35mm Film vs. Digital // A photography comparison

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Come right along as we test the hot debate of Film vs. Digital photography! In this video I go around town with my Yashica FX-D 35mm loaded with some Kodak ProImage 100 film and my Canon 7D digital camera, shooting the same images with the same settings on both to compare the results and see which one is truly better. Spoiler: it doesn't matter shoot with whatever you want. ;)


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Digital shows how things are, film shows how things feel.


Film, for me, is deffinitally better for like people and sometimes nature depending on what part of the world your in. Digital is 1000x more practical, inexpensive, and can be easily messed with.


Photos From Film Really feel like a moment or Dream captured from the past


Bro you’re not toxic like other utubers. I mean other utubers firstly spoke a lot of nonsense words and all making the video longer and don’t got direct to the point. But u my guy🔥 you’re an absolute utuber. God bless u🙌🙏. I can know u have a very good heart as well🖤


There is something that i cant pin point but makes film photos look much more lively and better even with simple shots


even your digital looks like film... woww 😍


Great comparison video, Chris. Love that film and digital bring two different feels to the image! :) Subbed.


4:44 that straight up looks like a movie poster, there's just something so pleasent about film


Thank you! Someone finally used good film as a comparison. It is either chemistry or a computer that interprets what you were looking at. Choose what works best for you and keep taking photographs.


Film camera just has that Nostalgic tone.


Thank you! I was looking for something like this, but YouTube is full of people saying “fiLm hAs sOul aNd diGiTaL doESn, t”. A direct comparison like this is perfect :) is there any way we can see the pics in full/high res?


Of course, it will always depend on the quality of the lenses and camera and actual 'subject'. Colors can look amazing on film but this shows up only on some photos with high contrast and rich colors. On most other photos, a digital may actually look better as film needs the right light and contrast to produce beautiful results. Myself I just prefer looking at my old film photographs when I'm nostalgic for that look, then use a digital camera. Speaking of film colors, I think some Pentax lens could capture amazingly rich colors when there was a strong contrast in the image. If you like stronger color in a film, go for the Kodak UltraMax 400, if you rather like sharper photos with a pleasant color use Kodak Ektar 100. The Kodak Gold 200 looks rather dull to me. Also most important is the Photo Lab that will develop your photos. Most labs today will process the film chemically then scan it to digital and use a printer. If the technician is skilled, you will get good colors. If it a careless random guy, you won't get good results. Final tip: 95% of digital or films photos on internet have been digitally enhanced using various editing software. If you want to find a real photo from a camera, look for the photos taken by tourists that don't pay much attention to the subject.


What a nice and chill dude you are! Love the Pics aswell.


I love both and already know that, but cruising YouTube in my spare time. So nice to stumble on a relaxing and positive video like this! Subbed for sure


I feel like digital photography paints its own version of a photo, whereas film captures as it is in a artsy way, it's got a special feel to it, Placebo.?? Maybe


Film has better dynamic range and contrast but the video camera looked the best in this video.


Right off the bat beautiful set up and lighting on your vlogging camera. The film camera seems to bring a touch of coolness to the pictures nd seems to smoothen things as well. Awesome


As much as I truly love digital ... I think I prefer film.
Too bad I sold all of my film equipment a few years ago.
The only problem ... ? The constant expense of film and processing, and the complications of how / where to store it all.
It can be hard enough to get the very best of results with film, but it can be even more complicated to do the same with digital. And if all you shoot is RAW then you'll be spending every spare minute in front of your computer monitor with a bunch of Photoshop buttons to push.
BUT ... ? I seriously believe that far better results can be achieved with the right medium format camera or larger, the best film and processing, and the best lenses for film. Yeah, what's best for each medium can actually be slightly different. I'd be satisfied 99% of the time with medium format Fuji film and processing, a 160 speed or maybe a 400 speed film, and my old Mamiya 6 square format medium format camera.


for those who are still confuse

Digital is better because it will always try to give you a accurate color photos because it is built for that each single pixel gives a data of 0 and 1s etc through which they create a Digital color photo through RGB where
Film shows the real image without any extra touch up or nonsense it directly capture the same amount of photons that are traveling in light which makes the photo feel so real and alive that's why film reels are still used for film making like IMAX cameras they use film reels not digital cameras , not saying digital is not good but in simple words.

Digital = beautiful photos
Film = Real photos


It's actually better showing those with less talk, cuz we have our own taste and interpretations.
