3 Times Darth Vader Nearly Died #starwars

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Here are three times Darth Vader nearly died.
#darthvader #3times #sith #jedi #darthsidious #starwarslore

Free Ryloth Movement (Lords of the Sith)
Led by Cham Syndulla, the Free Ryloth Movement orchestrated an elaborate plan to assassinate Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine. The Sith barely escaped the attack on their Star Destroyer before crashing on Ryloth, where they faced Twi’lek rebels and swarms of insectoid predators known as lyleks.

Jocasta Nu (Darth Vader 2017 #9-10)
After surviving Order 66, Jocasta Nu returned to the Jedi Temple to collect artifacts and preserve the Jedi Order's legacy. While pursued by Vader through the Temple, Nu assembled an ancient lightsaber-powered rifle. Barely surviving two devastating blasts, Vader managed to capture Jocasta when the weapon malfunctioned, melting her lightsaber.

Finding Exegol (Darth Vader 2020 #10)
Learning that Palpatine held secrets on Exegol, Vader obtained a Sith wayfinder and traveled to the Red Honeycomb Zone to enter the Unknown Regions. Confronted by a giant Summa-verminoth, Vader was attacked by Sly Moore and a fleet of Star Destroyers. Choosing to face the verminoth's psychic assaults, Vader barely retained his sanity before crashing on the Sith world.
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The weapon didn't malfunction. It was just so powerful that a cyber crystal would be melted after 2 uses.


KyloRen went to exigol and didn't fight any monster that's weird


What about the guy he got his lightsaber red from
