Apache Witchcraft | Top 5 Stories of EVIL Apache Witches and 'POWER'

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Apache history is full of lore involving people with incredible abilities they call "Power." It is given to them by God and is said to allow chiefs and medicine men the ability to heal the injured, locate the enemy, slow time, and even control the weather. But the stories also include a darker side. Witches. When the Apache given Power use it against their own people the consequences were sometimes disastrous. In this video I have complied a five part story about Apache Power and Witchcraft and wrap up the video with maybe the most compelling question.... Is any of this real?


00:00 Episode Introduction
01:00 Explanation of Power
04:50 Lozen
07:17 Geronimo
09:26 Witches and the Wrong use of Power
12:52 Alternative Explanations and Conclusions


The Foundations of Shamanism and Witchcraft by Manvir Singh

In the Days of Victorio: Recollections of a Warm Springs Apache by Eve Ball and James Kaywaykla

Indeh: An Apache Odyssey by Eve Ball

Geronimo by Robert M. Utley

How Geronimo Eluded Death and Capture for 25 Years

Magic, Explanations, and evil: On the Origins and Design of witches and sorcerers by Manvir Singh

Nine Years Among the Indians by Herman Lehmann

Western Apache Raiding and Warfare by Grenville Goodwin

Western Apache Witchcraft by Keith H. Basso
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My name is Lonnie, from the White Mountain Apache, from the Road Runner Clan, of the Standing Tall People, as a child I was told about Geronimo & Lozen, what you have researched is similar to what I was told, from my personal opinion, you did an excellent job on this "documentary" also I appreciate when you said "I have respect for the Apache"


I'm not Apache, I'm Diegueno aka Kumeyaay, we're from the San Diego, California coastline. My grandma always told us to be inside the house by 2:am because that's when the dead traveled to visit friends and loved ones in their dreams. Our reservation is 30 miles east of downtown San Diego. My grandma was a healer, and a quilt maker.


I’m Apache and this shit is real. If a witch puts something on you, it’s goin to suuuuck.

What overcomes it? Prayer, lots of prayer, service to others and Love. Giving Love and Showing Love.


I'm an apache from San Carlos rez
Even today there is a bad medicine . Good and bad continue their fight . Life goes on . Yeah hello from San Carlos .


Normally i would be very skeptical of 'abilities' and things we dont understand, but i had a similar experience throughout childhood. I did not have to go on a journey, but i would get snapshots of my future in my dreams. I could vividly describe the sight, sounds, my thoughts and feelings in a moment in time that had not occured yet even if they made no sense to me at the time, but it would only be these tiny glimpses. I thought they were just like normal dreams, but i never forgot them like i did my other dreams.

I didnt think anything of it until one day at a theme park i experienced one of those snapshots moments again but this time in reality and not my dream. Everything up until the moment was normal, but the same sights, sounds, thoughts and feelings came back as i entered a moment i had already experienced. The fragmented senses and feelings i had in the dream unfolded in front of me and i finally understood the context that led up to and after that moment. And of course like everyday, another moment later and life is back to normal proceedings but im left with a deep sense of deja vu.

Again i would remain skeptical, even as it happened a few more times. The dreams were never about an important life event, just little arbitrary moments in my life. I thought it could be any number of things from false memorys and other tricks of the brain, but i started to read others have experienced what i now know were precognitions. Supposedly there are also premonitions, or sight of bad events to come.

Not sure what you should make of all this, not entirely sure what i make of this. And like the natives, im hesitant to share this experience because honestly, it just sounds crazy to me and especially so for people who havent experienced it. I like your style, like a story told over drinks with friends, so heres my little story


These are amazing stories! As a boy, I read books about Geronimo and Cochise and was completely mesmerized. It has been a great pleasure reconnecting with some of those stories and learning a great deal more through your videos on the Apache. I want to particularly commend you for a very anthropological handling of Apache religion and beliefs on this video: it's commendable that you recognize the need to be humble about our own default materialist perspective in the modern West. Cheers!


Human consciousness manifests in many ways. Some of the stories about Geronimo sound a bit like synchronicity by someone who is plugged into the underlying forces. Also, Native Americans not only had information passed down, but evolved isolated for tens of thousands of years. It make me ponder the idea that perhaps extra sensory powers evolve along side biological features.


I think you are quickly becoming one of my favorite youtube channels, keep up the great work!


Apache Shaman have power and I have witnessed it. I studied to be a tracker under an Apache Shaman and his power was far greater than anything you have mentioned in this story. He only used his power for good.


As an Apache myself I love your videos and your interest


I experienced an "anomaly" in time while traveling through the Arizona desert. Those traveling with me also noticed this. While no one else (around us) knew what we were describing. The point is this---- it was true for us.


Native Indians are more aware of spiritual gifts given to many regardless of color by the creator...Europeans once understood this until the Roman's forced all to give up and conform to what they wanted the people to believe to control the people


Great video, presented with fairness & honesty. Just read all the comments & vitually nobody mentioned you going "whaling". When the off-screen person corrected you, your response was perfect! Cracked me up & then your couple references even during the advertisment. You're good at this, Son. Really good.
Thanks for the ride! Enjoyed it.


In the book "I rode with Geronimo" The writers christian name was Jason and his Mother and him rode with Geronimo when he was 12 (he was related to him). He relates when they were in the Sierra Madres running from the Americans, Geronimo had a strange look come over him and told his party that tomorrow at noon they would come across the americans soldiers and that a man would be on the left side of the trail waving a white flag to talk. And that is exactly what happened the next day at noon. Jason lived to like 90 never drank and became a blacksmith and Christian and married a white women. But he says he saw Geronimo do this with his own eyes.


The closer people are to the earth, the more grounded they are.
Not up in the air and all over the place like modern people


For my money, this is your best episode yet, by a wide margin. Some things in life are difficult to explain, and our unconscious minds are often stronger than our conscious ones. More like this, please! 👍👍👍


In Nepal there is a division between shamans and witches too. Shamanic activities can be done openly in public. Hi from Germany and I stayed alltogether 1 year in Nepal.


thank you for the video and research you put in! some videos as a first nation make me feel some type of way but generally always finish the video with something i learned. this video just showed the amount of research you put into this content. thank you


Was just having a discussion regarding the issue of Native American curses. Specifically, the Navajo cursing their Ute neighbors. His reaction is what I would expect from a soul that has been abandoned and no longer remembers his family. Great Spirit works in interesting ways.


My grandfather was Apache and his mother was a medicine woman who was feared because you could not lie to her. Her power was being a human lie detector and I have that power from my great grandmother
