Stop Emasculating Your Man

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Stop Emasculating Your Man. Ladies, it's our fault as to why our men aren't stepping up.

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I’m Nathalie, a YouTuber, educational mentor/teacher, traveler, singer, dancer, actor and business developer in the US. I make videos that explore the strategies and tools that help us live freer, happier, healthier and more productive lives while getting RESULTS!


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Spot on! The algorithm put your video in my feed. As a coach for men I can say your insights for women on this matter are pure gold. Thank you for your contribution to this very nuanced and often challenging conversation. :)


She asks me to make plans for things we can do as a family, I make plans, and then she says those plans are worthless and refuses to do them. Then when next time I fail to take initiative, she complains that I am not taking initiative.


Hi Nathalie. I am a 73 year old woman. I know this video is a year old but I just found it. It is so refreshing to hear a young lady like yourself giving such sage advice. I think a lot of young ladies today are too in touch with their masculine side when men absolutely love the feminine side. They want to be the hunters and the protectors. When I am out and about, I see men opening doors for young ladies, and they get all huffy about it because they can do it themselves. I think we need to bring femininity back in to relationships. I stayed home for 16 years to raise my kids because my husband made that possible. I did go back to work and become a financial controller. When I walked through the doors, I left that behind and became my feminine self. I was not one of those ladies who, in the opinion of this generation, thinks we were barefoot and pregnant. Women can be successful and still be loving and respectful to their husbands.


If you provide overwhelmingly negative comments whenever your man does anything, why would you expect him to keep doing it?


This is all I’ve noticed when you step up : “you’re controlling. Abusive. Toxic”

They aren’t happy with the simp. Aren’t happy with the masculine man ( unless he’s giga Chad )


You know, I would add that's not only looks like «mothering», but more like blend of «mothering» & «spoiled little girl syndrome». Like acting like a mother and at the same time playing the «do what I want card», but in a spoiled little girl manner.


I've had six girlfriends in my life and I left them all because they accused me of not stepping up. Today I'm a single 42-year-old man with a beautiful Bengal cat who loves me for who I am.


Many men out there build their whole lives around the prospect of finding a wife that meets their needs/wants. Motivation falls off when the search stops after 40. I've been looking for 20 years myself. Now I am done looking. Happiness with yourself has limits. People need people. Me, like many men, do not have a solid woman in the background. My grandmother was the last generation. My mother was a spoiled single child. Still acts entitled at like 70 years old. So sad. My Mother has the mental capacity of a 16 year old.


This woman is 100% right everything she saying is true and you wonder why men are giving up on women here in the US in other countries also we are sick and tired of being treated like s*** by women that we are never good enough is their way or no way


6:00 Correct answer, women don't really give a shit, again if they hear about any problems at work, that'll make them run too. Better off always saying "everything is going well".


I watched your video with skepticism, however I found you made a lot of points, some of which I have experienced in my marriage . Let me start by saying I just ended a 27 year marriage with my wife who decided to leave me. I let her go. The big problem with the relationship was I always felt emasculated. She always wanted to call the shots. Anything I said or did was wrong. She refused to let me lead. I had no say in the finances, so I stopped trying to advance myself. She complained about back problems, so I worked a side job to buy her a sleep number bed. She refused to sleep in it. Instead she slept on the sofa. We stopped having sex. Crazy right? She expressed her dissatisfaction through hoarding. Yes, the house gradually became packed with shit. She would constantly buy junk on sale. It got to the point where there were few places to sit or sleep in the house. I thought most of the time she was married to her junk not me. I was being replaced by junk. It came to a head when I expressed my concern to a family member about her hoarding. It came back to her and she became very angry and felt betrayed. I told her she needed help, but she refused to admit she had a problem. Every time I threw something out she would take it out of the trash. I was drowning in a house that was falling apart. The irony is I'm a kitchen designer who designs space in homes for a living and I couldn't do it in my own home. She told me she wanted a divorce after 27 years. I spent over half of my life with her. We had all of our money in the house with only 7 yrs left on the mortgage. I wanted to keep the house so I refi'ed and I gave her half. I hauled away 6 dumpsters of junk just to clean out the house. Now I have repairs to do. I can do them b/c home repair is my thing. Long story, I did not lead in the relationship and I feel guilty for not stepping up and putting her in her place even though she refused to give up control. It was my job to be the man, the rational one to keep her in check and protect her from herself. I failed. I now know my shortcomings and what I need to work on IF I decide to get in another relationship. Probably not marry again as I can't afford to go through this shit again with another controlling modern woman. Men, don't let her try to control and manipulate you. If she won't let you lead kick her to the curb. You are better off single. Women are expensive especially when they work against your goals that hopefully help both of you.


When a women requires obedience in the relationship and is very bossy, it takes its tool on me. Some men are looking for a mommy and other men find that to be repulsive. He can't lead if you refuse to let him lead. Even if a women wants equality in a relationship, she can't get that if she is bossing him around all of the time.


I recall one Christian Scholar stating that: "History belongs to the Intercessor".
So, I definitely agree with the Power Of Prayer!


Wow! I never realize that God changes me, when I pray for someone else. And it makes so much sense. Because when I pray for someone else, I'm exercising my relationship with HIM. That consequently opens room for him to be in my life. Great insight! Thank you!


Ok, didn’t watch this till the end. Religion may work for you, but I advise not to delegate relationship matters to a higher power. Coming from a European agnostic angle here


I call those types of people injustice collectors. They love keeping a list of all the things they think someone did ''wrong'' and bringing it up whenever possible. 5:23


when you open the door to darkness in your relationship expect a long torture ride of pain and criticism ..what opened the door? sex, money, expectations, bad prior relationship baggage's hard to do the right thing because doing the right thing is takes a discipline that does not give relief but strength and foundation. the hardest thing youll ever do is be emotionally compatable ..why is it so hard? because you have to give. u have to compromise, u have to shae, you have to love, you havce to grow. God allows for a man and a woman to become one because he knows its the need of humans to love and be loved. but love is a growing tool


Good evening, Nathalie! I want to commend you for a great video. A lot of men have not gained confidence and leadership because they did not develop skills and communication through sports and vocations. In addition, people that try to control other people are not in control of their own self. This video is powerful because men are out in the world being destroyed by other men. Meanwhile, women have been socialized that strength comes from ordering people around. For me, your videos eliminated destructive people which criticized me at any chance. I use positive texts and prayers for my friend. It starts with encouraging those that care about us. It is a great video, Nathalie!


Genesis‬ ‭3‬:‭16‬ New English Translation
To the woman he said, “I will greatly increase your labor pains; with pain you will give birth to children. You will want to control your husband, but he will dominate you.”


About time. I just turn off and agree. With what i have no idea. Anyone male or female tries to think for me are stepping on thin ice. I’ll just switch off permanently. Why I’m single i have a life.
