Tides Spring and Neap

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What causes tides on Earth. The moon, sun, and gravity work together to create tides. When the mon, and sun pull on the Earth with their gravitational force the Earth has tidal bulges. The side of the Earth furthest from the moon has a tidal bulge due to inertia and centrifugal momentum.
I also cover the unique spring tides and neap tides.
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If your doing this for homework here are your answers:
Tides are the rise and fall of sea levels.
1) Gravitational pull of the moon
2) Gravitational pull of the sun
3)Rotation of the Earth

The tidal bulge on Earth is caused by gravity

Where the bulge is larger, it’s high tide. Where the bulge is smaller, it’s low tide.

How many high tides and low tides do most places have each day? 2 high tides and 2 low tides each day.

What moon phases result in spring tides?
1st and 3rd quarters.


If you have a slightly different worksheet these are the answers. Good luck and your welcome.

Discussion Questions:
What are tides?
✔︎The rise and fall of sea levels

What are the three items that cause tides?
✔︎The gravitational pull of the moon
✔︎The gravitational pull of the sun
✔︎The rotation of the earth

What causes tidal bulge on Earth?

Where the bulge is larger, ✔︎it’s high tide. Where the bulge is smaller, ✔︎it’s low tide.

How many high tides and low tides do most places have each day?
✔︎ 2 times a day

What moon phases result in spring tides?
✔︎New moon and full moons

What moon phases result in neap tides?
✔︎1st and 3erd quarters

Hope this helps ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ


Many of the sources say that the tides are low during neap tide. Its a popular misconception. It is the TIDAL RANGE which is low not the tide itself. Thank You so much for clearing with such a short video.


thank you so much from INDIA.this is very helpful and animation makes better understanding,


This my 9th grade science home work lmao!

Now I'm in 10th grade, decided to edit this


It's centrifugal force from the orbit around the sun.


Someone on another YouTube video about the tides asked why the sand isn't pulled by the Moon's gravity?


03:12 "inertia exceeds gravitational force" - this is a wrong statement. How inertia can make a bulge?
There are two bulges because of the phenomena called "force gradient" and this is explicitly derived from Newton's formula.


Let’s be honest, out teachers sent us here


The term universe is very and increasingly overused. Everything has to be clearly defined and understood. Outer “space” is not to be referred to as SPACE. Gravity, as it has been written, is an interaction. It is fundamental. The term inertia is now redefined as “inertia/inertial resistance”. BALANCED inertia/INERTIAL RESISTANCE is fundamental. Einstein never nearly understood physics/physical experience. Here are the facts.


The following also CLEARLY explains why the rotation of WHAT IS THE MOON matches it's revolution.

c squared represents a dimension of SPACE on balance WITH the fact that the stars AND PLANETS are POINTS in the night sky. Indeed, the sky is blue; AND what is THE EARTH/ground is ALSO BLUE (on balance) !! Consider what is the speed of light (c) ON BALANCE. A PHOTON may be placed at the center of what is THE SUN (as A POINT, of course), AS the reduction of SPACE is offset by (or BALANCED with) the speed of light (c) (ON BALANCE); AS E=mc2 IS F=ma; AS ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is (CLEARLY AND necessarily) proven to be gravity (ON/IN BALANCE).

General Relativity is directly taken from Special Relativity. E=mc2 is taken directly from F=ma. CLEARLY, gravity AND ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy are linked AND BALANCED opposites (ON BALANCE); as the stars AND PLANETS are POINTS in the night sky. Consider TIME (AND time dilation) ON BALANCE. I have exposed Einstein. Beautiful.

Note: Consider what is THE EYE ON BALANCE. Think carefully about the black “space” AS WELL. Great. It ALL CLEARLY makes perfect sense, as BALANCE AND completeness go hand in hand. THE EYE represents a two dimensional surface OR SPACE (ON BALANCE) that is consistent with F=ma AND E=mc2. This NECESSARILY represents, INVOLVES, AND DESCRIBES what is possible/potential AND actual IN/ON BALANCE. Consider what is necessarily, CLEARLY, logically, and by definition the MIDDLE DISTANCE in/of SPACE ON/IN BALANCE. GREAT !!! Think about what is true/real QUANTUM GRAVITY !!! Great.

Consider what is THE SUN. The sky is blue, and THE EARTH/ground is ALSO BLUE. Again, the stars AND PLANETS are POINTS in the night sky. GREAT. E=mc2 IS F=ma. This explains the fourth dimension AND the term c4 from Einstein's field equations. BALANCED inertia/INERTIAL RESISTANCE is fundamental.

The gravitational “field” is E=mc2 as F=ma. Consider what is THE EARTH/ground ON BALANCE. The stars AND PLANETS are POINTS in the night sky. Consider TIME (AND time dilation) on balance. Consider what is THE SUN ON BALANCE. I have explained why the rotation of WHAT IS THE MOON matches it's revolution. The sky is blue, and THE EARTH/ground is ALSO BLUE. Carefully consider what is THE EYE ON BALANCE. Consider what is the balanced MIDDLE DISTANCE in/of SPACE. E=mc2 IS F=ma ON BALANCE. That's the answer. ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is CLEARLY and necessarily proven to be gravity (ON/IN BALANCE).

Get a good LOOK at what are the fully illuminated (AND setting) Moon AND the orange AND setting Sun. Consider what is the blue sky ON BALANCE. Lava is orange, and it is even blood red. THINK !!! SO, ON BALANCE, consider what are the tides !!! Excellent. E=mc2 IS F=ma. Accordingly, it ALL CLEARLY makes perfect sense; as BALANCE AND completeness go hand in hand. Again, the stars AND PLANETS are POINTS in the night sky. Consider what is THE SUN ON BALANCE. Think about what is the BALANCED MIDDLE DISTANCE in/of SPACE, AND consider what is the speed of light (c) ON BALANCE !!! GREAT !!! Consider TIME (AND time dilation) ON BALANCE !!! Wonderful. The sky is blue, AND THE EARTH is ALSO BLUE. The tides are CLEARLY and necessarily proven to be ELECTROMAGNETIC/gravitational ON/IN BALANCE, as E=mc2 IS F=ma (ON/IN BALANCE).

By Frank Martin DiMeglio
