Все публикации

Implementing Closures with Java Lambda Expressions

Using Java Lambda Expressions Correctly & Efficiently

Concurrent Object-Oriented and Functional Programming with Java & Android: Course Overview (Part 1)

Applying ChatGPT to Computer Science Courses at Vanderbilt University

Walkthrough of Assignment 2A

Using ChatGPT to Generate a Retrofit API Client Automatically

Applying ChatGPT to Understand Java Code and Rewrite It in Different Programming Paradigms

Overview of Java Structured Concurrency

Applying Java Platform Threads & Virtual Threads: Case Study ex1

Java Platform Threads vs. Virtual Threads (Part 1)

Overview of Spring and Sprint Boot

CS 891: Scalable Microservices: Overview (Part 2)

CS 891: Scalable Microservices: Overview (Part 1)

Walkthrough of Assignment 1A for CS 891

Overview of Java Structured Concurrency

Java Platform Threads vs. Virtual Threads

Exploring Java Fork-Join Framework Programming Models (Part 1)

Comparing the Overview of Blocking vs. Non-Blocking with the Java Completable Futures framework.

Overview of the Java Reactive Streams API

Overview of Java: Key Functional Programming Concepts & Features – Immutable Objects

Combining Object-Oriented & Functional Programming in Java (Part 2)

Combining Object-Oriented & Functional Programming in Java (Part 1)

Overview of Java: Key Functional Programming Concepts & Features – Avoiding Side-Effects

Overview of Java: Key Functional Programming Concepts & Features -- Case Study ex1