basic coding/project skills.


Even James Gosling will never call himself as god level in Java

Java is ocean, no one has god level knowledge.


Here are my top 5 favourite java questions:

1. What is java memory model? Explain differences between pre java 8 and post java 8 memory model.
2. What is a garbage collector? Explain all GCs upto java latest stable release. What is mark and sweep algorithm in GC?
3. Write a Fibonnaci calculator using a ForkJoinPool.
4. Write a ConcurrentQueue using wait and notify.
5. Give a stream of employees having id and name, using Java streams, give me a map where keys will be first letter of the name and value will be a set of employee names starting with that letter.

My top 5 favourite Spring boot questions:

1. What is application context? What is web application context and dispatcher servlet? How are they related?
2. How do I create my own spring boot "starter".
3. Explain step by step how will you write a unit test for a TODO app created with spring boot.
4. I want to log the name of the method which gets executed when a route path of a particular controller gets called. How do I design such a solution without code repetition (Use AOP)
5. What is Isolation and propagation in a database transaction? What is locking? Why is it needed? Explain a few locking mechanisms!


SOLID -> All are correct but D is for dependency inversion, lower modules not directly interact with higher module some layer should introduced.!!


"Java God" do not know meven lifecycle.. seriously ???? Please change the video thumbnail as this is misleading.
You are doing good job by taking interviews but lets not overexaggerate it.


He's really knowledgeable. Instead of bookish answers. He gave answers from his experiences


He is too good . Just a small mistake in the last coding question . It will be Map<String, Long> rather then Map<String, List<String>> 👍


How to find Class not found Exeception!! By not writing bad code is the answer and actually testing the code, (not mocking). Most people struggle with errors not because they are esoteric, its because they either dont actually "read" the message, or they haven't spent enough time with the language to get a feel for the error message and possible. A shining example is javascript. People who don't really know JS, have never seen or read the ES manual, are the ones complaining how bad it is, Uncaught exception bla blabla. The ones who know JS, are mostly 50% grumpy about it. :D


He is the real god I have not seen a bigger god than him. Only thing i felt is he is not happy with something but overall great stuff


The real pain with microservices is managing distributed transactions, regardless if we are using common database or dedicated database for each service.
However there are certain solutions to it loke 2 phase commit or saga pattern but bit verbose and complex to implement.

The balanced approach is neither microservice nor monolithic, its the modular monolith with mono repo approach or SOA architecture.


Candidate mentioned 14 story points. Story points should follow fibonacci series. Then how it comes 14🤔


what is god level here he is a normal developer, even good developer who has hands on will know this


The coding part was sligthly wrong it will give compile time error. I think you missed it how he is stroring the values in the map. He has taken Map<String, List<String>> instead it should be Map<String, Long> .
and also better to take key as character instead of string. we can use


Instead of just asking questions if the candidate is incorrect, you should tell the correct answer. good for viewers as well.


At 14:50, Wrong. Concurrent hashmap is synchronized thus allows only one thread to access it any given time. HashMaps are more efficient being asynchronous or not thread safe.


nothing as god level in this there are lot more people out there who contribute to open source and have very good knowledge


I have a vast experience in different product companies, I guarantee you the average developer with 3 years of experience has more knowledge than 14 years of experience when compared to service-based organization.


Liquibase is not for transactions, it's for database schema change management.


Feels like the interviewer was impressed because he had the questions but was less knowledgeable than the candidate for those questions and the candidate took time and examples to explain with jargons and concepts which gives an image of being knowledgeable but not all his answers are upto the mark or applicable for questions asked.

For 14 yrs it was surprising he wasn't aware of Maven life cycle or atleast basics to explain.

Docker explanation was just the build he runs in his project but not the actual concept of dockerization.

Explanation for application design for Zomato in 2024 was at a very basic level that applies for any simple application and could have been explained at a level of handling the complexities of such popular and high traffic applications.


Thankyou for bringing the experienced guys... Bring more
