Epithelial Tissues #4 Class 9 Science| CBSE 9th Biology

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Humans have specialised cells called muscle cells. The contraction and relaxation of cells result in movement. Blood and muscles are both examples of tissues found in our body. On the basis of the functions there are different types of animal tissues such as epithelial tissue, connective tissue, muscular tissue and nervous tissue. The covering or protective tissues in the animal body are epithelial tissues. Epithelium covers most organs and cavities within the body. In this video, we will cover:
1. Introduction to animal tissues
2. Types of animal tissues
3. Epithelial tissues
4. Examples of epithelial tissues
5. Functions of epithelial tissues
6. Structure of Epithelial tissues
7. Where do we find epithelial tissue
8. Chapter 6 Tissues Class 9
9. Tissues Class 9 Science
10. Epithelial tissues arise from
11. Epithelial tissues Class 9
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