Israel and the Church

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Father Josiah Trenham
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Lecture Titles:

Jesus and the One God
How Does Jesus Relate to God?
Who Do People Say That I Am? (Part 1)
Who Do People Say That I Am? (Part 2)
Understanding Our Being in Regards to the Holy Trinity.
The Trinity and the Filioque.
Human Life in Imitation of God.
Living the Divine Life in This World.
If You Want to Be Saved.
Iconography Regarding the Trinity.

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St. Paul goes to Damascus to persecute Christians then instead meets Christ on his way and became a pillar in Christianity. What a miracle!!!


☦ Господе Исусе Христе Сине Божији помилуј нас грешне ☦


At 1:30, " there is enough grace in Holy Week to support the whole year."
I believe that. ☦💝📿💝☦


Good talk. Everyone else, Orthodox or not, please stop arguing online. Don't feed the trolls, and pray for the sincerely curious to find a local priest. People are giving and getting pat 2-3 sentence answers to questions that should be discussed for hours or days (or a lifetime?), hopefully over coffee, with a real flesh and blood person who cares about you. Orthodoxy is an incarnational faith!


I pray you stay safe preaching this message . You tube nowadays could. Flag this as hates speech the way that they are behaving right now


Excellent Father, thank you.

Glory to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit now and forever and to the ages of ages. Amen.


I love that this started with Fr. Josiah saying there was enough grace in Holy Week to fill us for rest of the year. I was walking into church with a friend on the last Friday of lent and she commented on how Holy Week was like a spiritual recharge to get us through to the next Holy Week and I totally agreed with her. The year for me doesn’t really start till the Feast of the Resurrection.


There is enough grace in the finished work of Christ thru his birth death burial and resurrection to last eternity.


Christ is risen! Fr. Josiah doesn't mince words. I appreciate his candor in talking about this issue. Catering to Jewish sensibilities does them a disservice in regard to their salvation. By God's grace, may all the lost sheep come back into the fold.




God bless you Fr. Josiah! Keep the fast this Holy Week brethren.


Great implications for our lives in this message Fr. Josiah, but would love to hear also the message of hope for Israel (the ethnic Israel) in Rom 11, that the natural branches can (and will) so much easier be grafted back again to there own tree. This is also in line with the writings and comments of many church fathers on this chapter, for example John Chysostomos who expected a blessing upon Israel in the last days.


I admire you for believing in Orthodoxy.


Wonderful sermon, Fr. Josiah. Thank you.


Jesus didn’t have an axe to grind at all against Rome, because being God in the flesh he foresaw that Rome in the early 300s AD was going to recognize Christianity for the whole Empire. Yes, Jesus came to save every human but especially also to fulfill the Old Testament prophecies as to the Messiah, to give the Israelites ( the chosen people) another chance to live up to the promises and commands of God. In the 2000 years that passed, on balance Christianity arose from its origins in the Holy Land and spread magnificently into all of Europe, the New World (Americas) and to various degrees into Africa, Asia, Australia, the Philippines, and even Hindu India.
I have often pondered “what if” Islam, a made made cult, wasn’t invented in the 600s AD didn’t occur, then no doubt Christianity would be even more widespread and prevalent in the current Islamic nations. However, I fully trust in the Holy Trinity that Christianity will indeed ultimately prevail and take strong “grafting” in all the nations in this world. Islam is a House of Cards that is bound to fall as modern honest researchers and scholars are revealing to the world that this Arabian centric religion growing out of paganism and polytheists isn’t true. Make no mistake about it the Holy Trinity, our triune God, has a divine plan and is in total control of earth whether or not it is visible or understandable. Because Jesus came to change dramatically Jews and graft the gentiles, Jesus can easily also through mysteries to us Christians vanquish the grip other religions have upon their peoples and nations. Christianity was meant starting 2000 years ago to become the one and true salvation religion for all nations and peoples. This Holy Week offers hope and inspiration that indeed Christianity will prevail everywhere on earth as the magnificent and perfect divine plan, as mysterious it seems to be to us mortals, is in progress and fruition to the end times with the second coming. Hence, “Trust” in this divine plan.


When we read the Holy Scripture we should always put ourselves in the shoes of those who turned on Christ and Crucified Him.


Really enjoy these offerings. They are deep, and making me think...alot. Thank you. Please, if you would, pray for God's hand of direction on me. Amen.


Our Lord has a face like flint. Thank you Fr Josiah.


17:52 Never lean on your lineage.... I had an uncle who was a Catholic Bishop and as much I looked up to him I know my own in Jesus is what brings salvation.


We must pray for the people of Israel to accept Jesus and be saved !