The Java ExecutorService Interface (Parts 1, 2, and 3)

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This video gives an overview of the structure and functionality of the Java Executor Service interface, as well as the key capabilities of the Java ThreadPoolExecutor implementation of this interface.
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0:20 overview of ExecutorService
0:24 extends Executor to submit tasks
1:03 analogy of Future
1:47 ExecutorService relies on bunch of things
2:06 Runnable
2:16 Callable
2:44 we typically use Callable to run task asynchronously
3:36 under the hood, Callable implements the Active Object pattern
4:34 Future
5:43 analogy: Wendy's
5:49 they will take your order, then rather having you waiting in the queue synchronously (block), they will go off and cook your meal
6:12 you get a table tent number, then go off and do anything you want, 6:21 then when the food is ready, there is a couple different ways to get it
7:27 can be canceled, tested to see if task is done
8:10 Other Future variants implement ExecutorService
8:20 FutureTask
8:36 RunnableFuture
9:04 CompletableFuture
10:15 part 2
10:28 the ExecutorService can execute individual tasks
10:34 you can execute a Runnable by using execute()
10:51 submit
11:12 support "synchronous future" processing model
11:31 Future.get() blocks until task completed successfully
12:04 ExecutorService can also execute group of tasks – invoke
12:32 both invokeAll and invokeAny are squirelly in that they actually *block until done* => a bit non-intuitive
13:19 invokeAll
13:40 invokeAny
14:24 how to shut things down
14:35 control the life cycle of the ExecutorService per se
14:45 shutdown provides an *"orderly shutdown"* that completes existing tasks
15:02 question: why don't we want to just put the battery out of a laptop
15:12 there are some states in memory that has been flushed to persistent backing store (database)
16:05 shutdownNow
16:21 if there are tasks not run yet,
16:34 ExecutorService can query ExecutorService instance to see what status in
16:42 boolean isShutdown()
16:47 boolean isTerminated()
16:56 awaitTermination() - block until all tasks complete
17:17 analogy - think of it as a barrier synchronizer
17:40 part 3: 17:43 How the ThreadPoolExecutor implements ExecutorService
17:55 ThreadPoolExecutor implements ExecutorService indirectly via AbstractExecutorService sub-class
18:49 What ThreadPoolExecutor does internally 18:51 it has a blocking queue that keeps track of tasks passed to the ThreadPoolExecutor
19:22 the queue type can be strategized
19:35 SynchronousQueue - 19:38 support direct handoff
19:57 benefit: avoid deadlock
20:01 downside: you can create a lot of threads
