Why Do Women Emasculate Men?

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*Disclaimer:* The views and perspectives on relationships that are expressed in my videos and courses are meant for women married to good men and good men who are experiencing relationship issues within a range of behaviors that are common and usual – what you might reasonably expect your neighbors or friends to be going through behind closed doors. My message is not for aggressive, violent, or compulsive behaviors in a marriage or relationship that are threatening or dangerous. If you are experiencing such behaviors and/or physical abuse, you should seek a licensed mental health professional who is trained in dealing with domestic abuse.

Karyn Seitz and The Happy Wife School are not engaged in the practice of psychotherapy, clinical counseling, or any medical practice. You should not interpret any part of my videos as traditional psychological, medical, or emotional therapy. Karyn Seitz is not a licensed health professional. You should seek help for any specific psychological, medical, or emotional problems with a mental health professional or qualified physician.
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My ex blames everything on her mother, but acts exactly like her. The second I pointed this out she left.


I showed a bunch of your shorts to my wife yesterday and she was triggered, said she hates you and now won't talk to me. Update: It's been 3 weeks. I was hoping she'd come around like Karyn said could happen, but she won't even watch again and keeps responding that she showed a Christian friend these videos and said there's something bad about this woman. Then insisted I don't sleep next to her. So I went to the living room and opened my bible for guidance and found Luke 6 :29 "...him that taketh away thy cloak forbid not to take thy coat also." So I slept in the shed last night and on the table to keep away from the smelly rats. I tell myself that my most valuable behaviour is to not be bothered about anything she throws at me, because I am not controllable, and that is how I put effort into the suffering of this sad pantomine. But we have one 9yo son and he and I adore each other, it would betray him if I left, and we'd all have to move out if I left.


I told my ex that she creates her own hell. She still can't recognize it.


My girlfriend was cheated on in a previous relationship. I loved her but she was hard work, jealousy etc. Trauma. 12 months in I snapped. Told her some man I never met is now effecting me - I don’t need the drama and I’m not responsible for your happiness. Get over it or I won’t be here. I walked off.

She worked on herself and it genuinely worked. Been together 20 years married 15, I cant believe how well it worked out. My advice is set clear boundaries with women. If they cross them, call it out immediately even if you feel it risks the relationship. Be brave.

Few years ago I was so busy with work and couldn’t get some house DIY jobs done. She nagged and complained, a few comments about not pulling my weight. I said I do my best, if you don’t like it there’s the door. She understood and apologised straight away. A gentle reminder of those boundaries required even after 20 years. We are incredibly happy. I’m very lucky.


This is why standing up for yourself is vital in a relationship.


Not just husbands.
My mom and older sister do this to me as well.
It's actually really annoying. And they're too stubborn to try and change the problems they cause to those close to them.


Hey my estranged wife became this horrible person. What felt like over night. She use to physically attack me on a regular basis for no real reason, make stuff up and tell people lies to embarrass me. She was having these affairs and when I discovered that, she asked me what I brought to the table. That day I kicked her out of my house, went no contact, and I cut her off financially and my support. It’s been 15 months. Today she is facing 18 months in jail for a second DWI, unlawfully weapons possession, and theft charges, and she is facing an additional 10 yrs for a felony evasion in a motor vehicle. That charge comes with a minimum of 2 yrs. In only 14 months without my support she will now be incarcerated for probation 3-5 yrs. Those men she was having affairs with are no where to be found. Now I ask, what did I bring to the table?


Women are soooo jealous of men and how confident we are that they try and tear us down to make themselves feel better... stay strong guys, know that you are the mountain and the wind and rain may wear you down, but won't destroy you


The problem is that 80-90% of women doesn't want to admit that they may be doing something wrong or that they are responsible for theirs own happiness.


I don't know how many women have their lives changed by this content, but it's A LOT of help for men and their mental stability.


Sometimes I don’t like how my mom treats my dad. They are both getting up there in age. My dad now has hearing aids. He told me the other day that when he hangs out with friends his friends purposely make eye contact with him when talking and raise their voice when necessary, so my dad can hear, knowing he has a limitation. He says my mom never does this and gets upset with him when he can’t hear her. I’ve witnessed this multiple times. It’s total bullshit


I've been the dutiful boyfriend, partner, and husband. But I've been emasculated by every woman that I've been loyal to. I did leave each time as it became clear that the irrational anger and disconnection came from somewhere else but would continue as long as I allowed it, I just didn't know where it was coming from. Thanks for teaching me. It's too late for me as my life is nearing it's end, but at least I can put it into it's proper place.


You can never change other people. You can only change the way you react to other people. Only other people can change themselves. This goes for everybody, male or female.


so many women out there always blame this n that to their husband, colleagues, their parents, the society n it's never their fault.
when we bring the truth to them they'll reject you because they won't face the truth that they're wrong


I've had a girl dump me the second I showed any vulnerability, which may I add was a borderline near death experience that landed me in ER. She told me she needed to leave and that she knows it's unfair, but she has to think for her self. Told her to go f her self and leave, which made her want to get back with me? Truly the gender of all time. I truly do not understand how they're wired in such a demented way, obviously I know some lovely women but a huge chunk of them are like this. Every single guy I know might not show they're empathetic and supportive but they genuinely are so much more caring than women, it's like the second you can't provide them with something; whether that's just you being funny never mind money they'll dispose of you. Then you look at the statistics and yea, women really are the heartless ones. Thank God for the boys, we might insult each other but at least we can feel love


*THIS IS A PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: This is a battlefront, and men must acknowledge it as such. Women who embody the tenants of feminism are the adversaries. No straddling the fence. You either a feminist or not. Refusing to impregnate her strips away her power over you. The modern feminist endeavor has failed, leading to a shift in strategy. Presently, proponents are adapting by upholding the ideals central to feminism but avoiding the explicit use of the term. As Western governments gradually dismantle the bureaucratic support systems that enabled women to challenge traditional marital norms, leaders within the feminist movement seem to be strategically employing language to guide young women towards seeking financial stability from a partner without overtly expressing the need for a man. Their discourse often centers on the desire for financial security, avoiding explicit mentions of wanting a contented marriage or acknowledging a need for a man's support.*


Didn't get out of the church parking lot before the wife said Adam should have stopped Eve from eating the forbidden fruit. I said, "How do you know he didn't try and heard you aren't listening. I know I'm right?" Wives who demand to be their own authority have no business blaming anyone else for their problems.


Yes totally agree. That is why when become single you find peace and surprised how much time left to rest and doing things you get a smile
On the face


How much of this is nature and how much is nurture? I can't escape the thought that as young girls grow up, they largely band together and keep each other in a rather toxic bubble from a very young age. Women spend all their lives protecting their reputation and status against gossip and other social engineering from their peers.


My wife can neither offer forgiveness nor ask for forgiveness. She recalls things from decades ago that I have already apologized for many many times. She recalls things that haven't happened yet ... And gives me heck for what I might have done. She never asks for forgiveness even when I show her with accuracy how she has hurt me deeply.
It's like I talk to concrete.
