How To Create Awesome Power Combos In Mass Effect Andromeda

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Mass Effect Andromeda's has a set of pretty cool combat powers to mess with, and we got all the hot tips on how to find the best ones.
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Are you playing Mass Effect Andromeda? If so, what do you think of it?


Honestly the game is super fun. Yeah the facial animations are pretty bad but you get used to them. But the gameplay is great.


I love how they give this game a super low rating but then pump out video after video of it to get views


Wait but Andromeda sucks, isn't it? (6)... why are you making so many videos (with so many views!) oh right... it doesn't suck that much uh? People, go and play the game, is fucking awesome!


If you're unsure whether or not to buy the game- buy it. You'd be surprised how much fun you'd have. The gameplay is awesome, the graphics aren't that bad (sure the facial animations aren't the best but it is negligible), and the story is surprisingly good, especially once it advances. The story could legit be a standalone movie. I've poured almost a day's worth of hours into it and I'm only 1/4th of the way through the story, and I haven't scratched the side missions and only have visited 3 open world planets so far (not to mention Havarl, the Nexus, and Aya). Seriously, buy the game if you love sci fi


Energy Drain with Incinerate is my favorite so far. Both can be outfitted to act as a detonator and a primer, they aren't limited by range (although incinerate is slow), and I find the practical value of Energy Drain to greatly surpass that of Overload. Particularly on insanity. Factor in the Remnant VI, the engineer profile, and squad mates geared towards priming and you're in combo city.


"and if they're still not dead finish them off with a ground pound" ---still not dead


You can swap abilities in your current profile in combat via the skill screen to avoid the cooldowns for swapping profiles. I don't know if this is intended or a bug, but have fun!


Dude. The Sidewinder is an amazing pistol. Mag, Dmg, scope, piercing mods and it rips though enemies with a great rate of fire.


You guys gave a good game a real bad review for having some blank expressions and glitches that might just get fixed but contradict your review by posting videos on cool stuff to do in the game. Since you guys said it was a bad game stop posting videos about it, you don't deserve to. -Mass Effect Fans


My biotic god build: vanguard profile: Backlash, singularity, and charge. Makes for some really fun up close and personal combat and backlash lets you get out of those sticky situations where a tougher enemy catches you out in the open.


I'm at a loss, haven't played the old mass effect games but I'm really enjoying MEA. It's nowhere near as glitchy as say fallout 4 was and alot more fun to play. I can't help but feel that all the hate is a combination of people's expectations with bioware style former employees being all political . I would take this over any Bethesda game since skyrim.


One of my favorite combos is is singularity with maxed lance. When you max lance it has no cooldown but takes your shield instead. So stick them in a singularity then just hurl lance after lance at them! For a third ability you can drop pull and do the same thing with lance or get another combo detonator like throw etc


Annihilation, Charge, Shockewave, and a shotgun with the Adept Profile = Michael Bay mode.


So has any one been enjoying Mass Effect?


Cryo beam is an amazing way to shred armor and also does pretty legit damage. The capstone point at the end that makes the AOE more brutal is amazing for combos.


In my first playthrough I found Incinerate paired well with Overload. They work well separately to take down defenses and together for large explosions (incinerate takes a second to hit the target, and Overload in instantaneous, so you need to wait for Incinerate to land first). Together they worked well against crowds and bosses, I kind of got bored with them because I ended up using them too much so I'm trying to use other combos more now.


From my playing the best powers to get is overload, incinerate and biotic charge. Combined with explorer. Maximum manuverability, with the higest damage, and a tool for all enemy and defensive types.


you dont need to get rid of armor for a lot of skills to prime them, however their are only a small handfull of skills that can prime shields


best tip.. max the stealth skill and engineering passive that makes abilities heal you... never die again.. ever.
