Doctor explains Ca 19-9 blood test used in PANCREATIC CANCER | LAB TESTS explained

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In this video Doctor O'Donovan explains the Ca 19-9 lab test including 1. What Ca 19-9 is 2. Why the test is used 3. What the result of the test might mean.

Cancer antigen 19-9 (CA 19-9) is a protein that exists on the surface of certain cells. CA 19-9 does not cause cancer; rather, it is a protein that is produced by the tumour cells, making it useful as a tumour marker to follow the course of the cancer.

CA 19-9 is elevated in most patients with advanced pancreatic cancer, but it may also be elevated in other cancers and diseases such as bowel cancer, lung cancer and gall bladder cancer, as well as in benign diseases such as gall stones, pancreatitis, cystic fibrosis, and liver disease. Because elevated levels of CA 19-9 are seen in many diseases, elevated levels do not necessary mean the presence of pancreatic cancer. Very small amounts of CA19-9 may also be found in healthy patients

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My mom recently passed from pancreatic cancer four months after being diagnosed. A later came from genetic that she had BRCA II and I tested positive as well. I’m here because one of my test came back in the 40s which is considered high….


I have multiple IPMN cysts on my pancreas. Fortunately, my CA19-9 levels are always well within normal limits. (Last reading was 13) I still get a CTscan every six months to play it safe. So far so good.


Can you please tell us some common CA-19 numbers from pancreatic stage 4 patients at or near death? My 87 year old grandfather has stage 4 pancreas cancer, his CA-19 number was around 2, 000 a few months ago, and is now over 5, 000. It appears to be growing 1k every month. I'm just wondering how long he might have to live.


Hello doctor, thank you for the information. Just wondering; how common is it for the antigen 19-9 levels to drop, even though the pancreatic tumor continues to grow? In these cases, what could be the factors contribhtig to the contradiction?


I have all the symptoms except jaundice (i don't know, im black) i have had extreme stomach aches since i was 9, im now 37. My GP ordered ca19-9 as im diabetic lost lots of weight, im constantly tired, and have no appetite.


I am 30 years old, no problems with my organs just HP gastritis and weight loss. I have CA 19-9 elevated to 50, should I be concerned?


I am 43 years old and I don’t have no symptoms but my numbers the first test was 39 and the week later was 37 but I don’t have none of the symptoms now I have to test myself maybe every week or once a month for this test


Dr.. I had asked a while ago about the blood tests Involving the breast implant cancer. That is called BIA- ALCU. This turns into a large call lymphoma . I looked for this and have not seen it. Could you please speak to this . As many people are being ignored thank you very much for your time


72 old female C19-9 12000 WITH CEA 110 WITH OCCULT BLOOD IN STOOL WITH EPIGASTRIC DULL PAIN & dyspepsia & MILD ANOREXIA in hypothyroid disease.mostly hashimoto disease....what do u think all of this means?


Antigène Carcino-Embryonnaire (ACE) 5, 8 ng/mL

Antigène CA19_9
32, 3 U/mL. It’s normal


My Father CA Tast Report 501.4 Thin Cancer How this % of Cancer


For how long after a 5 year surveillance period should surveillance continue?


Doc my mother have large cyst on the Liver and also have mild cirrhosis that is the result of her CT scan. The result of her CA 19-9 7.76U/mL and AFP 2.45ng/ML., , , Is it normal?, , ,


If you have a lack of Lewis expression of blood type, one will be negative for Ca19-9. I have an Anti Lewis A1C and my Ca19-9 was negative. It should of been Positive.


My mom's levels have risen after 4 of her treatments is that cause for concern or do we wait for the scan


Thanks my mum blood test indicated high level of CA19-19 they actually diagnosed with thyroid and she take some medication can this cause the level go up she has as well lungs fibrosis which currently in control . Thanks 🙏🏽


Sir, what to be understood if ca 19-9 level is reduced after treatment?
Does that mean the health condition is improving??


If i take the test what are normal range numbers?


CA 19-9 pancreas test result 9.22 is this normal sir?


Hello sir, thanks for the explanation, one more question.. I want to contact you personally, is there any way out.
