Should you take a GAP YEAR? | Benefits & Myths

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Are you thinking about a gap year before college? In this video, I will discuss my experience with taking gap years in college along with some of the myths that come with gap years.

Gap semesters have tremendous benefits and I highly encourage those of you heading to college or in college to take that opportunity and gain new perspectives!

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David Zhao is an entrepreneur, investor, and activist originally from Shanghai, China. He is currently the Managing Partner of NXT Group, an American conglomerate company headquartered in New York City. Its diversified businesses include NXTFactor (full-service digital agency), NXTEstate (Real Estate Investment Portfolio), Food & Beverage Ventures such as Chubby Cattle, The X Pot, etc.), and NXTCapital (VC/MicroCap PE). David is here to share insight about entrepreneurship, the startup lifestyle, and tools/tips to help you with your daily life.

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I took a gap year in 2020 and it was the best decision I ever made 🙌🏽. My family was very supportive, I’ll be going to uni this year.


Thank you :) I was feeling really anxious as I’ve decided to take a gap year last September, and seeing all my friends going to uni makes me feel really left behind. But watching this video made me realised that my gap year doesn’t have to be all fancy and travelling, everyone’s pathway is different and I’m glad to have finally found what I’m truly passionate about after these past few months and I’ll be going to uni this coming September :)


I’m a junior in high school and am considering a gap year in order to figure out what I want to do. I always thought I’d jump right into college and get moving in my life, but I am now realizing that taking a break and slowing down can be beneficial. Thanks for the video!


Just graduated this 2020 & I'm taking a gap year! Probably also the right timing cause of this pandemic.


Bro, no more further research, you definitely explained everything i have to know. Gap year isn't bad, some people might use it as an abuse, but to me it's an oppurtunity for a lot of people to really take time to find themselves and what they are passionate about. Though it looks a bit risky and I still have to earn money, gap year is healthy and beneficial. I didn't realize i have older friends from church who are actually taking gap year and they're so friendly and open and i just see how they are enjoying life as of the moment. Thanks, i might consider trying gap year/semester when i graduate <3


I’m considering taking a gap year to save more money for college. I just don’t want to be in too much debt after I finish college because I want to get my bachelors and masters.


A gap year was the best decision I’ve made! SOLID video and great advice :) Couldn’t have said it better


It is so hard to push through when you do not have a goal or do not know what you want to be. I will be taking a gap year after senior high. I didn't really learn anything during this pandemic, I only got mental health problems.


Thank you so much for the great advice! Most videos I have seen about gap years are negative, which worried me. You were positive about gap years and included your own story. I'm thinking about taking a gap year because of the coronavirus and I realized that I need a break from college to focus on myself.


Literally what I needed to know and hear about gap year ❤ Gonna be taking a gap year before applying to University next year!


I was an honors student, not the best student and felt like I was expected to go to college, I think I would’ve benefitted from a gap semester to make money and think more about the future 😊

A gap year is good when you know what you want from it, if you want to discover your interests, work for college, and be cognizant of your goals


Truly Inspirational!! I am in my final semester of Engineering! I switched my major many times which led me to taking 1 class this spring semester - kind of a gap semester. This gap semester helped me to realize that anyone can be ambitious/passionate in whatever they do, if they put their minds into it. Also, the support of great friends can be a catalyst to ones success. "Happiness comes from the passion that you have." 4:40 - I believe in that. Thank you for this great video!


I took two gap years, I’ve traveling (football ⚽️), I got a job and I’ve been my father’s right hand, that helped me a lot to think what a really want in life, big difference 2 years ago, next year im going to uni 😁🤝


Wish I had got this advice in college haha. I never ended up doing a gap year even though I had considered it. I was probably a little too bought into the myths at the time. Great video man!


I am a little older than people in this comment section. But I graduated in 2017, pressure to getting my degree in city college at 21(switching majors a lot), and forced into university right away. I failed, several times because of not knowing who I was or what I wanted to be. Now that I’m alone and on my own I feel like it’s time to finally take the gap year I always wanted. I took a semester off thinking it was enough but still burnt myself out on the side. I am finally FINALLY trying this gap year the right way. I’m going to be 23 years old. There is NO rush into figuring out what you want to do in college. I feel like if I waited another semester I’d be way happier where I was. Don’t push yourself into thinking life is just college. I lost myself greatly because of that and made it my whole persona. I love college and will go back, but that’s future me. Worry about the present and take care of yourself. No rush. Thanks for the video. 🤍


senior in high school considering a gap year and this video helped a ton. loved how you talked about standardization and following the crowd and how it’s okay to take a different path. thanks!


im thinking that i should take a gap year because of i cant make up my mind on a career. im only a junior but how can i make a life changing decision when i havent even experienced life???


I want to take a year off high school because I’ve been failing ever since I’ve been in middle school and my mental health is down the drain but parents think I’m going to be left behind and they think I’m being lazy and don’t want to try. I wish they understood that I just want a year to help myself


Hello, I'm a student of the last high school year and I realised I don't know who I want to be in the future. I'm thinking about taking a gap year but my parents n relatives don't support me and think that's the worst idea:(
Thank you for your video it helped me realise that talking a gap year is OK


This information was really helpful! I am a high school senior who is considering taking a gap year after high school. Thanks for sharing! My question is that how did you convince your parents to let you take gap years? Were they against it?
