How I made an AR Game in 24h (Unity + Lightship)

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Thanks for watching my journey. I want to build the most exciting AR Experiences including Games, Movies and usefull Apps. My background is mainly in 2D / 3D Animation using Blender and After Effects, but I always loved the idea auf Augmented Reality. Furthemore I liked to code. So in late 2022 I decided to learn Unity and get deeper into AR Software Development. Let's see how far we can come :)

I challenged myself to make an AR App within 24 hours. As I’m working a day job currently, I worked for 6 days, 4 hours
each day and tried to get a nice prototype working. The AR Game is called humming Havoc and turned out to be great fun.

Here are all the links:

Unity (Free) :

Lightship (Free, Sign In):

Tutorial on the Input System:

Spawn on Mesh Script

If you like my tutorials and videos on XR, you can support me here:

Assets (Free and Paid)*

POLYGON Nature - Low Poly 3D Art by Synty

Cute Hummingbird

Toon Fx / Particle Effect

Joystick Pack - Free

Shadow Receiver - Free

Shadow Receiver URP (AR) - Paid

Terrain To Mesh

Terrain Rotator

Malbers Animations: Poly Art: Animal Forest Set


*The given links are part of Unitys affiliate program
Note: Some of the images and graphics used are from FreePik. I own the rights / premium license to use those graphics.
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Thanks so much for creating such great content. My husband is getting into game development and has inspired me to also learn. As a woman with no tech experience it’s intimidating, so I really love how detailed you make your videos and all your insight on something that is making its way in popularity !! God bless!


Awesome video, thank you for making it 👍🏻 I am just getting started with Unity and AR development to create an idea I had last year. It’s pretty complex so I’m hunting down any info I can find.

Again, thanks for the video!


Hey man! I love your content, thanks for sharing! I would like to ask you, as a knowledgeable person in the AR industry, what are your thoughts about the future of Native AR development, given what's happening with Unity? Do you think there's any other engine like Unity, such as Unreal or Godot, that could be good or potentially good in the future? Thanks for your time!


Weridly the site you linked the do not have the lightship hub download anymore :/


Your videos are very helpful! Thank you so much for helping us. I was doing final year project for my college graduation and it is AR game in the Unity for AR glasses. However recently was experiencing difficulties with game logic. In our current prototype we could program our AR app to scan bar codes and transform them into 3D shapes in the app. Now our main struggle is to make our app recognize if those 3D shapes were put in the correct order. We were trying to write codes on C# for this function, however couldn't progress much. I was wondering if there any helpful resources you could refer me to since I couldn't find much videos related to this question. Thank you so much once again! 🙏


Hi, amazing video! Could you make a step-by-step tutorial on how to create this AR Game you just did on this video? I've been having a hard time finding comprehensive tutorials specifically focused on AR game development. Thanks!


Hello teacher, your video is very nice, thank you. But I couldn't find the lightship hub file in the resources section of the light ship site. We would be happy if you help.


Hi! I have checked the SpawnOnMesh Script it doesn't to be working in ARDK 3, would you mind direct me to certain documentation where is it actually explain for the recent version?


Whole video was amazing, i started gain interest so I started making the same project as yours but some assets are paid so can make one using some free assets and step by step guide because its so hard to keep up with you and i m not getting the input part too from the provided video link.Please


video was really great but i cant find the lightship hub anywhere !!??


Hi, I'm learning from your video content recently, but I'm having trouble with controlling the birds and linking the UI. Could you please share the source code with me to learn?


Hie!! Amazing video!
Can you provide source code for this ?
If not then can you give step by step tutorial for the same as I am a noobie so.


Hlo buddy
its like i almost keep up with u i creted the plant on the ground and in separate project I make a dragon and its control now I am stuck can u provide source code because I know u are busy by watching most of the video I get to know that why I am asking for source code or its up to u
if can provide with a step by step tutorial then it will be amazing out of nowhere.


Hi ! Thanks for sharing ! Is it possible to make it multiplayer?


Awesome work! It sometimes feels like AR is a suppressed search term.
