Russia 'shamelessly violated' UN charter with 'brutal, needless war' in Ukraine: Joe Biden

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WATCH: US President Joe Biden on Wednesday (Sep 21) declared at the United Nations that Russia "shamelessly violated" the core tenets of the international order by invading Ukraine. He also called on all nations to speak out against Russia's invasion and to bolster's Ukraine effort to defend itself. Biden also pledged to stand in solidarity with Ukraine against Russian aggression.

"This world should see these outrageous acts for what they are. Putin claims he had to act because Russia was threatened. But no one threatened Russia. And no one other than Russia sought conflict."

(Video: APTN)

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Russia invading Ukraine to protecting ethnic Russians in Ukraine is more acceptable reason versus U.S. invading Afghanistan and Iraq and occupying parts of Syria (stealing their oil) as we watch this video. U.S. should be held accountable for its past war crimes first before they begin lecturing about invasion and war.


CNA... better criticise USA for invading iraq and syria...


Shut up! When US does the same in Iraq.


Iraq, Afghanistan... what is this old man talking about.. should look at themselves first before lecturing Russia.


Sounds like a description of U.S engagement in the Middle East since the first Gulf War.


US seems to have short memories. They have forgotten their aggression in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and Libya. US and NATO attacking Yugoslavia and Serbia. How many wars has the US wage against other countries since WWII. Therefore you are not qualified to tell others what is right or wrong.


But it was OK to start a war with Cuba during the missile crises when USSR wanted to expand their military capabilities just like NATO want to do today by getting Ukraine to join NATO?
Not to forget all other unnecessary wars US has been involved since the end of WWII such as Korea, Vietnam and countess of wars in the middle east?
Also, maybe US which I am not against should try to fix the 1000's of problems they have at home from open boarders to Fentanyl and greatest division of the various ethnic groups like the world has never seen in modern times.
Brandon should resign, yesterday.


Who will ask this man ..on Libya, Iraq, Somalia and Afghanistan or Syria.
The oil in Syria is illegally taken away.


What a joke, America done that in Yugoslavia and Serbia even after that to create Kosovo


Joe, why NATO still exist when USSR already dissolved? And why NATO keep expanding to east?

Purpose of NATO to counter USSR but when USSR dissolved, NATO doesn't have purpose anymore and need to disband!


Did Serbia or Afghanistan threaten USA?


When USA committed genocide in Afghanistan Syria Iraq Yemen not country call out USA crime committed against humanity


"shamelessly violated" UN charter with "brutal, needless war"
like in Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria?
🪱talking with 🍴🍴tongue, what indigenous people called these people.


“Return your sword to its place, for all those who take the sword will perish by the sword.” (Matthew 26:52) Jesus thus showed that his followers would not take up weapons of warfare.


This CIA funded singaporian pr0paganda channel is true pr0paganda mouthpiece of US regime.


At this moment US carrier Reagan dock at Busan, South Korea to carry out drills targeted at China. US NGOs are shamelessly creating havoc in Myanmar and Thailand


Zero self awareness of the actual evil hegemonic power. Orwellian speak again.


CNA, Please do not insult Singaporeans and Russians in Singapore with such a broadcast from a true bold-faced liar. He insults your channel.


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic slammed the world leaders for not listening and trying to solve issues at the 77th session of the UN General Assembly in New York.

"The seriousness of the present moment obliges me to share difficult but true words with you. Everything that we are doing today seems impotent and vague. Our words make a hollow and empty echo compared to the reality that we are facing.” Vucic said in his address at the UN General Assembly session.

“The reality is that no one listens to anyone, no one strives for real agreements and problem solving, and almost everyone cares only about their own interests, ” he added.

He said that Ukraine is not the first country but Serbia that was “invaded” on the soil of Europe since World War II.

"We will continue to advocate for consistent respect for the principle of the inviolability of borders, respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all other member states of the United Nations. Despite our position, many in this hall still have a problem with respect for the territorial integrity of Serbia. You wonder why? Because they possess the power and we are small and weak in their eyes. However, as you could hear, we still have the strength to speak the truth in this place, '' said Vucic.

He was referring to Kosovo's independence from Serbia in 2008, with most UN member states, including the US, UK, France, Germany, and Türkiye, recognizing it as a separate autonomous country from its neighbor.

Serbia continues to see Kosovo as its territory, while Russia and China are among the countries that have yet to recognize Kosovo’s independence.


Hes forgotten the war in vietnam, korea, syria, iraq, afghanistan ..etc 😁🤦
